Physical Activity in Elderly People who are Physically Active

Journal of Health Education Research & Development

ISSN: 2380-5439

Open Access

Mini Review - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 7

Physical Activity in Elderly People who are Physically Active

Conde Valero*
*Correspondence: Conde Valero, Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, Email:
Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

Received: 05-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. jbhe-22-74944; Editor assigned: 10-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. P-74944; Reviewed: 15-Jul-2022, QC No. Q-74944; Revised: 19-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. R-74944; Published: 26-Jul-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2380-5439.2022.10.100033
Citation: Valero, Conde. “Physical Activity in Elderly People who are Physically Active.” J Health Edu Res Dev 10 (2022): 100033.
Copyright: © 2022 Valero C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The risk profiles of older persons according to various degrees of physical exercise have not been extensively studied. Because of this, the purpose of this study was to determine whether aspects like quality of life, as well as demographics like gender and education, can predict how much physical activity an elderly population engages in. being a woman, having less education, scoring poorly in both functional skills and activity and leisure. Finally, factors of quality of life that affect how much physical activity the elderly engage in include gender, education, functional abilities, activity and leisure, and health. Age-related physiological changes can impact vulnerability as well as the emergence of physical and mental disorders. In the elderly, being physically fit is linked to improved quality of life, wellbeing, and mental health. Some scholars caution that the strain of society's ageing on state public health systems is another concern.


Mental health • Educational attainment •Physical activity • Social interaction • Education


Physical activity and exercise training are effective ways for preventing many chronic diseases. Both approaches increase muscle strength, mass, and function; decrease mortality; and enhance mobility, mental health, and quality of life. They also serve as non-pharmacological treatments for cardiovascular disease avoidance. In this regard, some studies highlight how physical activity is one of the most crucial methods for preventing disease and promoting both physical and cognitive health, and how aspects like being active, being in good health, and having social connections directly affect the quality of life for elderly people. Other authors have noted that maintaining a Body Mass Index (BMI) outside of the ranges considered being low weight or obesity, engaging in leisure activities, sleeping between 7-8 hours per day, and engaging in regular physical activity are factors that predict a healthy lifestyle and longer survival. Research has also shown that characteristics including age, educational attainment, income, and stress affect physical activity. The practice of physical activity was demonstrated to be advantageous in 63 participants between the ages of 65 and 95 in relation to greater functional ability, where functional ability, in turn, was one of the characteristics that influenced adherence to the practice of physical activity. In fact, older adults who engage in a lot of physical activity have higher levels of functional ability and autonomy, which improves their ability to carry out basic daily tasks independently, fosters social connections, and improves health satisfaction, all of which have positive socio-emotional effects. Older persons without functional impairments, however, were more likely to be inactive physically.

Literature Review

Although few, prior research has focused on older women and the positive effects of aerobic exercise on their health and quality of life. So it was shown that women were more physically active than males in a study with 188 senior persons, despite the fact that men displayed a higher quality of life. Additionally, gender disparities in physical activity and falls, which typically happen in older persons, have not been covered in the scientific literature [1]. Similarly, it was shown that those with favourable financial circumstances and higher levels of education had considerably better health behaviours than the rest in a study involving 689 adults over the age of 60. As a result, the scientific literature focuses primarily on health and functional capacity as factors that support older people's participation in physical exercise [2]. This paper also offers a predictive model on the factors that lead to low levels of physical activity based on characteristics that have received less research but are essential due to their representativeness. In this regard, being aware the most descriptive variable in this model may help us take the appropriate steps to promote geriatric physical activity, hence reducing inequities.

This study aims to determine whether factors including gender, educational attainment, and self-rated quality of life can predict the amount of physical activity engaged in by physically active older persons [3]. The following inquiry has been put out for research: Does the amount of physical activity elderly people who are physically active engage in depend on their gender, degree of education, and level of quality of life. This scale rates three different kinds of physical activity: low-intensity, moderate-intensity, and vigorous-intensity. It divides individuals' levels of activity into three categories: high, moderate, and low. Those who engage in at least an additional hour of moderate-intensity exercise or a half-hour of vigorous-intensity activity over and above their daily basal levels fall under the category of high activity-level individuals. Those who engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity nearly every day fall under the category of moderate activity. It was a cross-sectional study. In Alicante, the selection of participants took place in two various settings: in recreational and social centres, and in open areas where sports are frequently played [4].

A total of 38 centres were contacted, and 18 of them agreed to work together. The survey and informed permission form were provided to potential participants, who filled them out on their own after engaging in physical activity. Contact was made with participants who met the criteria set forth for the study in outdoor areas in which the general public goes to practice sport, and they were informed of the study's goals. A packet containing the questionnaire and the informed consent form was provided to those who indicated their willingness to take part. A packet comprising the questionnaire and the informed consent form was given to those who consented to participate; they were required to fill it out and return it at a later appointment scheduled at that time. By necessity, sampling was not probabilistic [5]. The variables included in the study were subjected to a dependency analysis. The categorical variables underwent a chi-squared test, while the continuous variables were subjected to a Student's t-test for independent samples. Next, a logistic regression analysis using the method of entry was performed to investigate if the factors analysed allow prediction of the amount of physical activity of physically active older persons. In order to evaluate the bivariate connection of the predictor factors with physical activity, the variables were dichotomized and the OR was determined.


This study supports the link between low physical activity levels and the maintenance or improvement of an aged person's capacity for performing activities of daily living, which in turn influences that person's quality of life. Similar findings from other studies have been noted. As a result, maintaining a suitable degree of physical fitness is crucial for older persons to keep their independence. However, unlike the present investigation, these studies did not evaluate this subject while taking into account the amounts of physical activity engaged in Second, it should be emphasised that low to moderate physical activity levels are associated with less involvement in activities and free time. These findings highlight the importance of increasing senior citizens' free time and leisure activities in order to indirectly raise their levels of physical activity. Additionally, these results suggest that engaging in a particular sport or style of exercise can improve activities like visiting friends, participating in sports, or running errands in the elderly. In actuality, increased social interaction is a benefit of physical activity, as noted in the scientific literature.

Although the research on low-to-moderate levels of physical activity and poor engagement in leisure activities lacks one more specificity, the present study does. Second, it should be emphasised that low to moderate physical activity levels are associated with less involvement in activities and free time. These findings highlight the importance of increasing elderly people' free time and leisure activities in order to indirectly raise the levels of physical activity. Additionally, these results suggest that engaging in a particular sport or style of exercise can improve activities like visiting friends, participating in sports, or running errands in the elderly. In fact, the scientific literature highlights the connection between increased physical exercise and increased social interaction. Thirdly, our findings indicate that women engage in low-tomoderate levels of physical activity. In order to improve their long-term health, it is crucial to comprehend the factors that contribute to this behaviour. Despite the paucity of research in this area, several studies have found that married women are more likely than single women to undertake over 150 minutes of PA per week, but married males did not differ by age. However, a number of studies suggest that there may not be distinct variations between the impacts that physical activity has on individuals based on their gender, therefore it would be fascinating to look into this matter further in light of what this work has attempted to achieve.


As a generalization, it should be noted that the findings of the current study indicate that gender, educational attainment, health, functional abilities, activity, and leisure are factors that can predict how much older individuals who engage in physical exercise will engage in it. These findings indicate that there are aspects of elderly people's quality of life that can predict how much they exercise, independent of their gender or degree of education. Thus, it is challenging to adopt proactive health behaviours if you are a woman and have a poor level of education. Therefore, it is crucial to engage in physical activity.


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