Impact of Physical Activity on Survival in Hypertensive and Diabetic Patients in the Interior of São Paulo

Journal of Hypertension: Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1095

Open Access

Research Article - (2020) Volume 9, Issue 3

Impact of Physical Activity on Survival in Hypertensive and Diabetic Patients in the Interior of São Paulo

Grace Fernanda Severino Nunes1*, Roberto Jorge da Silva Franco1, Nathalia Valenço Nicolau2, Monica Marcelli de Souza2, Rozinéia dos Santos3 and Luis Cuadrado Martin1
*Correspondence: Grace Fernanda Severino Nunes, Departamento: Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica UNESP, Botucatu/São Paulo, Rua Alfredo Pena 277, Agudos, São Paulo, Brasil, Tel: +5514 988032809, Email:
1Departamento: Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica UNESP, Botucatu/São Paulo, Rua Alfredo Pena 277, Agudos, São Paulo, Brasil
2Departamento: Fisioterapia, Agudos/São Paulo, Brasil
3Departamento: Enfermagem, Agudos/São Paulo, Brasil

Received: 06-Feb-2020 Published: 14-Feb-2020 , DOI: 10.37421/2167-1095.9.263
Citation: Grace Fernanda Severino Nunes, Roberto Jorge da Silva Franco, Nathalia Valen�??�?�§o Nicolau, Monica Marcelli de Souza, Rozin�??�?�©ia dos Santos and Luis Cuadrado Martin. "Impact of Physical Activity on Survival in Hypertensive and Diabetic Patients in the Interior of S�??�?�£o Paulo". J Hypertens (Los Angel) 9 (2020) doi: 10.37421/2167-1095.9.263
Copyright: �??�?�© 2020 Nunes GFS, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) are a group of complications characterized by a long latency period, prolonged evolution time and irreversible lesions that lead to a variety of disabilities and death. Thus, this study aims to prospectively evaluate the association between physical activity level and mortality in hypertensive and diabetic patients from a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A standardized longitudinal study was conducted with 200 patients evaluated in 2012 and reassessed in 2018. These hypertensive and diabetic patients answered specific questions about the level of physical activity and quality of life. Univariate analyzes for the significance test of associations were performed using the analysis of variance and the chi- square test for continuous and discrete variables, respectively. All significance tests were considered at p<0.05 and survival analysis was conducted using the COX regression model. The major findings have shown that the chance of active patients with 80% survival could be compared to sedentary. Physical activity was related to survival, although irregularly with 65% of chances of survival by the patients who do not maintain this practice. We concluded that active people have lower odds of mortality compared to sedentary. Irregularly active people have a higher chance of death when compared to the active as the level of physical activity is directly related to mortality in hypertensive and diabetic patients.


Hypertension • Diabetes mellitus • Physical activity • Mortality • São Paulo


Non communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) are a group of complications characterized by a long latency period, prolonged evolution time and irreversible lesions that lead to a variety of disabilities and death. Among the diseases, high blood pressure (HBP) and diabetes mellitus (DM) have common characteristics and are easily diagnosed and responsible for more than two million deaths per year worldwide [1-5].

Therefore, the Brazilian Ministry of Health, through the Unified Health System launched the Hiperdia program that aims to prevent complications arising from the non-adherence to antihypertensive treatment prescribed by the doctor for hypertensive treatment and diabetes.

A previous cross-sectional study conducted by our group “Characterization of people with hypertension and diabetes treated at the basic health units of the city of Agudos and evaluation of the association among physical activity level and cardiovascular risk factors, quality of life and comorbidities” [6] concluded that sedentary people had higher rates of stroke, infarction, heart failure hospitalization, kidney disease, dialysis and higher frequency of family history of hypertension. On the one hand, the higher level of physical activity was associated with better quality of life, even after excluding patients with stroke, dialysis or heart failure.

Literature suggests that maintaining an adequate level of physical activity is an important health promotion factor in the elderly population. Thus, lifestyle plays a key role in the prevention and control of chronic non communicable diseases, especially those that constitute the main cause of mortality [7].

On the other hand, many randomized experimental studies have shown that exercise programs improve not only physical fitness but also blood lipid levels, blood pressure, bone density, body composition, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Hence, it seems reasonable to suppose that the improvement of these clinical variables may lead to a reduction in mortality rates and to an increase in people's healthy lifespan [7,8].

We have found in Brazil peer-reviewed studies on healthy aging [8], historical profile of morbidity and on elderly ’ s mortality [9] and on the epidemiological aspect of aging [10]. Nevertheless, there is a lack of longitudinal studies in the literature to verify the association between physical activity and mortality.

The results of these studies may suggest that intervention strategies in the adoption and maintenance of physical activity should emphasize the proposals for adherence to physical activity practice considering the specific characteristics of our population.

We should also consider that the main studies in this scope were conducted abroad. Thus, it is necessary to conduct research with the Brazilian population to assess whether the results obtained in other countries can be confirmed in our country. The present study is justified as it contributes to the knowledge of the impact of physical activity on mortality in hypertensive and diabetic patients in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo.

Therefore, the present study aims to prospectively evaluate the association between physical activity level and mortality in hypertensive and diabetic patients.

Material and Methods


A longitudinal study was conducted with 200 patients aged over 18 years, both sexes, who enrolled in the Hiperdia Program of the city of Agudos. They had already participated in a previous study in 2009, where the number of patients was determined using the Hiperdia population average sample formula reaching 200 patients.

From May to August 2018 the same patients were evaluated and data were collected in a standardized assessment by questionnaires, anthropometric, biometric parameters and blood pressure measured according to the recommendations of the VI Hypertension Guidelines [11].

Laboratory tests were obtained from a specific patient ’ s database registered in Hiperdia that has been considered the last examination requested by the physician.

Regarding the patients who died, an investigative research was conducted to verify the cause of death through the death certificate. The inclusion criteria comprised participants aged over 18 years, aware and able to answer the questionnaires and the exclusion criteria encompassed intellectual disabilities and patients aged less than 18 years.

All the involved have read and gave written informed consent and all the procedures were in accordance with the Botucatu Protocol 1.642.169. The instruments used for evaluation were the Kidney Disease and Quality of Life Short-Form (KDQOL-SFTM) [12] and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) [13], both in their translated version, adapted and validated for the Brazilian culture.

Statistical analysis

Data has been written in discrete or continuous quantitative variables and the independent variable was the level of physical activity. Data were transcribed in a spreadsheet that was specifically designed for data collection in the software Statistic SPSS 25.

Univariate analyzes for the significance test of associations were performed using the analysis of variance and the chisquare test for continuous and discrete variables, respectively. All significance tests were considered at p<0.05. Data were presented as mean and standard deviation or median (first, fourth quartile) when appropriate. Survival analysis was performed using the COX regression model to data analysis from life time studies, in which the response was the beginning of the evaluation in 2012, until the occurrence of a covariate adjusted to a death event.


The cohort comprised 200 patients, 152 were female (76%), with a mean age of 65 ± 12.8 years. White patients predominated with 91 (45%) and a mean of 3.3 ± 2.3 years of schooling, average monthly income of 1.13 minimum wages.

There were 22 deaths, 13 women (7%) and 9 men (5%). The causes were: 01 patient died from ischemic stroke and respiratory failure, 03 acute pulmonary edema, 02 congestive heart failure (CHF), 01 neck cancer, 01 septic shock and pneumonia, 01 chronic obstructive arterial disease, 02 acute respiratory failure, 02 breast cancer, 01 lung cancer, respiratory failure, 01 rectal cancer, peritonal carcinomatosis, 02 cardiopulmonary failure, 01 cardiac failure, and finally 04 home deaths without medical assistance.

Patients were categorized according to physical activity level classification: sedentary, insufficiently active and active. Thus, the frequency of sedentary lifestyle was 11% (22), insufficiently active 68.5% (137), and active 20.5% (41).

Table 1 shows clinical and anthropometric data divided according to death occurrence. We obtained a 30 ± 5.3 kg/m2 mean body mass index (BMI). No statistical difference was found among groups as we did not find it on blood pressure, heart rate and neck circumference indicators.

Table 1: Sample physical examinations and deaths of the population of Hiperdia in the municipality of Agudos.

Dependent Variables Deaths (n=22) Sample (n=178) p
SBP (mm Hg) 138 ± 19.1 132 ± 21.8 0.235
DBP (mm Hg) 87 ± 10.8 84 ± 16.2 0482
HR (bpm) 69 ± 11.2 70 ± 10.1 0.606
BMI 30 ± 5.6 30 ± 6.7 0.992
Circ. neck (cm) 40 ± 11.2 38 ± 7.5 0.182

Data of laboratory tests divided according to death occurrence are shown in Table 2. Laboratory tests have shown differences between the sample and the different levels of physical activity outcomes, as fasting glycemia (p=0.038) and LDL (p=0.02).

Table 2: Sample laboratory tests and deaths of the population of Hiperdia and outcome in the municipality of Agudos.

Dependent Variables Deaths (n=22) Sample (n=178) p
Fasting Blood Glucose (mg/dL) 128 ± 75.4 112 ± 75.4 0.038
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 201 ± 50.3 204 ± 38.6 0.756
 HDL (mg/dL) 49 ± 21.5 44 ± 10.6 0.060
 LDL (mg/dL) 114 ± 42.2 131 ± 37.5 0.002

This study presented on the variable of congestive heart failure (CHF) a difference among the distinct levels of physical activity, indicating p=0.007, as well as in nonsmoker patients at any time of life, p=0.014. Patients who never drank alcohol or who stopped drinking have showed difference among the distinct levels of physical activity, p=0.038.

A statistically significant difference was found among the outcomes of different levels of physical activity and mortality, p=0.003.

The level of physical activity was associated with mortality, even after adjusting for the confounding variables, age and CHF hospitalization, as shown in Table 3. Taking the sedentary patients as a reference, the hazard ratio was 0.345 (95% CI: 0.130-0.914) for irregularly active patients and 0.193 (95% CI: 0.038-0.980) for active (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Quantification of survival time for different levels of physical activity.

Table 3: Association of different levels of physical activity and mortality in hypertensive and/or diabetic patients.

  p Hazard Ratio 95% IC Hazard Ratio
Botton Higher
Step 1 Age (years) 0.136 1.023 0.993 1.054
Male 0.454 1.479 0.531 4.123
Limitation by physical aspects 0.964 1.000 0.987 1.013
Emotional aspects 0.211 0.993 0.981 1.004
DM 0.133 1.983 0.811 4.846
Previous hospitalization for CHF 0.066 20.764 0.935 80.176
Past ou current smoking 0.335 10.551 0.635 30.785
IPAQ (active) 0.264 Reference
IPAQ (irregulary active) 0.265 0.520 0.165 10.640
IPAQ (sedentary) 0.114 0.246 0.043 10.403
Step 2 Age (years) 0.136 10.023 0.993 10.054
Male 0.445 10.484 0.539 40.089
Emotional aspects 0.152 0.993 0.983 10.003
DM 0.133 10.979 0.812 40.820
Previous hospitalization for CHF 0.064 20.755 0.941 80.065
Past ou current smoking 0.335 10.551 0.635 30.785
IPAQ (active) 0.233 Reference
IPAQ (irregularly active) 0.258 0.523 0.170 10.609
IPAQ (sedentary) 0.099 0.249 0.048 10.300
Step 3 Age (years) 0.108 10.024 0.995 10.054
Emotional aspects 0.127 0.993 0.983 10.002
DM 0.123 20.007 0.827 40.866
Previous hospitalization for CHF 0.054 20.855 0.984 80.287
Past ou current smoking 0.239 10.676 0.709 30.964
IPAQ (active) 0.142 Reference
IPAQ (irregularly active) 0.113 0.441 0.160 10.214
IPAQ (sedentary) 0.080 0.232 0.045 10.190
Step 4 Age (years) 0.082 10.026 0.997 10.055
Emotional aspects 0.142 0.993 0.983 10.002
DM 0.165 10.855 0.775 40.437
Previous hospitalization for CHF 0.055 20.746 0.977 70.714
IPAQ (active) 0.123 Reference
IPAQ (irregularly active) 0.079 0.414 0.155 10.106
IPAQ (sedentary) 0.087 0.241 0.047 10.230
Step 5 Age (years) 0.101 10.024 0.995 10.053
Emotional aspects 0.134 0.993 0.983 10.002
Previous hospitalization for CHF 0.098 20.329 0.856 60.338
IPAQ (active) 0.062 Reference
IPAQ (irregularly active) 0.043 0.368 0.140 0.969
IPAQ (sedentary) 0.051 0.201 0.040 10.009
Step 6 Age (years) 0.087 10.026 0.996 10.058
Previous hospitalization for CHF 0.042 20.788 10.036 70.498
IPAQ (active) 0.050 Reference
IPAQ (irregularly active) 0.032 0.345 0.130 0.914
IPAQ (sedentary) 0.047 0.193 0.038 0.980


The main finding of this study was the 80% chance of survival in active patients compared to sedentary. Data were maintained throughout the analysis process. Physical activity was related to survival, although irregularly, with 65% of chances of survival of the patient who does not maintain this practice.

In the literature, a hispanic investigation with 3.298 participants conducted over 11 years has found that free time physical activity protects against all mortality causes, except obesity [14].

A Greek longitudinal study with 1.918 patients found the relation of education level with the level of physical activity, noting that the high level of education was related to higher levels of physical activity [15]. In correlation with mortality, the lower level of education had a higher risk of death for all causes, as well as a recurrence on coronary artery disease.

A study in North Manhattan with 3.298 elderly, multiethnic, city-dwelling participants and mean age 69 years has associated the lower risk of allcause mortality with the lower risk. However, these findings were only seen among those with a BMI<30 and not in those with a BMI ≥ 30. In the study, no association was found between mortality and leisure time physical activity. The authors sustained that the physical activity protective effect could be mitigated by high BMI in a group with high risk of mortality [16].

We have found in the literature a study on the level of physical activity and mortality comprising 13. 485 men, mean age 57.5 years, where the low level of physical activity was not related to a reduction in mortality rate. Whereas moderate physical activity seemed beneficial, only vigorous activities were clearly associated with physical activity and reduced mortality rates. In the current study, involving hypertensive and diabetic patients, those with irregular levels of physical activity have already statistically correlated with the significance for reducing the mortality rate [17].

A study conducted for 7 years, 12.138 middle-aged men showed that moderate leisure time physical activity was associated with only 63% of CVD deaths and that low levels of leisure time physical activity accounted for 70% of deaths from all causes compared to their detected mortality rates [18].

In another study involving 1.405 Swedish women aged 38 to 60 years, it was reported that in the most active group, the risk of death was only slightly reduced compared to that found in the moderately active and among it, compared to the less active without statistical significance [19].

Another study demonstrated that the beneficial effect of physical activity remained unchanged after adjusting other mortality predictors of moderately active leisure time and highly active individuals relative to the odds detected in sedentary counterparts [20].

Pekkanen et al. found in an investigation encompassing 636 healthy Finnish men, aged 45-64 yrs, that the highly active individuals lived 2.1 years longer than the less active [21].

We found data on 1.404 women in Framingham, aged 50 to 74 years, monitored for 16 years based on their physical activity and it was reported that two more active groups had an overall 30% lower mortality rate compared to the two most sedentary groups [22]. Adjustment for cardiac risk factors or exclusion of all subjects who died throughout these six years did not result in any change, and there was no association between activity levels and cardiovascular morbidity or mortality.

The current study has shown no statistical differences between the different outcome groups regarding blood pressure, heart rate, and BMI, waist and neck circumference. We found data in the study that systolic and diastolic blood pressure was associated with increased physical activity. Several studies have indicated that low levels of physical activity associated with various other risk factors are independent on morbidity and mortality [23,24]. Forest et al. reported that, in men, physical activity inversely correlated with high blood pressure risk [25].We have not found significant statistical difference on fasting glucose, total cholesterol, HDL and glucose, but triglycerides have shown no difference among the living groups and those who died. Ashton, Forest et al. maintained the inverse relationship of physical activity to insulin, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, and have directly correlated with HDL cholesterol, but have not related them to death [24,25].

We have also found that the most important factor in reducing mortality risk was the level of physical activity rather than the subject´s background of exercise, which does not corroborate with our research [23].

Large cohorts of patients were evaluated by telephone and self-reported the possibility of over-report physical activity, which in the current study overlaps the results considering the on- site assessment [25].

It is well documented that both physical fitness and physical activity are associated with the reduced all-cause mortality and the reduced mortality of mixed and healthy groups. However, we have found no substantial data on the group of hypertensive and diabetic patients systematically and presencially assessed, which can add literature a contribution.


We found that active people have lower chances of mortality compared to sedentary, and irregularly active people have a higher chance of death when compared to the active. Therefore, the level of physical activity is directly related to mortality in hypertensive and diabetic patients.

Hypertensive and diabetic patients who were hospitalized due to congestive heart failure have higher mortality chances as there was a direct relationship with age between groups.

Ethical Approval and Consent to Participate

All the involved have given and signed the Informed Consent Form, which was approved by the Botucatu Protocol 1.642.169.


There was no financing of the current work.

Authors’ Contributions

All authors contributed substantially to the conception, planning or analysis and interpretation of data, to the drafting or critical review of the contents and participated in the approval of the final version of the manuscript.


Prefeitura Municipal de Agudos/São Paulo/Brazil.


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