Zeeman and Stark effects of Ba highly-excited states

Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 2329-6542

Open Access

Zeeman and Stark effects of Ba highly-excited states

4th International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics

October 26-27, 2018 | Boston, USA

Yuki Nojiri, Cheng Li, Hiroumi Ito, Masayuki Kawamura, Tatsuya Minowa and Wei-Guo Jin

Toho University, Japan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Astrophys Aerospace Technol

Abstract :

Zeeman and Stark effects, the interactions between the atom and magnetic or electric fields are very important for understanding the atomic structure. The fundamental spectroscopic data of the g factor and the electric polarizability are directly related to the atomic wave function and therefore, provide sensitive tests of theoretical calculations. As a heavy twoelectron atom, Ba has rather complicated atomic structure together with strong configuration mixing in highly excited states and shows repeated interest to spectroscopists up to now. For the 5d6p configuration, the electric polarizabilities of 3DJ and 3PJ have been reported and found to have large different values. However, there are no data determined for 3FJ. Data for 3FJ are indispensable for checking the systematic behavior of the 5d6p configuration. Recently we have measured Zeeman and Stark effects for 3F2. In this paper we report measurements for 3F3 and 3F4. The high-resolution atomic-beam laser spectroscopy was performed to measure Zeeman and Stark spectra. A tunable diode laser with an external cavity system together with a highly collimated atomic beam was used in this experiment. Laser-induced fluorescence was measured and magnetic or electric field was applied to atomic beam. Transitions from the metastable states 6s5d 3DJ populated by an electric discharge were used. Figure 1 shows the measured spectrum at the zero field for the Ba 6s5d 3D3 5d6p 3F4 transition at 705.9 nm; the peaks of 136Ba and 138Ba are marked and other peaks are the hyperfine structure of the odd-isotopes 135Ba and 137Ba. The insert in Fig. 1 is the measured Zeeman spectrum at the magnetic field 186.1 G which shows splittings by the magnetic field for 136Ba and 138Ba. Zeeman and Stark spectra were measured at various magnetic and electric fields and their shifts and splittings were derived. Therefore, the g factor and scalar and tensor polarizabilities were determined for 5d6p 3F3 and 3F4. Together with the previously reported values on 3F2, systematic behaviors of the g factor and scalar and tensor polarizabilities for 3FJ are discussed.

Biography :

Yuki Nojiri after graduating from department of physics, Toho University, now he was a graduate student at Toho University. He is interested in atomic physics and currently doing high-resolution laser spectroscopy to study Zeeman and Stark effects.



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