
Business and Economics Journal

ISSN: 2151-6219

Open Access

Milind Sathye

Milind Sathye

Milind Sathye
University of Canberra, Australia


Prof Sathye worked for nearly two decades in the Reserve Bank of India (National Bank) including as Project Manager World Bank Pilot Project. Frequently, consulted by Australian and overseas media, Prof Sathye has appeared on ABC Inside Busienss, ABC 7.30 Report, Alan Jones Breakfast Program, Al Jazeera TV Dubai and 7 News among others. He has contributed opinion pieces in The Australian, Australian Financial Review, Sydney Morning Herald and The Age Melbourne. His expertise has been sought by the Australian Senate Economic Committees on many occassions and some of his recommendations on Australian banking have found a place in Committees final report. He has also worked as expert witness on banking and finance cases for Federal Court of Australia, Victorian Supreme Court and others. Professor Sathye’s research focus is on efficiency and productivity, AMLCTF, e-banking and microfinance. He has published in top ranking journals such as the Journal of Banking and Finance, European Journal of operational Research and Journal of the Operational Research Society and currently holds two competitive external grants as a lead researcher

Research Interest

His Expertise includes Bank performance, efficiency, regulation and policy. Anti-Money Laundering, small business finance, interest rates, internet banking. Expert witness in court cases on mortgage lending.

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