Construction of Brand Identity through Brand Image: An Empirical Study of Digital Marketing Intelligence, E-Consumer Behavior and Brand Trust

Accounting & Marketing

ISSN: 2168-9601

Open Access

Review Article - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 3

Construction of Brand Identity through Brand Image: An Empirical Study of Digital Marketing Intelligence, E-Consumer Behavior and Brand Trust

Benish Shabbir* and Qiu Xiaodong
*Correspondence: Benish Shabbir, Department of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, Tel: 8617812288895, Email:
Department of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China

Received: 15-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. JAMK-23-89428; Editor assigned: 20-Feb-2023, Pre QC No. JAMK-23-89428 (PQ); Reviewed: 07-Mar-2023, QC No. JAMK-23-89428 ; Revised: 19-May-2023, Manuscript No. JAMK-23-89428 (R); Published: 29-May-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2168-9601.2023.12.421
Citation: Shabbir, Benish and Qiu Xiaodong. "Construction of Brand Identity through Brand Image: An Empirical Study of Digital Marketing Intelligence, E-Consumer Behavior and Brand Trust." J Account Mark 12 (2023): 421.
Copyright: © 2023 Shabbir B, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


This study explores the construction of brand identity through brand image as well as observes the E-consumer behavior regarding brand trust after theoretical analysis through literature.

Both qualitative and quantitative approaches adopted for this research study. For qualitative approach, data has been collected through interviews, telephonic and email discussion. There were also conducted round table conferences for data collection purpose. On the other hand, for quantitative approach, data was collected through questionnaires.

This research study discovered the significance of brand identity through brand image. It also explored the positive relationship of digital marketing intelligence and E-consumer behavior while digital marketing intelligence, E-consumer behavior and brand trust has a strong bound. If it is said that “E-consumer behavior and brand trust determined the value of digital marketing intelligence” then it would not be wrong. Findings of the study prove that brand image built any brand identity either it is positive or negative on the other hand it is also proven that E-consumer behavior and brand trust emerging digital marketing intelligence in all fields.

Digital marketing intelligence practices the relevant research to assist organizations to understand the brand identity. Digital marketing intelligence upraised the E-consumer behavior and brand trust. Two gaps were closed by this study: a) Comparisons of managers and Econsumers thoughts regarding with digital marketing intelligence were not discussed before. b) Digital marketing intelligence implementation with E-consumer behavior and brand trust were not discussed in previous studies.


Brand identity • Brand image • Digital marketing intelligence • E-consumer behavior • Brand trust


Any company’s identification through product or individual which refers to a business marketing concept known as brand. It is an intangible concept which can’t be touched but recognized by senses, they also helps people to recognize the companies through their individuals and products such as Nike, Adidas, Apple, Zara, Tencent etc. A brand identity is created by the marketers who are identified by the brand in the particular market place. In the same industry they give a competitive edge over other competitors to gain enormous value.

Brand image and brand identity has an essential difference respectively: When any brand is describes from the outside of subjective perception is called brand image, while brand identity particularly representing and controlled by the owner of the specific brand or how the consumers perceived the brand. In addition, brand identity describes by its owner that how he/she wants his/her brand to be identified or perceived. If brand image and brand identity matched with each other externally, the differentiation of the brand specifically characterized in the market. So that it is essential for a company to design a novel or unique identity of a brand which represents the brand as well as company it. Uniqueness and attractiveness are the representation of a good brand. According to Kapferer, contemplates that the core of the brand is its identity. The values that an organization defines by itself and makes it unique from all other organizations. No doubt, it’s said that identity representing the graphic elements which shows the brand such as brand identity of a car etc. [1].

It is true that brand identity originated from the strategy of the company through a long period of time from a corporate communication, and they promise to be consistent throughout the time as well as make consumers satisfied with this identity [2]. Brand shows its own identity to the market and representing its value by showing who we are in the market. The purposes of any brand are:

• Sell more.
• Unique image.
• Desirable identity.

Every company wants to represent a favourable and desirable brand image to their consumers even if they are not interested in their products to purchase at the specific period of time or they buying power is not enough but later or in future they have good brand image in their mind [3].

These questions arise when talk about brand identity and brand image:

• How many people can afford Ferrari right now from us?
• How many people dislike this brand from us?
• If you have affordability then would you think about it?
• Its brand identity and brand image matters or not?

These questions make you clear about brand identity and brand image accordingly. It is not wrong when we say that brand image is the perception of consumer against that particular brand. Reflection of a brand’s identity in market is brand image. It is significant for the brand to be durable, sustainable identity and avoid from episodic images which are affected by the updated fashion styles. Brand identity makes any brand to fit the positioning in the market and set their own fashion styles which referred by that particular brand. This makes strong positioning of brand in the competitive market. To maintain the position of competitiveness, there must have to answer this question: What differentiates us from the competition? It is often to make comparative assessments of different products or brand by the consumers.

Digital marketing intelligence allows businesses to increase at a very reasonable and affordable price and it agrees truly upon personalized marketing. The followings are some benefits of digital marketing intelligence:

• Identify their targeted audience.
• Potential growth and clarity in goals.
• Competitive analysis for future goals.
• Provide guidance of business for decision making.
• Accelerated strategies for target market trends.
• Right investment at right time to avoid losses.
• Launching new and unique products by assist planning.
• Set up budget.
• Measurement of success/getting the technology right.
• Set a number of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to get the best of your digital marketing intelligence.
• ROI (Return on Investment).

These KPIs are categorized into

Qualitative KPIs: Qualitative KPIs are important to measure the success of your company through marketing strategies. Qualitative KPIs are difficult to measure but company achieve targets proves its existence. The ultimate goal of digital marketing intelligence is to maximize the business but it focuses on constant success, and sustainable position in market [4].

Quantitative KPIs: Quantitative KPIs are comprised as the total revenue generated by the company as compare to your competitors as well as competitive product’s sales and purchase. Globally the digital marketing intelligence became a key strategic initiative in almost all companies. Digital marketing intelligence adds values in every business and empowers team members so that their decision making power enhance throughout their career.

In term of performance, marketing intelligence has a significant role in brand positioning which focuses not only the offered product but also a represent organization a single entity [5,6]. In technology, computer based information systems have changed the marketing intelligence approaches by providing new tools with which to counter to market opportunities and it became the corporate spotlight. On a very important note, it is not deniable that digital marketing intelligence comprises broader marketing information system which helps to create brainpower for the marketing applications [7]. For all the concerned stakeholders, digital marketing intelligence is perceived as continuous and collaborating individuals, procedures and practices, selection, evaluation and disseminates significant, relevant, and accurate information.

Mostly marketing professionals are using this information so that they can upgrade their marketing planning, and its application with the marketing information systems [8]. It is necessary for all marketers to know about the consumers’ perceptions and product substitutes [9]. According to Diwan and Jain, if promote the products then brand recalling might occur because it is directly associated with promotions, if company wants recalling of products then focus on promotions. As per previous studies, it is an essential practice of digital marketing to promote the new services and products due to advanced rivalries and change happening in demand. Through electronic marketing or e-marketing, messages are sending to their latent customers by promoting online marketing or digital marketing [10]. The modified lifestyles occur through digital technology in much way, due to the tough competition, the operational accomplishments of companies such as information sharing and communication not been irregular because of strong competitions [11]. These types of apps and modern technology make communication more effective.

Those activities which are involved in buying, usage and disposal of goods and services are called consumer behavior it can be consumer’s emotions and mental behavior which is proceeding following activities such as:

Buying actions: It includes all activities from buying till disposal of the good and services such as how a consumer get goods, how he/she search about goods and services, purchasing power, purchasing decision, how to evaluating products, payment methods etc.
Usage of goods and services: It includes when, who, where, and how any consumer consume and use the goods and services.
Throw after usage: It includes the way of disposing the goods and services after usage.

Rating of goods and services after purchase:

Expressive response: it includes emotions or attitude such as respond as sending emotional emoji (smile, anger, heart, surprise etc).
Cognitive response: it includes the behavior of the consumer such as thought process of consumer.
Conative response: the observable response of consumer in order to purchase and usage of goods and services.

Consumer behavior is defined as the affect and cognition of behavior and environmental events, by dynamic interaction of human beings for exchange aspects of their lives.

Psychological characteristics are examined by consumer-oriented research demographics, benefits and risks by perceptions, motivation of sopping and orientation of shopping [12]. The technical specification of an online store has been examined to look design and navigation, payment information, using intention and easily usable goods and services [13-16]. E-shopping or online/digital shopping is increased in volume in UK as compare to traditional shopping growth which is zero or about to zero [17].

The digital marketing and online shopping trends has been changed in modern era and online shopping has an immense influence on consumer behavior. All the process of shopping where the goods/products are sought out, inspection and payment method is done digitally. This is the most convenient method to purchase online and consumer can handle routine work easily without any hurdle. It is also a significant benefit for all those consumers who do not like to shop material or house hold item physically or go super market [18]. It makes easier for house wives who have nobody at home to stay which their little children.

The corporate profits and online shopping revenues are not satisfactory, the online industry is still hopeful and the forecast of cyber consumer is helpful for the new generation. In 1996, for U.S users the internet shopping revenue other than the cars and real estates were estimated an e-commerce firm in New York, which is approximately $707 million but the issue is how to win the lost trust of consumer in e-commerce sales reach $37.5 million in 2001. For the meantime, businesses to business side with more than $8 billion revenues in 1997 and in 2002 it is expected that it would be $327 billion in U.S, according to forest research but on the consumer side there are a lot of difficulties rose which has to explain to eradicate them.

This clash has to be resolved but it is not as easy as per our thinking. This cannot easily resolve but we can point out the problem by giving an opportunity to consumer by engaging them in online transaction and information exchange. The final decision is to earn consumer trust by giving profitable exchange opportunity with online consumers. The most difficult element in digital marketing to earn consumer trust but when any industry gain the online consumer trust is to maintain trust forever because one consumer gives you many more consumers. The first and more important step on internet is to recognizing consumer rights to data ownership. Trust is the main element to strong a marketing relationship. According to Berry, the most powerful available tool to make consumer happy and satisfied is to win the consumer trust for goods and services. Trust is the only keystone of making the relationship more long lasting. It is stated at many researches that trust is the only key which is the determinant of any relation’s commitment [19].

According to Urban, Sultan, and Qualls, they proposed that consumer trust is a significant and strong power to build a powerful relationship and sustainable market share. You must have to gain trust if you want to gain loyalty of customers [20].

Literature Review

As per the consumer’s perspective, a brand represents a clear picture of variation between products. In this complex world, brand makes us able to choose product with confidence. Brand not only gives competitive edge but also signify the quality of the product. A trusted brand always reduces the risk of post-purchase cognitive inconsistency. Brand image and brand identity are different concept but associated with each other. Both are significant and essential ingredients to build a strong brand. Brand loyalty can be enhanced to ensure that it is huge similarity or resemblance between brand image and brand identity. In this modern era, construction of brand identity and brand image has been identified and suggestions are offered on how to build digital marketing intelligence link with consumer behavior and brand trust. Before visiting to a store for purchasing, a consumer must search online information about the particular brand to collect enough details of particular brand and its competitors. Most of the companies are linked with their digital and traditional marketing promotions together, for example, through traditional marketing or sending messages of promotions may encourage the consumers to search about the specific brand on their website and online or online purchasing can be done. Through the internet, consumer can watch the videos of the brand and his/her purchasing becomes easier.

In digital marketing, the brand planners are facing multifaceted and complex situations in this era. They are trying to adopt significant alteration in all marketing environments’ parts. For performing profitability, easy media accessibility and Everincreasing consumer demand, complex competitive dynamics make it difficult to formulate branding strategies for marketers for long term. This creates a long term problems and put impact on certain fields of existing and future businesses of any brand. The marketing brand ultimate goal is to generate a significant bound between the brand and its consumer. The relationship of a brand and its consumer is to create a bound as a complicated construct to grab the field which arise the relationship more smoothly. The major tasks are to make link with consumer segment and make clear about product categories. According to Fill, Kamp, Smith and Scott, for a successful goal achievement in digital marketing, it should be necessary to gain the trust of consumers. As per the modern literature, competitive edge defines and identifies a brand. It can be a symbol, design, sign, or any combination of all these. What a business make for its consumer is called brand and it depends on consumer either they buy it or not. These two pools make to understand the concept of brand image and brand identity. It is the responsibility to handle the issues of branding strategically for a smooth sailing in particular market to gain brand identity and brand image. To build the long-lasting and significant relationship with consumer not only close all gaps among consumers and brand but also identify the integration of brand image and brand identity. If the integration is not proper then it results in setback in market which creates unbearable loss as well.

Integration model by Roy and Banerjee

In brand identity pentagon, we need to join all points by identifying and integrating brand image and brand identity to present features, values, benefits, personality, life style and differentiation. The gapes in pentagon can be minimizing if the points of the pentagon properly meet. If pentagon sets rightly, these benefits can be obtained:

• Physical benefits.
• Psychological benefits.

By physical benefits, get the higher sales which turns into high profitability, and psychological benefits may cause in getting consumer trust, and by getting these two benefits, it would create a significant impact on business. In marketing stream, most of the researchers have been discussed many serious topics to investigate and implement different strategies of branding and customer targeting.

The focus of the marketing managers is to use online source of marketing intelligence and also carry with them the so called traditional way of marketing as well. In whole world, company’s first priority is to make marketing research strategy to get enough data about customers, suppliers, competitors and market. By this way they get appropriate information against company internally and externally either it is working as traditional or digital marketing which is helpful to raise the organizational capability. The brand positioning major focus is to increase potential marketing communications by different tactics such as brand promotion and brand advertising which is a concern of larger number of digital marketing professionals. Hence, the brand positioning subjected by the quality of goods, its pricing, and how it is delivered or distributed to the consumer. To know the marketing positioning of a brand, must have the knowledge of competitive edge, what competitors have in their mind, along with the specifications of the product and advantage of first mover. When consumer has enough variety and choice of products within market then an intense competition exist. For brand positioning and brand image, the essential attributes are:

• Top management support.
• Competitors attribute.
• Organizational attribute such as culture.
• Consumer concern.
• Marketing strategies.

These attributes are essential for brand image and brand positioning in digital marketing intelligence. There is a little ambiguity in the process of contribution and development of digital marketing intelligence but researchers also believed that digital marketing intelligence is the only tool which assists the domain of marketing level.

Previous E-shopping consumer research asserted that most of the e-shoppers are intended for E-shopping to fulfill utilization and functions. Researcher intended to focus on education, more advanced socio economic position, become younger and more probably to be male. It is obvious that the traditional and E-consumer is totally different as per the previous literature and research as well as some studies also casts chaos in this conception. According to Jayawardhena, et al. stated that there is a huge similarity in consumers’ purchase orientation between E-shopping and typical traditional, and it is proved by the E-word of mouth. There are many factors which influenced E-shopping, consumer’s behavior is depend on their attitude, intentions, and beliefs as per their behavior, so it is proved that the actual purchase is depend on consumer attitude, beliefs, and perceptions.

According to Dennis, et al. it is stated that behavior is also influenced by situational factors. To judge the consumer’s emotions, E-consumer emotional states is directly related to web atmospherics and navigation. As per the concentrating on E-consumer demographic element, Williams, and Paddock stated in a report that age 20-30 predominately users of internet are male having higher social and economic background in UK. It is obvious that male gender is more on web as E-consumer, Rodger and Harris stated that males are more satisfied from online shopping as compare to females. Therefore, there is low emotional gratification in female while online shopping as compare to males who are trusted their brand much more than females might be it is because of the low emotional bond with E-retailor and females found less virtuous environment. Perhaps, it is found that men has greater interest in online shopping and their perceptions about online shopping is more broader than women. Generally, the trust and emotions are the most critical elements of consumer shopping. Girard, et al. stated that demographics also have significant role in online shopping. They also stated that education, income and gender had strong influence on choosing online shopping, while on the other hand it is convenient.

Trust is the essential element in fostering a strong relationship in marketing. As per stated in previous research that the most powerful tool of marketing is trust. According to Dibb and Meadows, trust is the indicated as “cornerstone” for building a long-term relationship in marketing. As per the literature, asserts, several empirical and conceptual theorized that trust is the only determinant for relational commitment. The best way to achieve trust is to close a gap between online business and consumer’s cooperative interaction. To earn the trust of the online consumer through profitable exchange relationship which is the most effect way of gaining trust? It is simple to gain trust but it is difficult for many companies because it leaves traditional business practice completely. Most of the consumer avoids building online relationship while purchasing. This is due to trust issues because consumer is more sensitive to share their online information to secure their data from any fraud.

According to a research in 1997, it is stated that more than 45 million were using Web age 16 and over in the U.S and among these only 10% or 4.5 million are those people who bought goods or services from Web. It is hard to accept that only 62% or 123 million people were using internet in 1997 in U.S because in 1997 they had no access of internet and they also never used it before, on the other hand 32 million American had the access but they were not familiar with it. This is the only trust which is purely essential element between consumer and brand. According to Reichheld and Schefter, stated that you have to gain trust if you want to gain the loyalty. The prior interaction and past experience developed brand trust, because its growth is directly linked with an individual’s experience and perception with the passage of time. Consequently it summarizes as the knowledge and perception of consumers about brand.

Evaluation of consumer’s direct and indirect contact determines the brand trust and these direct and indirect contacts are: Advertising, words of mouth, trial, usage, feedback etc. The most essential and relevant experience is the consumption experience of the brand trust among all the contact, it not only generates associations and thoughts but also suggest more certainty relevant to brand. As per the relevant literature, it is proposed that the gratification, brand trust id produced by determining evaluation of the consumption experience about the specific brand.

Research framework

In the aforementioned framework of the study explains the all variables’ relationship. On the organization’s side, brand identity and brand image play vital role and brand image is the only factor which helps to create a good brand identity. On the other side of the coin, the market/public section shows the E-consumer and their trust on specific brand (Figure 1). Both sections are essential for each other and have their own values but digital marketing intelligence plays a vital role here it can not only improve the relationship of organization and market/public but also define its own value by them (the market/public).


Figure 1. The study explains the all variables’ relationship.


Two research approaches were used, qualitative and quantitative approach. For clarity of both approaches, these two approaches were divided into sections. Section 1 explains the qualitative approach and section 2 explains the quantitative approach (Table 1).

Section 1: In qualitative data collection approach, 60 participants were involved in data collection from different organizations and institutions such as universities, banks and marketing companies. Purposive sampling technique was used for this study and all 60 participant’s details are as under:

S. no. Number of participants Institution/organization Participant’s detail
1 30 University Students
2 20 Banks Bankers
3 10 Marketing companies Marketing managers

Table 1. Participant’s details.

Brand identity and brand image

The aim of collecting data from three different organization/institutions is to make the comparison of both market/public and organization’s opinion. It is a qualitative study so data were collected through live interviews, telephonic interviews, discussions, and through emails and also took help of friends and previous colleagues in data collection (Table 2). Relaxing environment provided to collect data. Following details were collected through questions:

S. no. Questions
1 What makes your brand unique in market?
2 How your brand is important for your business?
3 What is your target audience?
4 Can you describe your audience detail? Such as gender, age, geographical location etc.
5 What is the most essential element to build a brand identity?
6 How much time required making a brand identity?
7 Describe the consumer and brand relationship.
8 Is branding measurable?
9 Describe the relationship of brand identity and brand image.
10 How to measure consumer satisfaction against your brand?
11 What is the feedback or views of your consumer for your brand? Is it positive, negative or neutral?

Table 2. Questions about the brand unique in market.

Digital marketing intelligence, E-consumer and brand trust

Design the questions for qualitative sections to collect data so that the relevant answer can be collected. These questions are related to brand identity, brand image, digital marketing intelligence, E-consumer behavior, and brand trust. After compiling the data the results shows as under (Table 3).

S. no. Questions
1 What’s your favorite brand and why?
2 What’s the unique value of the brand you liked the most?
3 Have you ever received bad product from your favorite brand?
4 How to rank your favorite brand?
5 Do you like modern shopping (online shopping), or traditional shopping?
6 How much time you are shopping online?
7 What is the most positive point of online shopping?
8 How satisfied you are from your online shopping?
9 Have you ever experience?
10 You are doing online shopping for whom?
11 What are you looking for in a brand?
12 Did you get what you were looking for
13 How easy was it to navigate through the site?
14 Do you find enough range of products?
15 Do you find enough product details?
16 Do you generally find various alternatives for the same product?
17 How satisfied are you with the quality of products?
18 How do you rate the quality of our products as compared to our competitors?
19 How satisfied are you with the availability of products?
20 If your preferred product is not available, do you get acknowledged when it is back in stock?
21 How satisfied are you with the quality of online product?
22 How safe did you feel while sharing your card details?
23 How was the checkout experience overall?
24 Did you experience a hassle-free payment experience?
25 Did you receive your product within the expected timeline?
26 Would you like to enroll in paid services to get products earlier?
27 Did you receive your product at the shipping address?
28 How easily could you update your address details?
29 Did the customer executive solve your query?
30 How helpful was the customer support staff?
31 Please tell the reason for purchasing online.
32 How satisfied are you with the vendor options they offer?
33 What more information would you want about the vendor?

Table 3. Digital marketing intelligence, E-consumer and brand trust.


78% participant told that they trust on brands because of their unique brand styles. They said, sometimes price and quality in a same pattern attracts them on the other hand in some situations they do not want to trust other due to fake products as well. While they also satisfied with the quality of all products. There are really low chances of broken or damage material but its percentage is really low almost 2 or 3 percent. Due to the competition in the online market, we can get particular goods or services in a very reasonable price. They also explained that, through online shopping, we also get a lot of benefits such as discounts, trial products, packages and buy one get one free offers. 85% E-consumer are satisfied because they feel it easy purchasing without any hustle and bustle and less time consuming. At the most of the places in physical markets, prices are fixed and you have to purchase items but in online market you can select alternative products in same quality and price. 90%participants were satisfied with the quality of the products. According to findings, E-consumer is more satisfied and trust brand because of the services they are provided and their brand trust were built just because of their brand image and brand identity and all is due to digital marketing intelligence. They wanted to make E-consumer happier and trust brands more than physical or bargaining market which is different from digital market. They were succeeded in emerging digital market so that consumer can buy online and concentrate more on their own work.

Section 2: This section is responsible to explain the quantitative approach. For quantitative approach, questionnaires were used for data collection from 150 participants in universities, banks, and marketing companies. From 150 participants only 120 are filled properly and can be used (Table 4).

S. no. Distributed Returned Response rate Institution/organization
1 50 43 86% University
2 50 39 78% Banks
3 50 38 76% Marketing companies

Table 4. Participant’s details.

After compiling data the results be shown aforementioned Table 4. Properly filled questionnaires’ percentage is 86% students filled them properly as well as 78% and 76% filled by bankers and marketing managers respectively. To find out the relationship and findings of the study, these analyses were done. Reliability of the construct, descriptive statics, demographics, correlation analysis and moderation analysis (by judging digital marketing intelligence) were done. The quite relevant analysis was described here such as reliability of the construct, correlation and moderation (Table 5).

Reliability of each factor Cronbach alpha Number of items
Brand identity 0.803 7
Brand image 0.75 4
Digital marketing intelligence 0.846 11
E-consumer behavior 0.931 11
Brand trust 0.815 11

Table 5. Reliability of the construct.

Cronbach Alpha explained the degree of internal reliability and consistency of variables. It is suggested that the minimum value must be 0.7 is acceptable and it showed that the reliability and consistency of the data is acceptable. Brand identity had 7 items and had the value of Cronbach Alpha 0.803 while brand image had 4 items and 0.750 Cronbach Alpha value and soon. All the values of Cronbach Alpha showed the reliability consistency of all variables (Table 6).

Variables 1 2 3 4 5
Brand identity 1        
Brand image 0.014 1      
Digital marketing intelligence 0.095 0.571 1    
E-consumer behavior 0.089 0.23 0.783 1  
Brand trust 0.441 0.809 -0.045 0.837 1

Table 6. Correlation.

The results of correlation of variables are: There is positive correlation of brand identity and brand image which is 0.014 showed the strong positive correlation between variables. Brand trust and brand trust have strong correlation which is 0.809 and soon. Therefore, it is proved by the results that if brand image is good then brand trust automatically build positive relationship (Table 7).

Predicators E-consumer behavior
β R2 ΔR2
Step 1
Control variables   0.014  
Step 2
Brand identity 0.056 0.044 0.039
Brand Image 0.032 0.059 0.061
Digital marketing intelligence 0.292 0.081 0.076
Step 3
Brand identity*digital marketing intelligence 0.079 0.731 0.651
Brand image*digital marketing intelligence 0.136 0.89 0.691

Table 7. Moderation.

This research proposed that the digital marketing intelligence moderated the relationship between brand identity and brand image. The aforementioned table represents the values of β, R2 and ΔR2. It was done in three steps shown in the Table 7. In first step, it shows the control variables R2 value of 0.014. The value of R2 showed that 0.081 is responsible to about 8.1% variation in digital marketing intelligence and E-consumer behavior whereas the β value 0.292 shows that digital marketing intelligence is responsible for about 29% of its relationship with concern variable. In the third step, two interaction terms was found (brand identity*digital marketing intelligence) and (brand image*digital marketing intelligence). The β value is (0.079, P<0.001) showed that their role is 7.9 units for E-consumer behavior and so on. The value of R2 0.731 showed that moderated 73% of the relationship when in contrast with band identity and E-consumer Behavior. ΔR2 is 0.651 which showed the change in original R2 is about 65% and that is a huge change. On the other hand, the β value is (0.136, P<0.001) showed that their role is 13 units for E-consumer behavior and so on. The value of R2 0.89 showed that moderated 89% of the relationship when in contrast with band image and E-consumer behavior. ΔR2 is 0.691 which showed the change in original R2 is about 69% and that is a huge change.


E-consumer behavior is examining in both academia and practitioner publication significantly. Both components are influencing factors of E-shopping. However, there are gaps of E-consumer behavior understanding so that the present study tries to fill the gaps by conducting analysis and through literature that thoroughly explained the E-consumer. This study proved by its findings that E-consumer behavior is the most significant element which influence the digital marketing intelligence while others factors also have their worth such as if brand trust totally depend on the brand identity and brand image. If brand Image unable to justify brand identity then brand trust would be zero in eye of an E-consumer. To maintain any marketing relationship it’s important in fostering by trust.

By looking at the moderation and correlation table they answer all questions related to E-consumer behavior and other variables. The β, R2 and ΔR2 values not only justified the variation in variables but also showed that E-consumer and brand Identity β, R2 and ΔR2 values are 0.056, 0.044 and 0.039 respectively. The β vales (0.056 P<0.001) showed that 56% E-consumer behavior responsible for brand identity. Hence proved, if brand identity is positive then E-consumer behavior also positive and responsible for changing its value. Whereas, R2 has 0.044 values in moderation table which showed 4.4% variation occur because of brand identity and E-consumer behavior and ΔR2 showed 0.039 which change in original R2 is about 39% and it was appositive change. Control variable also created variation of 1.4%, which is minor but still exist.


The theme of the marketing literature is to get the benefits of developing and exploiting marketing resources. Firms are always in strong position to compete in the marketplace. Among these resources it is identified that brand identity is viewed as a relational market based asset because it serves the digital marketing intelligence as well as boost the value of E-consumer and brand trust.


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