
Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural Products

ISSN: 2472-0992

Open Access

Current Issue

Volume 7, Issue 1 (2021)

    Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

    Substitute Inebriant for Pharmaceutical Analysis

    John Andreus

    The analytical methods of greening have gained rising interest in the field of pharmaceuticals to improve the health safety of analysts and to decrease environmental impacts. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) is the most widely used analytical technique in pharmaceutical drug development and manufacturing such as the quality control of bulk drugs and pharmaceutical formulations, along with the analysis of drugs in biological samples. However, RP-HPLC methods commonly use large amounts of organic solvents and generate high quantities of waste to be disposed of, leading to some issues in terms of ecological impact and operator safety. In these contents, greening HPLC methods is becoming highly desirable. One strategy to reduce the impact of hazardous solvents is to replace classically used organic solvents with greener ones. As yet, ethanol has been the most often used alternative organic solvent.

    Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

    Medicinal Plants as Therapeutic Options for Topical Treatment in Canine Dermatology

    Nourdine Cheikh

    Medical plants have been utilized customarily since hundreds of years for wound consideration and treatment of skin illnesses both in human and creatures. Skin sicknesses are perhaps the most well-known purposes behind proprietors to take their canine to the veterinarian. The requests for treatment and prophylaxis of these sicknesses are wide. A wide scope of microscopic organisms including anti-toxin safe microorganisms can be included, making the treatment testing and bear an anthropo-zoonotic potential. The point of this survey is to methodicallly assess dependent on late logical writing, the capability of four restorative plants to advance the helpful alternatives in pyoderma, canine atopic dermatitis, otitis externa, wounds and dermatophytosis in canines.
                     Skin infections are perhaps the most widely recognized explanations behind proprietors to take their canine to the veterinarian. Canine skin illnesses incorporate bacterial skin contaminations, excessive touchiness problems, canine atopic dermatitis (CAD), food antagonistic responses, otitis externa, wounds, dermatophytosis, neoplasia and parasitic pervasions ; a scope of infections with different etiologies and manifestations and hence assorted requests for treatment.

    Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

    An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used in the East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea

    Kutan Ahorangi

    Therapeutic plant use between four unmistakable lingo study regions in the ES Province of PNG indicated that solitary a little part of plants had shared use in every territory, anyway generally using distinctive plant parts, being readied diversely and to treat distinctive ailments. A few occurrences of already unreported therapeutic plants could be found. Therapeutically under-and over-used plants were discovered both in the provincial reports and in a transregional examination, in this way demonstrating that these restorative usage frequencies contrast between regions. As a rule, when various names for similar species were discovered, we endeavored to coordinate plant family names to the PNG Plant Database variants to consider quantitative examination. Plant families which are considered abused have a substandard tenable stretch that lies over the predominant trustworthy span for the local complete information. Plant families that are considerend underused have a prevalent sound stretch underneath the second rate believable time period provincial complete informational collection dispersion. In any case, among the plants distinguished to species level, just four species were accounted for in each overview: Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br, Cassia alata L, Passiflora foetida L, and Zingiber officianale Roscoe. This unmistakably infers an otherworldly/enchanted association of plant and patient. Conventional review of the data assembled yielded data about plants not broadly utilized, inadequately clarified or utilized for unexpected infirmities in comparison to those in districts where utilization of the plant is more normal.

    Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

    Tragia Species Ability for a Pharmacological Purpose

    Madeline Evens

    In the new situation of arising illnesses and worldwide pandemic, botanicals are acquiring enormous prominence. Plants fill in as source components and supplements for boosting resistance just as medication atoms. A portion of these plants is appealing as a result of their shading, fragrance, propensity, or natural job. A couple of plants are stinging too. Stinging plants are stinging, a versatile methodology developed in plants against herbivores. The purpose behind stinging is a compound response. It has a trichome that demonstrations like a hypodermic needle. Once reached the trichome breaks and deliveries the poisons like shellsol and calcium oxalate prompting tingling, agony, and aggravation for a few days. Along these lines stinging plants will be a treasury of important auxiliary metabolites. Tragia sort is generally celebrated for its stinging movement. T. involucrata is the most examined types of the family.

    Editorial Pages: 1 - 2

    Discovery and Resupply of Pharmacologically Active Plant-Derived Natural Products

    Zoya Genet

    Medical plants have verifiably demonstrated their incentive as a wellspring of atoms with remedial potential, these days actually address a significant pool for the ID of novel medication leads. In the previous many years, drug industry zeroed in predominantly on libraries of manufactured mixtures as medication disclosure source. They are equivalently simple to deliver and resupply, and show great similarity with set up high throughput screening (HTS) stages. Notwithstanding, simultaneously there has been a declining pattern in the quantity of new medications arriving at the market, bringing restored logical premium up in medication disclosure from normal sources, regardless of its known difficulties. In this study, a concise framework of chronicled advancement is given together a far reaching outline of utilized methodologies and ongoing improvements pertinent to plant-determined regular item drug disclosure. While the inborn intricacy of common item based medication disclosure requires profoundly coordinated interdisciplinary methodologies, the surveyed logical turns of events, late innovative advances, and exploration drifts unmistakably demonstrate that normal items will be among the main wellsprings of new medications additionally later on.

    Volume 7, Issue 2 (2021)

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 2

      Therapeutic Potential and Phytoconstituents of Allium cepa Linn

      Irene Adriano

      In the present scenario,  herbal medicines have gained global importance with both medicinal and economic implications. Widespread use of herbs all over the world has raised serious concerns over their quality, safety, and efficacy. Thus, accurate scientific assessment has become a prerequisite for the acceptance of health claims. Onion (Allium cepa Linn.) is a member of the genus Allium, is the second utmost important horticulture crop all over the world. It is used as an important source of phytoconstituents and food flavor. Onions are the richest sources of flavonoids and organosulphur compounds. They possess a high level of antioxidant activity attributable to flavonoids quercetin,  kaempferol,  myricetin;  pigments such as anthocyanins,  and organosulphur compounds.  The most important among the sulphur compounds are the cysteine derivatives non-volatile  S-amino acids,  S-alk(en)yl-substituted cysteine sulphoxides, and their decomposition products such as thiosulfinates and polysulfides. 

      Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

      Phytoestrogens in Postmenopausal Indications: A Theoretical Perspective

      Nouran Ahmad

      The estrogen, androgen, and progesterone receptors, individuals from the atomic receptor (NRs) superfamily, go about as atomic vehicle proteins, cell cycle parts, and record factors. Most cell activities of sex steroid chemicals are intervened through restricting to atomic receptors that go about as ligand-inducible record factors. Estrogen assumes a significant part in the development, separation, and capacity of numerous real targets, including the female and male conceptive frameworks. Estrogen likewise has an assortment of pharmacologic capacities, Estrogens (particularly estradiol) draw out the female attributes, control regenerative cycles and pregnancy, impact skin, resistance, support of bone mass, cardiovascular security, and mind protection. Estrogen lack during menopause can prompt danger for some medical conditions, like resting messes, vaginal dryness, joint agony, disposition swings, decreased bone thickness, cardiovascular infection, etc.

      Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

      Traditional uses and pharmacological Activity in Ferula asafoetida

      Sesuna Madihah

      Ferula asafoetida is a herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family. It is oleo gum sap to gain from the rhizome and base of the plant. The flavor is utilized as a stomach-related guide in food as fixing and in pickles and furthermore utilized in current herbalism in the treatment of delirium and some apprehensive conditions like bronchitis, challenging hack, and asthma. It was all at once utilized in the treatment of childish pneumonia and � pompous colic. The unstable oil in the gum is annihilated through the lungs, making this a great treatment for asthma. The scent of asafoetida is uncovered to the breath, emissions, � atus, and gastric eructations. The properties of it are antispasmodic, expectorant, energizer, emmenagogue, and vermifuge. It likewise diminishes the blood and brings down pulse and is broadly utilized in India in food and as medication like Ayurveda.

      Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

      Neuroprotective potential of phytochemicals

      Kuntano Leonardo

      Psychological brokenness is a significant medical issue in the 21st century, and numerous neuropsychiatric issues and neurodegenerative problems, like schizophrenia, discouragement, Alzheimer's Disease dementia, cerebrovascular impedance, seizure issues, head injury and Parkinsonism, can be severly practically weakening in nature. In course of time, various synapses and flagging atoms have been identified which have been considered as restorative targets. Customary also more current particles have been attempted against these objectives. Phytochemicals from restorative plants assume a crucial part in keeping up the cerebrum's compound equilibrium by in� uencing the capacity of receptors for the major inhibitory synapses. In customary act of medication, a few plants have been accounted for to treat intellectual issues. In this survey paper, we endeavor to illuminate the utilization of therapeutic spices to treat intellectual problems.

      Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

      Rubus fruticosus (blackberry) use as an herbal Medicine

      Christiano Evens

      Wild developed European blackberry Rubus fruticosus plants are far reaching in various pieces of northern nations and have been widely utilized in home grown medication. The outcome show that European blackberry plants are utilized for natural therapeutic reason like antimicrobial, anticancer, antidysentery, antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, and furthermore great cancer prevention agent. Blackberry plant (R. fruticosus) contains tannins, gallic corrosive, villosin, and iron; natural product contains nutrient C, niacin (nicotinic corrosive), gelatin, sugars, and anthocyanins and furthermore contains of berries egg whites, citrus extract, malic corrosive, and gelatin. Some chose physicochemical qualities, for example, berry weight, protein, pH, complete corrosiveness, solvent strong, lessening sugar, nutrient C, absolute cancer prevention agent limit, antimicrobial screening of natural product, leaves, root, and stem of R. fruticosus, and complete anthocyanins of four preselected wild developed European blackberry (R. fruticosus) natural products are examined. Sign cant contrasts on a large portion of the synthetic substance distinguish among the therapeutic use. Various cultivars filled in same area reliably show contrasts in cancer prevention agent limit.

      Volume 8, Issue 3 (2022)

        Volume 7, Issue 5 (2021)

          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          COVID-19 Treatment Efforts Using Plant Technologies

          Raouda Neloumta

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          Covid-19 is a huge group of infections. A portion of the infections cause illnesses among people, while others among creatures like camels, steers, felines, and bats. A couple of creatures Covid-19 advance to contaminate people, like those that caused SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 flare-ups. Like other infections, the COVID-19 infection spreads through drops of spit or nasal release. Tainted people experience gentle to direct respiratory ailment and can recuperate without meds. Nonetheless, more seasoned patients with fundamental clinical concerns like coronary illness, diabetes, malignancy, hypertension, and ongoing respiratory infection are bound to create genuine sickness. Subsequently, researchers from different fields everywhere on the world are striving to concoct viable medicines to check the pandemic. Polymerase chain response (PCR) strategy is considered as the best quality level for illness diagnostics; be that as it may, it requires costly hardware and educated labor. In this manner, analysts at the University of Connecticut's Department of Biomedical Engineering built up the "Across the board Dual CRISPR-Cas12a" (AIOD-CRISPR), an ease, CRISPRbased demonstrative stage to distinguish irresistible sicknesses, including the COVID-19 infection. The CRISPR innovation is utilized in practically all creatures yet its initial applications were in plants. The AIOD-CRISPR test pack is expected for use at home or in little centers, decreasing infection transmission hazard. Contrasted with PCR, AIOD-CRISPR framework has better affectability and particularity. The test unit effectively recognized the DNA and RNA of SARS-CoV-2 and HIV. Western University and Suncor are creating serological test units for COVID-19 utilizing green growth as a creation plant for making the fundamental proteins for counter acting agent ID. Green growth are plant-like protists that possess amphibian conditions. Current tests depend on proteins created in creepy crawly or mammalian cells, which are costly and hard proportional. Green growth is a superior bio-processing plant elective since they are not difficult to develop and can be handily altered to create the viral proteins

          Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

          Synthesis of Condensed Tannins

          Mateneh Idris

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          The study of condensed tannins is among the oldest styles of chemistry famed. The origin of the word phenol springs from the apply that these compounds were employed in the animal skin trade. This trade has created use of tannins for hundreds of years. Tanning could be a method whereby dried animal skins are fashioned into animal skin by its contact with a copiousness of tannins. Within the Northern latitudes the foremost common phenol used was oak bark. The explanation for this was the big expanse of oaks that were a typical feature of all northern European countries within the past. This method had been dispensed for generations however the science behind the growth of animal skin chemistry was born out of the commercial Revolution. For the primary time animal skin was being made for over personal use and also the age of production had arrived throughout the evolution of this chemistry there are several pioneers WHO have gained a data of the advanced chemical processes concerned in tanning. The attainment of this information passed considerably on a trial-and-error basis. Consequently, there are several definitions that have tried to encapsulate verity essence of what defines a phenol. A general description used defines a phenol as everything extracted from a plant that offers a blue color on exposure to ferrous chloride. Haslam in his book on Plant Polyphenols prefers the definition coined by Bate-Smith and boyfriend, they projected that tannins were "water soluble phenoplast compounds having molecular weights between five hundred and three, 000 units which besides giving the same old phenoplast reactions, they need special properties, such as, the power to precipitate alkaloids, scleroprotein and alternative proteins."

          Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

          The Success of Natural Products in Drug Discovery

          Kidane Aaron

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          Natural items, including plants, creatures and minerals have been the premise of treatment of human infections. In any case, old astuteness has been the premise of current medication and will stay as one significant wellspring of future medication and therapeutics. Prior to twentieth century, unrefined and semi-unadulterated concentrates of plants, creatures, organisms and minerals addressed the lone drugs accessible to treat human and homegrown creature sicknesses. The twentieth century changed the speculation in the utilization of medications, as the receptor hypothesis of medication activity. As of late, there has been a recharged interest in regular item research because of the disappointment of elective medication disclosure techniques to convey many leads accumulates in key helpful regions like immunosuppression, against infectives, and metabolic illnesses. Regular items research keeps on investigating an assortment of lead structures, which might be utilized as layouts for the advancement of new medications by the drug business. There is no uncertainty that normal items have been, and will be, significant wellsprings of new drug compound

          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          Bacteria and Fungal Secondary Metabolite

          Toutou Naji

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          Colour affects equally of life, we have a tendency toll as together with} the garments we wear, the furnishings in our home, and also the attract of food. Just think, for example, however plants may prepare their own food while not pigment or however gas may well be carried within the body while not Hb. It may be aforementioned that life on earth depends on pigments. The use of pigments as colouring agents has been practiced since prehistoric times. Archaeologists have uncovered proof that early humans used paint for aesthetic functions. the utilization of pigment in prehistoric times was additional evidenced once pigments and grinding equipments, that were between 350,000 and four hundred,000 years previous, were found in an exceedingly cave at Twin Rivers, close to capital of Zambia, Zambia. Pigments were employed in completely different components of the planet. In Europe, it absolutely was practiced throughout the Bronze Age. In China, colouring with plants, barks, and insects has been derived back over five,000 years. In India, it occurred throughout the Indus vale amount (2500 BC). Henna was used before 2500 BC, whereas saffron has been mentioned within the Bible. In Egypt, mummies are found wrapped in coloured artefact, that showed the presence of pigment

          Volume 8, Issue 8 (2022)

            Mini Review Pages: 1 - 1

            A Mini Review on Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer: Berberine Effect

            Kidane Aaron*

            DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2022.8.202

            The pancreas is a gland in the left hypochondriac and upper epigastrium of the abdomen that is extremely sensitive and has the shape of an oblong. It is directly behind the stomach. Pancreatic diseases have long been notoriously difficult to study and comprehend due to their location. In order to perform a thorough examination and make a diagnosis of pancreatic conditions, highly specialized equipment and expertise are frequently required, which is not always the case, particularly in developing nations. Because the pancreas is frequently obscured by abdominal gas or other organs and cannot be fully visualized, routine, cost-effective imaging techniques like trans abdominal ultrasound are not very accurate in diagnosing pancreatic diseases. Additionally, the symptoms of pancreatic diseases are frequently multifactorial, vague, and nonspecific, leading to a poor diagnosis in only 9.7% of cases. The use of more efficient diagnostic methods is costly, invasive, and necessitates access to specialists who are well-versed in pancreatic disease, which further complicates the diagnosis.

            Review Pages: 1 - 1

            A Review on Potential of Tannins in Oral Infectious Diseases

            Tankiso Sello*

            DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2022.8.201

            Many low- and middle-income nations are unable to provide services to prevent and treat oral health conditions due to the high cost of treatment. Infections of the teeth and gums are frequently treated with medicinal plants and other herbal products because they are inexpensive, readily available, and effective. Traditional medicines have known about various herbal formulas for treating oral infections, and these formulas are successfully utilized in current treatment. Natural treatments for oral health have a lot going for them because they can target a variety of different things and involve complex processes. They can support bacterial communities that are good for oral health, bring the oral microbiota into equilibrium, and reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

            Volume 9, Issue 1 (2023)

              Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

              A Mini Review on Tannins Prospects in Oral Infectious Diseases

              Tankiso Sello*

              DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2023.9.227

              Due to the high cost of treatment, many countries with low or middle incomes are unable to provide services to prevent and treat oral health conditions. Because they are inexpensive, easy to find, and effective, medicinal plants and other herbal products are frequently used to treat infections of the gums and teeth. Various herbal formulations for treating oral infections have been known to traditional medicine, and these formulations are successfully utilized in current treatment. Because they can target a variety of different things and involve complex processes, natural oral health treatments have a lot going for them. They have the potential to balance the oral microbiota, support bacterial communities that are beneficial to oral health, and reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

              Review Pages: 1 - 1

              A Review on Pancreatic Cancer: Berberine Effect

              Kidane Aaron*

              DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2023.9.230

              An extremely sensitive and oblong-shaped gland in the left hypochondrium and upper epigastrium of the abdomen is the pancreas. It's right behind your stomach. Due to their location, pancreatic diseases have long been notoriously difficult to study and comprehend. Although this is not always the case, particularly in developing nations, highly specialized equipment and expertise are frequently required for a comprehensive examination and diagnosis of pancreatic conditions. Routine, cost-effective imaging methods like trans abdominal ultrasound are not very accurate in diagnosing pancreatic diseases because the pancreas is frequently obscured by abdominal gas or other organs and cannot be fully visualized. In addition, the symptoms of pancreatic diseases tend to be vague, multifactorial, and nonspecific, which only 9.7% of the time results in a incorrect diagnosis. Costly, invasive, and requiring access to specialists who are well-versed in pancreatic disease, the use of more efficient diagnostic methods further complicates the diagnosis.

              Volume 9, Issue 2 (2023)

                Brief Report Pages: 1 - 1

                Documentation of Medicinal Plants from B.V.M. College of Pharmacy Campus, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, India

                Amit Upadhyay*, Mohana Lakshmi and Naveen Sharma

                DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2023.9.240

                Gwalior-Chambal area is known as rich herbal diversity region of M.P state in India because variety of medicinal plants is being found here. Various parts of these medicinal plants like root, stem, bark, leaf, fruit etc may used traditionally as indigenous medicine., current research work is a useful account on medicinal Plants in B V M college of Pharmacy campus, Gwalior,(M.P). Medicinal Plant diversity Survey was carried out in the Period of October 2021 to June 2022 in the institution. After the field survey, observed medicinal plants were identified and their medicinal uses were searched from available literature, total 93 medicinal plant species were identified which belongs to 55 families. Out of 93 medicinal plants 19 were trees, 35 shrubs and 39 were herbaceous species. It was also observed that the institution is rich in plants of Liliacace family, and the leguminosae family is the second largest plant family of this campus. Lamiaceae and solanaceae families are third largest group of the plants in the campus.

                Mini Review Pages: 1 - 1

                Recent Discoveries on Acmella Oleracea: A Review

                Fathima Rabwa*

                DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2023.9.245

                The genus Acmella Rich. (Asteraceae) comprises 30 species and 9 additional intraspecific taxa that are mainly distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions around the world. One of the most distinct and recognizable members of the genus is Acmella oleracea. In particular, this species is famous as a traditional remedy for toothache and for throat, gum infections, that’s why it is known in the English nickname, “toothache plant.” The whole plant is used as a medicinal remedy in various parts of the world. It is suggested that the origin of A. oleracea is linked to the cultivation of Acmella alba. However, in some cases, its nativity has been attributed to Brazil, where the plant is called jambù and is grown as an ornamental or medicinal plant. Even though its origin is unclear, it is certain that it is cultivated throughout the year, and is widespread as a crop in the world.

                Volume 10, Issue 1 (2024)

                  Research Article Pages: 1 - 7

                  In Vitro Anti-onchocercal Activity, Phytochemical Analysis and Toxicity Studies of Extracts of Azadirachta indica

                  Irene Memeh Tumanjong, Tobias Obejum Apinjoh, Faustin Pascal Tsague Manfo, Evans Ngandung Mainsah, Stanley Dobgima Gamua and Fidelis Cho-Ngwa*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.281

                  Ivermectin and moxidectin are the only recommended drugs for the treatment of onchocerciasis, with the former being the most widely used. However, both drugs are not suitable in eliminating the disease. There is the need to identify novel anti-onchocercal agents including from plant sources. This project investigated the anti-onchocercal activity of extracts of Azadirachta indica that could eventually yield new drug leads for the cure of onchocerciasis. Organic extracts were obtained from the leaves and seeds of Azadirachta indica using solvents of different polarities and tested in vitro against two developmental stages of the bovine model parasite, Onchocerca ochengi. Both microfilariae (mf) and adult male worm viabilities were assessed by motility reduction, while adult female worm viability was evaluated using the standard MTT/formazan assay. Toxicity of active extracts was assessed on monkey kidney epithelial cells (LLC-MK2) and in BALB/c mice. The methylene chloride extract of the leaves was the most active against the adult female worms and the mf with IC50s of 55.61 μg/ml and 8.048 μg/ml respectively. The hexane extract of the leaves was the most active against the adult male worms with an IC50 of 16.34 μg/ml. Selectivity indices for the most active extracts were 1.12 for adult females, 7.77 for the mf and 7.35 for adult males indicating that the extracts are selectively active on the parasites. The most active extracts showed no acute toxicity to Balb/c mice and had no significant effect on the liver enzymes, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase and markers of kidney function, urea and creatinine (p<0.05). Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of saponins, flavonoids, steroids, tannins, alkaloids, polyphenols and terpenoids. The anti-onchocercal activity and selectivity indices of A. indica extracts suggest the plant is a potential source of new anti-onchocercal drug leads justifying further investigations for the identification and isolation of the bioactive compounds.

                  Research Article Pages: 1 - 10

                  An Effective Liposomal Gel Preparation for the Long-lasting Herbal Mosquito Repellent

                  T. M. Suruthelaya, Kaviya Suresh, K. K. Suriya Prakaash, S. Nagalakshmi, A. C. Niranjanasree, Gopinath Subramaniyam, J. Srikanth, P. Krishnan and Anbarasan Balu*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.282

                  Herbal mosquito repellent is a promising alternative to overcome the drawbacks of conventional mosquito repellents containing N, N-diethyl metatoluamide. The liposomal gel has a propensity for keratinizing the skin's horny layer and can penetrate deeper into the skin for enhanced absorption and is therapeutically effective and less toxic than other topical dosage forms, resulting in prolonged and controlled extract release. Vitex negundo (Chaste tree) leaves were dried and mechanically powdered. The powder was extracted with ethanol and distilled water (1:1), then the solvent was removed, dried using a lyophilization process, and stored. The phytochemical and composition analysis of the plant extract was done. The hydration process is carried out at a temperature of 40°C. Liposomal gel was prepared using the thin film hydration methods. A suitable base concentration was used to adjust the pH of the topical gel (6.5 –7.5). The liposomal dispersions were characterized for particle size distribution, SEM, XRD, ATR-FTIR, entrapment efficiency, in-vitro release study, and stability study. The liposomal gel was evaluated for colour, appearance, smoothness, Washability, skin irritation study, and Mosquito repellent activity. The developed formulations showed continuous extract release over 8 hours, extending the medication's residence time. The prepared optimized gel formulation was clear and stable after 90 days of storage under accelerated stability conditions. The mosquito-repellent activity of the optimized gel formulation was investigated using the arm-in-cage methodology. The field trials of the optimized gel were performed at 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes, demonstrating excellent mosquito repellency. The total number of mosquitoes that landed was counted in a triplicate manner. The results of the present study revealed that Vitex negundo extract loaded mosquito repellent liposomal gel could produce fewer side effects, inexpensive, more effective, and long-lasting more than 10 hours to prevent mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, dengue, and chikungunya.

                  Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

                  Chemical Ecology Unraveling Nature's Secrets for Natural Product Discovery

                  Leena Castanheiro*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.283

                  Chemical ecology is a multidisciplinary field that explores the chemical interactions between organisms and their environment. It delves into the chemical signals that shape ecological interactions, driving processes such as communication, defense and competition among organisms. Within this intricate web of interactions lies a treasure trove of natural compounds with potential applications in medicine, agriculture and industry. Chemical ecology focuses on the chemical compounds produced by organisms and their roles in ecological interactions. These compounds can serve various functions, including communication, defense against predators, attraction of mates and competition for resources. For example, pheromones are chemical signals used by organisms to communicate with members of the same species, playing crucial roles in mating, territory marking and aggregation. Communication lies at the heart of many ecological interactions and chemical signals play a significant role in this process. Organisms release volatile compounds into the environment, which can be detected by other individuals, often over long distances. These chemical signals can convey information about mating availability, territory ownership, or the presence of predators or prey. For instance, plants release Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to attract pollinators or to defend against herbivores.

                  Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

                  Collaborative Approaches in Natural Product Discovery Industry, Academia and Conservation

                  Nourdine Ahorangi*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.284

                  In the realm of natural product discovery, where the bounty of nature holds untold treasures, collaboration emerges as a beacon guiding researchers, industries and conservationists towards shared goals. Nature has long been humanity's foremost pharmacist, offering a rich repertoire of compounds with therapeutic potential. From the rainforests to the depths of the oceans, diverse ecosystems harbor an abundance of plant, microbial and marine species, each a potential source of novel bioactive molecules. However, unlocking this potential requires a multidisciplinary approach that transcends traditional boundaries. Academic institutions serve as the vanguards of scientific inquiry, driving fundamental research and nurturing the next generation of scientists. Within the realm of natural product discovery, academia plays a pivotal role in elucidating the chemical diversity of organisms and unraveling their pharmacological properties. Through interdisciplinary collaborations, researchers combine expertise in chemistry, biology and pharmacology to identify and characterize bioactive compounds.

                  Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

                  From Plants to Pharmaceuticals Secondary Metabolites in Drug Development

                  Kutan Cheikh*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.285

                  The quest for novel drugs and therapeutic agents has always been a central pursuit in medical science. Throughout history, nature has served as an abundant source of inspiration for pharmaceutical research, with plants emerging as a treasure trove of bioactive compounds. Among the various classes of natural products, secondary metabolites have garnered significant attention due to their diverse chemical structures and pharmacological activities. Secondary metabolites are organic compounds synthesized by plants, fungi and bacteria, which are not directly involved in primary metabolic processes such as growth and development but play crucial roles in ecological interactions and defense mechanisms. These compounds exhibit remarkable structural diversity, ranging from simple phenolic compounds to complex alkaloids and terpenoids. Secondary metabolites often possess pharmacological properties, making them valuable resources for drug discovery and development.

                  Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

                  From Rainforests to Oceans Exploring Biodiversity for Natural Product Gems

                  Zoya Evens*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.286

                  The Earth is adorned with an intricate tapestry of life, with ecosystems ranging from lush rainforests to vast oceans, each harboring a treasure trove of biodiversity. Within these ecosystems lie natural product gems—bioactive compounds sourced from plants, animals and microorganisms—that hold immense potential for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and beyond. Rainforests, often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," are biodiversity hotspots that cover only 6% of the planet's surface but are home to more than half of all known species. Within these dense canopies and rich forest floors lie a plethora of plant species, many of which have been used for centuries by indigenous cultures for medicinal purposes. One such example is the Amazon rainforest, which boasts unparalleled biodiversity and is a veritable treasure trove of natural product gems. From the bark of the cinchona tree, indigenous peoples derived quinine, a compound used to treat malaria. Similarly, the rosy periwinkle plant, native to Madagascar, yielded compounds that led to the development of drugs for leukemia and Hodgkin's disease.

                  Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

                  Green Chemistry in Natural Product Discovery Sustainable Strategies for Drug Development

                  Madeline Genet*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.287

                  Natural products have long served as a cornerstone in drug discovery, providing a rich source of chemical diversity and biological activity. However, the traditional methods of isolating and synthesizing these compounds often involve environmentally harmful processes, leading to significant concerns regarding sustainability and ecological impact. In recent years, the principles of green chemistry have emerged as a promising framework for transforming natural product discovery and drug development into more sustainable practices. By integrating green chemistry principles into every stage of the drug discovery process, researchers can minimize waste, reduce energy consumption and mitigate environmental impact while still harnessing the potential of natural products for therapeutic applications.

                  Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

                  Natural Product Discovery in the Digital Age Big Data and Bioinformatics

                  Irene Ahmad*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.288

                  Natural products, compounds derived from living organisms, have long been invaluable sources of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and other biologically active molecules. Historically, their discovery relied heavily on labor-intensive processes such as bioassay-guided fractionation. However, with the advent of the digital age, the landscape of natural product discovery has undergone a significant transformation. Big data and bioinformatics have emerged as powerful tools, revolutionizing the way researchers identify, isolate and characterize novel natural products. Natural products have been a prolific source of biologically active compounds, with many serving as the basis for pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. Their structural complexity and diverse chemical scaffolds make them valuable starting points for drug development. However, traditional methods of natural product discovery are often time-consuming, resource-intensive and limited by the vastness of natural biodiversity.

                  Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

                  Natural Products and Traditional Medicine Bridging the Past and Future of Healing

                  Nouran Adriano*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.289

                  In an age marked by technological advancement and scientific innovation, the allure of natural products and traditional medicine persists as a testament to the enduring wisdom of our ancestors. From ancient herbal remedies to indigenous healing practices, traditional medicine has served as a cornerstone of human health and wellness for millennia. Today, amidst growing concerns over the side effects of synthetic drugs and the unsustainable practices of modern healthcare, there is a resurgence of interest in natural products and traditional healing modalities. The roots of traditional medicine can be traced back to the dawn of human civilization, where ancient cultures developed sophisticated systems of healing based on the medicinal properties of plants, minerals and animal-derived substances. In ancient Egypt, for example, medicinal herbs such as aloe vera and garlic were revered for their healing properties, while in traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and herbal remedies formed the cornerstone of healthcare practices. Similarly, indigenous cultures around the world, from the Amazon rainforest to the Australian outback, have long relied on the knowledge of local plants and traditional healing rituals to maintain health and vitality.

                  Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

                  Secondary Metabolites in Herbal Medicine Bridging Tradition and Science

                  Kuntano Evens*

                  DOI: 10.37421/2472-0992.2024.10.290

                  Herbal medicine, rooted in centuries-old traditions, has long been a cornerstone of healthcare practices worldwide. Its efficacy and safety have been supported by anecdotal evidence and cultural heritage. Central to the potency of many herbal remedies are secondary metabolites— bioactive compounds produced by plants for various purposes, including defense against predators and environmental stresses. These secondary metabolites have garnered significant attention in recent years, not only for their therapeutic potential but also for their role in bridging traditional herbal medicine with modern scientific approaches. Secondary metabolites, also known as natural products, are organic compounds synthesized by plants, fungi and bacteria that are not essential for their primary metabolic processes but serve crucial ecological functions. These compounds exhibit a remarkable diversity in structure and function, ranging from alkaloids and terpenoids to flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Each class of secondary metabolites possesses unique chemical properties and biological activities, making them valuable resources for drug discovery and medicinal applications.

                  Volume 10, Issue 2 (2024)

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