Physical Electronics Innovations | Open Access Journals

Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems

ISSN: 2332-0796

Open Access

Physical Electronics Innovations

The study of physical phenomena basic to electronics, such as discharges, thermionic and field emission, and conduction in semiconductors and metals. Physical Electronics deals with the actual phenomenon occurring within the device during its operation. However, in the part of electronics, we study how an electronic device actually works. On the other hand, electronic engineering is the application part of core electronics and under this section, we deal with successive development. Finally electronics can be defined as "the field of science and engineering which deals with electronic devices and its utilization". Innovations are new idea, device or process. Innovations are the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated needs or existing market needs. It is proficient through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or new ideas that are readily available to markets, governments and society. Innovations are something original and novel, as a significant, new that “breaks into” the market or society.

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