
Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems

ISSN: 2332-0796

Open Access

Current Issue

Volume 9, Issue 6 (2020)

    Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

    Editorial Note of Journal of Electrical and Electronic systems


    I am pleased to introduce Journal of Electrical and Electron system, (JEES) ( a rapid peer reviewed Journal which has key concerns about multidisciplinary topics that includes emerging areas of wireless communication systems, biosensors & actuators, quantum computers, biomedical electronics, robotics, mobile communication, embedded system, Journal main aim is to encourage the latest developments and innovations for publication on the open access platform as research articles, reviews, case studies, commentaries, short communication and the letters to the editor.

    Short Communication Pages: 2 - 2

    Robotics 2019: Welfare robotics in elderly care homes - Norbert Kruger -University of Southern Denmark

    Norbert Kruger

    The weight brought about by the segment advancement in Western European nations takes into account effectively making excellent plans of action for the use of alleged "government assistance robots" in consideration organizations for the old. In my discussion, I will give a diagram of current advancements in government assistance mechanical technology in the older consideration area, the specialized issues that actually should be tended to and the applications normal inside the following decade. Specifically, I will discuss the SMOOTH undertaking which means "Consistent human-robot connection for the help of old individuals". In the SMOOTH undertaking, we center on monotonous errands that don't included control, for example, transport of clothing, offering drinks and direction. To make such applications in fact practical, it was significant that the plan of the robot disentangles a ton of the specialized issues included. I will specifically discuss the cycle that prompted the plan of SMOOTH robot that is right now worked by a Danish new business. The European nations are going through critical segment changes, with the expanding more seasoned populace surpassing the limit of government assistance administration arrangement

    Short Communication Pages: 3 - 3

    Robotics 2019: Using robotics programming in primary education - Hiroko Kanoh - Yamagata University

    Hiroko Kanoh

    Robots for instructive purposes likewise accompany a more modest size and in an ease market, for example, the Wonder Workshop Dash Robot, Ozobot, SPHERO, BB-8, Wow Wee COJI The Coding Robot Toy, mBot, Transformable DIY Programmable Robot Kit, Clementoni My First Robot, LEGO, Bocco, Plen, Chip, Damian, Hicolor, Kamigami Robots Spot the Ladybug, DOBBY, Robi, Robohon, Roboactor, OHaNAS, Zoomer, Mip, KINGBOT, DIY Iron Bot Robot, Premaid, light sensor programing vehicle, the elated robot programming set, the Puchi little robot, block robot taste and Tama robot, and so on For what reason are there countless robots created for programming instruction? They invigorate understudies through body sensation. In preceding the advancement learning point at 9 years of age, contacting different articles and seeing in genuine items are indispensably significant .So, our attention is on the arranging of the usage of robot programming as essential understudies in Japan, in where programming instruction is as yet in an underlying stage, understudies should likewise be more keen on programming through genuine and obvious automated developments than in electronic ones. Kanoh maintains the guidance proposition of sustaining "approaches to learn and consider the data" characterized by Kanoh and her gathering and the usage of the programming instruction proposition in the solid controlling time of Piaget, J's improvement hypothesis is additionally recommended.

    Short Communication Pages: 4 - 4

    Robotics 2019: Local mechanologic operators for enhanced autonomy -Philip R Buskohl - Air Force Research Laboratory

    Philip R Buskohl

    Self-governing mechanical technology and automated vehicles keep on upsetting the operational model of different businesses, going from transportation and assembling to safeguard. Selfsufficiency anyway requires a stage with both nearby and worldwide situational mindfulness. The related control framework, including sensors, actuators, calculation, data move, and information stockpiling, expands the intricacy of the stage dramatically. A vital test to this vision is disaggregating concentrated control techniques into a various levelled network where some self-sufficiency (spatial and transient) is nearby, much like the autonomic versus the substantial sensory system. While a significant part of the push to address this test has zeroed in on improved calculations for union of worldwide sensor information, an elective way to deal with neighbourhood self-sufficiency is to re-evaluate how we think about designing a material to carry on in a climate. In this investigation, structure disfigurement and material responsiveness is redeciphered into the language of intelligent administrators, raising the degree of choice usefulness at the material/structure level. Along these lines, an ideal reaction work dependent on natural detecting, data handling, and mis-shapening memory rises out of the synergism between the structure and material, which we will show in a moistness responsive, origami structure. This change in outlook gives a huge occasion to reconsider how self-governing usefulness can be disseminated across an advanced mechanics framework to share and decentralize the data handling.

    Short Communication Pages: 5 - 5

    Robotics 2019: Research on a conscious system and experiments using a Robot - Junichi Takeno - Meiji University

    Junichi Takeno

    My examination gathering and I have concocted an awareness module considered a MoNAD that is built of a couple of recursive neural organizations, and we have built up a cognizant framework utilizing these modules. The module is just involved basic consolidated neural organizations, however it very well may be utilized to clarify a piece of the marvels of human awareness. We additionally incorporate a clarification about the module's self-reference work, that is, a MoNAD can speak to itself. The module additionally incorporates the renowned mirror neuron capacity in which the focal neurons of the module are identified with comprehension and conduct. The module can likewise be utilized to clarify how a machine feels by methods for neural organizations. We think this is a significant clarification for robots of things to come since it can learn obscure ideas self-rulingly. We led a few analyses utilizing this cognizant framework with a little robot. We will give subtleties on these examinations in the talk, and talk on the capacities of awareness in shading insight, the standards of lovely and disagreeable emotions, displaying and recreation investigates the Rubin's container marvel, and the personality (oneself) as a program. Lastly we will address the demonstrating of cutting edge horrible cerebrum wounds utilizing this cognizant framework.

    Volume 10, Issue 1 (2020)

      Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

      Studying and comparing deflections values of periodic plates with direct forms from a single material - Yaser Abdulaziz Hadi - Yanbu Industrial College

      Yaser Abdulaziz Hadi

      The possibility of the examination depends on the idea of the grid structures, and the investigation of the bowing and shaking powers of their layers. The ruinous impacts of the waves are demonstrated all the more fundamentally while expanding the quantity of plates or units on the grounds that the waves consumed or refracted are indistinguishable in changes while happening in the medium plates.

      Short Communication Pages: 2 - 2

      Study of nuisance tripping of residual current circuit breakers with electronic loads - Guillermo Escriva-Escriva - Polytechnic University of Valencia

      Guillermo Escriva-Escriva

      Introduction: Nuisance stumbling of remaining current circuit breakers (RCCBs) is frequently identified with the presence of electronic burdens (PCs, converters, and so forth)

      Short Communication Pages: 3 - 3

      How is smart grid transforming the power sector? Miguel A Hernandez - AF-Mercados EMI

      Miguel A Hernandez and Amir Ahmadzadeh

      The worldwide uber patterns are changing the enterprises including the force area. The quickly developing innovation is a key megatrend affecting all the businesses. In force area, among other mechanical advances, tiding the lattice is an intriguing issue. Looking through the writings, a few definitions can be found for brilliant networks. They can be summed up as: Adding insight over energy chain to produce, disseminate and devour energy in more effective and secure manner. Truth be told, shrewd framework is multidimensional entertainer. An uncontrollably utilized delineation for this multi-measurement is the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) characterized by EU Smart Grid Coordination Group. In this paper, we audit this model and upgrade the read era knowledge by giving a planning of these measurements to the known force frameworks.

      Short Communication Pages: 4 - 4

      Additive manufacturing as a flexible tool for electrical engineering - Volker Zollmer - Fraunhofer IFAM

      Volker Zollmer

      Additive substance producing makes 'objects' from a computerized 'model' by saving the constituent materials in a layer-by-layer way utilizing carefully controlled and worked material laying apparatuses. This more extensive meaning of Additive Manufacturing basically features four principle segments.

      Short Communication Pages: 5 - 5

      Energy efficiency, the key point in world energy challenges - Manuel Jairrega - Schneider Electric

      Manuel Jairrega

      The earnestness of tending to environmental change and the changing electric network require a "next degree of energy proficiency" to assemble energy reserve funds that go past authentic practice and coordinate with a framework portrayed by significant degrees of discontinuous assets and variable burden. To arrive at this next level, we should initially comprehend the difficulties ahead, which are the subject of this article. This article centers on California, however the difficulties examined apply somewhere else also. Energy productivity has a significant task to carry out in the 21st century matrix, yet except if the difficulties ahead for the following degree of proficiency are recognized and tended to, we will burn through important time and cash in the battle to address environmental change.

      Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

      Studying and comparing deflections values of periodic plates with direct forms from a material - Yaser Abdulaziz Hadi - Yanbu Industrial

      Yaser Abdulaziz Hadi

      The ruinous impacts of the waves are demonstrated all the more fundamentally while expanding the quantity of plates or units on the grounds that the waves consumed or refracted are indistinguishable in changes while happening in the medium plates. A Mat lab model was planned dependent on a bunch of formulae with 3D three intermittent plates, to process mass and firmness of the plates and register the estimations of avoidances and removal. The program re-executed again on the reason that the plates made of straight iron square materials to process avoidances esteems, and contrast and occasional plates arranged from copper and iron. Subsequent to looking at the general construction of the occasional landfill types of 'iron square' and 'copper' and it's mechanical attributes, and attempting to sort out the handiness of including copper side appendages, show that there is an immediate connection of powers following up on the tops of copper plates unloaded on the essential plate 'iron' with landfill diversions, and can handle plate removals and lessen outside avoidances. The examination shows that there is an expansion in sturdiness and opposition in occasional infusions with compelling forces.

      Volume 11, Issue 5 (2022)

        Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

        Studying the Thermal Conductivity of Perovskite Thin Films

        Ajay Kumar*

        DOI: 10.37421/2332-0796.2022.11.22

        A methodology for exact assurance of the warm conductivity of novel sans lead perovskite slight movies by 3ω strategy, acknowledged with a field programmable simple cluster circuit, is introduced. The target of the work is to concentrate on the connection between the warm conductivity of the photoelectric perovskites and the warm solidness of the sun oriented cells, in which they are consolidated. It is found that the sun powered cells' drawn out strength under various double-dealing conditions, like persistent brightening and raised temperatures, is impacted to an alternate degree, as per the warm conductivity. The created arrangement for execution of the 3ω strategy is adjusted for dainty film tests and can be applied to all layers engaged with the sunlight based cell, in this manner characterizing their singular commitment to the general gadget warm corruption. As indicated by the led estimations, the coefficients of warm conductivity for the original materials are as per the following: for the iodine-based perovskite film, it is 0.14 W/mK and for the chlorine-based perovskite film, it is 0.084 W/mK. Subsequently, the warm flimsiness and corruption rate at constant brightening are, individually, 10.6% and 200 nV/min for the iodine-based perovskite sun oriented cell, and 6.5% and 20 nV/min for the chlorine-based cell. At raised temperatures up to 54°C, the relating shakiness values are 15 μV/°C with a debasement pace of a normal of 2.2 μV/ min for the cell with iodine-containing perovskite and 300 nV/°C with a corruption pace of 66 nV/min for the cell with chlorine containing perovskite.

        Commentary Pages: 1 - 2

        A Short Note on Gold Nanoparticles

        Sumaira Anjum*

        DOI: 10.37421/2332-0796.2022.11.23

        Nanoelectronics alludes to the utilization of nanotechnology in electronic parts. The term covers a different arrangement of gadgets and materials, with the normal trademark that they are little to such an extent that between nuclear connections and quantum mechanical properties should be concentrated widely. A portion of these up-and-comers include: crossover sub-atomic/semiconductor hardware, one-layered nanotubes/nanowires (for example silicon nanowires or carbon nanotubes) or high level atomic hardware. Nanoelectronic gadgets have basic aspects with a size range between 1 nm and 100 nm. Ongoing silicon MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-impact semiconductor, or MOS semiconductor) innovation ages are now inside this system, including 22 nanometers CMOS (correlative MOS) hubs and succeeding 14 nm, 10 nm and 7 nm FinFET (blade field-impact semiconductor) ages. Nanoelectronics are here and there thought to be as troublesome innovation since present applicants are fundamentally unique in relation to customary semiconductors.

        Review Article Pages: 1 - 3

        A Review on Nano-Electronics

        Gongyu Jiang*

        DOI: 10.37421/2332-0796.2022.11.21

        Nanoelectronics alludes to the utilization of nanotechnology in electronic parts. The term covers a different arrangement of gadgets and materials, with the normal trademark that they are little to such an extent that between nuclear connections and quantum mechanical properties should be concentrated widely. A portion of these up-and-comers include: crossover sub-atomic/semiconductor hardware, one-layered nanotubes/nanowires (for example silicon nanowires or carbon nanotubes) or high level atomic hardware. Nanoelectronic gadgets have basic aspects with a size range between 1 nm and 100 nm. Ongoing silicon MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-impact semiconductor, or MOS semiconductor) innovation ages are now inside this system, including 22 nanometers CMOS (correlative MOS) hubs and succeeding 14 nm, 10 nm and 7 nm FinFET (blade field-impact semiconductor) ages. Nanoelectronics are here and there thought to be as troublesome innovation since present applicants are fundamentally unique in relation to customary semiconductors.

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