Occupational Health Policy | Open Access Journals

International Journal of Public Health and Safety

ISSN: 2736-6189

Open Access

Occupational Health Policy

When occupational health services are provided as part of the health care system, they should reach all the workers who need them, including workers in small and medium-sized enterprises and farming. Basic occupational health services can be provided through primary health care system. It lays strong emphasis on the prevention of hazards at a primary level. Occupational health is essentially preventive medicine. Occupational health embraces: the effect of work on health, whether through sudden injury or through long-term exposure to agents with latent effects on health, and the prevention of occupational disease through techniques which include health surveillance, ergonomics and effective management systems; the effect of health on work, bearing in mind that good occupational health practice should address the fitness of the task for the employee, not the fitness of the employee for the task alone.

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