When Treating Rare Neuroendocrine Tumours, Precision Medicine

Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy

ISSN: 2155-9619

Open Access

Mini Review - (2023) Volume 14, Issue 3

When Treating Rare Neuroendocrine Tumours, Precision Medicine

Enoch Paul*
*Correspondence: Enoch Paul, Department of Radiation Therapy, McGill University, Quebec, Canada, Email:
Department of Radiation Therapy, McGill University, Quebec, Canada

Received: 01-May-2023, Manuscript No. jnmrt-23-105698; Editor assigned: 03-May-2023, Pre QC No. P-105698; Reviewed: 15-May-2023, QC No. Q-105698; Revised: 20-May-2023, Manuscript No. R-105698; Published: 27-May-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2155-9619.2023.14.538
Citation: Paul, Enoch. “When Treating Rare Neuroendocrine Tumours, Precision Medicine.” J Nucl Med Radiat Ther 14 (2023): 538.
Copyright: © 2023 Paul E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited


The clinical care of neuroendocrine tumours, a rare neoplasm with rising prevalence, is difficult. The possibility for these tumours to emit amines or peptide hormones that result in recognisable clinical symptoms is an oddity. Hormonal disorders can have a major detrimental impact on a patient's quality of life and prognosis. The attempts to understand the molecular pathways behind tumour growth and progression have been hampered by their relative rarity, vast anatomic distribution, and varied biological behaviour. Our knowledge of the genomic and epigenome events underlying NET pathogenesis has improved as a result of recent advancements in "omic" technology and their expanded accessibility.


Tumours • Hormones • Prognosis • Anatomic


Brain tumours are now frequently treated using chemotherapy. In patients with anaplastic glooms, oligodendroglia’s, medulloblastoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumours, germ cell tumours, and primary CNS lymphoma, chemotherapy increases survival. In glioblastoma, chemotherapy resistance is typical. Rare cancers, which together make up over 25% of all malignancies, are rarely the subject of translational and clinical research to enhance their detection and treatment since their aetiology and pathophysiology are poorly understood. As a result, the prognosis of those affected is worse than that of patients with more prevalent entities, and they have very limited therapy choices. In order to highlight recent efforts toward individualised, biologyguided therapeutic care to improve long-term outcomes, we will now cover two pertinent types of uncommon cancers: Bone and soft tissue sarcomas and neuroendocrine tumours [1].

Literature Review

We discuss how thorough, multi-layered molecular investigations, including the evaluation of inherited risk factors, and cutting-edge imaging techniques can enhance the diagnosis of these conditions, provide better prognostic assessment, and identify novel targets for pharmacologic treatment. The highly dispersed neuroendocrine system is the source of a single group of rare cancers known as neuroendocrine neoplasms. Due to the considerable variety of these neoplasms in terms of clinical aggressiveness and therapeutic response, clinical management is complicated. To personalise the therapy, including cancer rehabilitation, a multidisciplinary approach is in fact necessary. In this review, we talk about the potential for using precision medicine to manage [2].

Several hormones as well as markers of neuroendocrine development, including as synaptophysin, and neuron-specific enlace, are expressed by a group of tumours known as neuroendocrine neoplasms. The majority of individuals with NENs are detected after metastases have taken place, despite the fact that surgery continues to be the mainstay of treatment for localised tumours. These patients need a multidisciplinary approach to chronic medical care. Significantly, the grade and stage of the tumour, the anatomic site of origin, and the presence of a functional syndrome are the key criteria that currently have a significant influence in determining the course of treatment. However, the clinical aggressiveness and response to existing therapeutic approaches are hampered by the significant biological heterogeneity of these neoplasms.


Short nuclear fragments discharged into the bloodstream by apoptotic or necrotic tumour cells make up circulating tumour DNA. The management of NEN may benefit from analysis. The levels of have been seen to increase as tumours develop while decreasing following treatment. As recently reported in a few anecdotal cases, monitoring levels could help with medication therapy and provide a more thorough depiction of the mutational landscape of the NEN. Additionally, variations in allele frequencies over time can be a result of sub clonal evolution, offering the chance to modify the therapy to combat recently appearing resistance [3,4].

Rarely do tumours simultaneously exhibit characteristics of liver, nerve, and hormone-producing cells. The best course of treatment in these circumstances is not clear. Here, we explain how to create or ganoids three dimensional miniature tumours that can be grown and analysed in a culture dish from the patient's tumour tissue. These or ganoids closely resembled the patient's tumour, allowing us to test several medications and find the most efficient course of action for a well-informed treatment decision. The practise of personalised medicine, which strives to give patients a more individualised course of treatment, is what we identify in our study as an emerging strategy. Hepatocellular and neuroendocrine tumour components coexisting with primary liver carcinomas in the same liver lesion are extremely uncommon. They are categorised as Hepatocellular Carcinoma-Neuroendocrine Carcinoma liver mixed neuroendocrine non-neuroendocrine neoplasms because they are made up of two morphologically different cell populations that exhibit hepatocellular or neuroendocrine characteristics [5,6].


A revolutionary platform called OncoTreat ranks anti-cancer medications in order of systematic importance. OncoTreat's logic is based on the capacity of medications to reverse the expression profile of master regulator proteins, whose coordinated activity is required for the manipulation of tumour check points. In cohort individuals with GEP-NEN, OncoTreat was established. Several master regulator proteins, including important regulators of neuroendocrine lineage progenitor status and immunoevasion, were discovered in the first part of the study by transcriptase analysis.



Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest by author.


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