Community Midwifery Care in Postpartum Periond in the Czech Republic

International Journal of Public Health and Safety

ISSN: 2736-6189

Open Access

Community Midwifery Care in Postpartum Periond in the Czech Republic

10th International Conference on Public Health and Nursing

July 26-27, 2021 | Webinar

Eva Hendrych Lorenzova

University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech republic, Europe

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Int J Pub Health Safe

Abstract :

Community midwifery car of women in postpartum perid has great importance in the prevention of health complications, in the early detection of mental complications, in the support of breastfeeding. Community midwifery care aslo promote attachment parentingand and support new family. Community midwifery care of women in postpartum period had a deep tradition in the Czech Republic. However, at present, community midwives are not in favor and therefore, of the total number of all midwives, only about 10% of midwives work in a community environment, the rest are in the hospital sphere. Most women have to pay for community care for midwives from their finances because health insurance companies do not want to pay for it. In addition, community midwifery care of women in postpartum period would have to be recommended by the attending gynecologist, who often perceives this care as above standard. The presentation on the topic of Community Midwifery Care in the Postpartum Period in the Czech Republic will present the history of midwifery community care of women in postpartum period in the Czech Republic and present the current situation. Current research surveys will be included, which will present both public opinion on the importance of midwifery care in the community environment (Dušová, 2019), but also the results of health and mental complications in postpartum women in connection with the care of community midwives and results related to women’s quality of life after childbirth in connection with the care of community midwives (Janoušková, 2015; Hendrych Lorenzová, Bártlová, 2019).

Biography :

Eva Hendrych Lorenzová has completede her PhD at the year 2019 (at the age of 33) at University of South Bohemia in the Czech republic. Her main scientific focus is on topic of community midwifery care and promotion of health pregnancy and natural chlidbirth, gentle postpartum period. In 2020, she wrote her first publication called Being a happy midwife. She work as assistant professor at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, in the Czech republic and also as a community midwife

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