Domestic Violence-Open Access Journals | Open Access Journals

International Journal of Public Health and Safety

ISSN: 2736-6189

Open Access

Domestic Violence-Open Access Journals

Domestic violence is presently generally characterized extensively to incorporate "all demonstrations of physical, sexual, mental or psychological or economic violence" that might be submitted by a relative or personal accomplice. The Government characterizes aggressive behavior at home as "Any episode of compromising conduct, brutality or misuse (mental, physical, sexual, economic or passionate) between grown-ups who are or have been personal accomplices or relatives, paying little heed to sex or sexuality."This incorporates issues of worry to dark and minority ethnic (BME) people group, for example, purported 'respect based savagery', female genital mutilation (FGM) and constrained marriage. Domestic violence open access journals are peer reviewed scholarly journals of Sociology and Criminology. 

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