Remnants to Attached-value Bacterial Biopolymers as Biomaterials for Biomedical Uses

Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques

ISSN: 2155-9821

Open Access

Mini Review - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 6

Remnants to Attached-value Bacterial Biopolymers as Biomaterials for Biomedical Uses

Francisco Mato*
*Correspondence: Francisco Mato, Polymer Biotechnology Group, Microbial and Plant Biotechnology Department, Biological Research Centre Margarita Salas, 28040 Madrid, Spain, Email:
Polymer Biotechnology Group, Microbial and Plant Biotechnology Department, Biological Research Centre Margarita Salas, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Received: 03-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. jbpbt-22-72788; Editor assigned: 06-Jun-2022, Pre QC No. P-72788; Reviewed: 16-Jun-2022, QC No. Q-72788; Revised: 23-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. R-72788; Published: 28-Jun-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2155-9821.2022.12.522
Citation: Mato, Francisco. “Remnants to Attached-value Bacterial Biopolymers as Biomaterials for Biomedical Uses.” J Bioprocess Biotech 12 (2022):522.
Copyright: © 2022 Mato F. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Bacterial biopolymers are normally happening materials containing a great many particles with different compound designs that can be delivered from inexhaustible sources following the standards of the round economy. Over the course of the past many years, they have acquired significant interest in the biomedical field as medication nanocarriers, implantable material coatings, and tissue-recovery platforms or films because of their inborn biocompatibility, biodegradability into nonhazardous breaking down items, and their mechanical properties, which are like those of human tissues. The current audit centers upon three mechanically progressed bacterial biopolymers, to be specific, bacterial cellulose (BC), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), and γ-polyglutamic corrosive (PGA), as models of various carbon-spine structures (polysaccharides, polyesters, and polyamides) created by microorganisms that are reasonable for biomedical applications in nanoscale frameworks. This determination models proof of the wide adaptability of microorganisms to produce biopolymers by different metabolic methodologies. We feature the appropriateness for applied economical bioprocesses for the development of BC, PHA, and PGA in view of sustainable carbon sources and the peculiarity of each cycle driven by bacterial apparatus. The intrinsic properties of every polymer can be adjusted through synthetic and biotechnological approaches, like metabolic designing and peptide functionalization, to additionally grow their underlying variety and their appropriateness as nanomaterials in biomedicine.


Bacterial polymers • Bacterial cellulose • γ-polyglutamic corrosive • Upcycled polymers • Biomedical applications


Progressing worldwide populace development and maturing suggest an expansion in worldwide interest for supportable turn of events, which includes the normal utilization of assets and the upkeep of biological system administrations. This calls for more proficient creation strategies to deliver modern and innovative improvement viable with social prosperity and natural security. Thusly, there is a requirement for harmless to the ecosystem and lowinfluence systems in assembling processes, pointed toward lessening sideeffects while upcycling waste. In this sense, expanding strain on the climate because of the boundless utilization of petrol based polymers has hurried the advancement of biodegradable and harmless to the ecosystem materials, for example, bio-based polymers. Biopolymers are broadly applied for biomedical purposes since they are by and large biocompatible and biodegradable into nontoxic items; in addition, they present low antigenicity and high bioactivity, they can be handled into convoluted shapes, they are equipped for supporting cell development and multiplication, and they show profoundly different warm and mechanical properties. These inborn properties can be adjusted through biotechnological and synthetic methodologies. Current procedures in view of state of the art innovations, for example, manufactured and frameworks science joined with cutting edge materials innovation, give pathways to upgrading the underlying and practical intricacy of these biopolymers, in this way growing the list of accessible biomaterials past that which exists in nature and broadening their likely applications in the biomedical area (e.g., drug conveyance, tissue designing). The base up methodology of material plan opens up significant open doors for the making of explicit state of the art biomedical applications.

Specifically, bacterial polymers stand out over the course of the past ten years because of their supportable creation and the way that their properties can be modified with the utilization of bioengineering apparatuses. With regards to the round economy, microorganisms can develop and deliver materials of interest from complex carbon sources like modern and civil squanders. It involves creating bioprocesses to upcycle the previously mentioned squander into added-esteem materials with application in various modern areas. For sure, microscopic organisms produce an expansive scope of polymers as a component of their inborn physiology, and a large number of these are as of now being utilized as materials for biomedical applications [1]. A few models are polysaccharides, including alginates, hyaluronic corrosive, and bacterial cellulose (BC); polyesters, containing the group of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs); polyamides, which are amino corrosive polymers combined in a ribosome-free way, for example, cyanophycins, γ-polyglutamic corrosive (PGA), or poly-Ɛ-lysine; and, at last, polyanhydric polymers, for example, polyphosphates, that are created by a wide assortment of microbes for use as energy stockpiling polymers.

Bacterial polymers have filled dramatically in biomedical examination, for the most part in three areas: drug nanocarriers, implantable material coatings, and tissue-recovery platforms or layers. Various sorts of nanocarriers stacked with a specific medication (in particular, nanospheres, nanocapsules, polymeric micelles) are utilized for drug conveyance since they improve the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of the medications by expanding the bioavailability of bioactive particles that current unfortunate dissolvability in water, advancing supported discharge and upgrading penetrability across natural hindrances. Besides, they can diminish aftereffects by empowering designated and controlled drug discharge. Notwithstanding, these nanocarriers connect enormously with their current circumstance, e.g., natural liquids and cells, where they are quickly taken out by the mononuclear phagocyte framework.Bacterial polymers are especially intriguing for nanocarrier definitions because of their natural biocompatibility and biodegradability properties, which empower the arrival of the exemplified compound related with the corruption of the polymeric lattice into nontoxic monomers [2].

Literature Review

One more area of interest comparable to biopolymers includes surface coatings of transitory or super durable implantable clinical gadgets [3,4]. The main pressing concern related with embeds disappointment keeps on being related with bacterial grip and resulting biofilm development on the gadget surface. Various methodologies have been utilized to forestall colonization by microorganisms, for example, the plan of nanostructured antibacterial geographies, surface covering of the embed with natural antimicrobial polymers, synthetic change of surface materials to forestall attachment or to give antibacterial movement, and the immobilization of antimicrobial peptides, proteins, or inorganic mixtures. Because of the development of anti-microbial safe microorganisms, the utilization of utilitarian nanomaterials to control gadget related contaminations has been proposed as a promising option in contrast to customary anti-microbial treatment [5].

At long last, bacterial polymers present a progression of benefits in the fields of tissue recovery and wound recuperating. When figured out as hydrogels, films, or 3D platforms, due their exceptionally enlarged three-layered climate, bacterial polymers can re-enact an extracellular cell lattice (ECM) structure, furnishing the harmed tissue with a cordial climate for recovery. Besides, numerous techniques have been accounted for to functionalize these materials with cell-connection intentions, antimicrobial functionalities, or explicit cell type effectors (i.e., development factors, cytokines) determined to upgrade and speeding up tissue recovery and wound conclusion.

The current paper centers around three bacterial biopolymers (one of every carbon spine structure) reasonable for biomedical applications in nanoscale frameworks.


The inclination for some carbon source is strain-subordinate because of the genome adaptability of the sort. Disaccharides, like sucrose, are hydrolyzed in the periplasm, and the monomers are effectively moved in phosphorylation. Glucose-6P can either be changed over into the BC antecedent, 1-UDP-glc, or further catabolized by focal carbon pathways. In this manner, glucose is utilized by fractional oxidation to gluconate-6P or by decarboxylation into ribulose-5P, entering the pentoses phosphate pathway (PPP). Another BC antecedent is ethanol, which can be dehydrogenated into acetic acid derivation by the layer bound liquor and aldehyde dehydrogenases (ADH1 and ADH) and is integrated as acetic acid derivation into the cell. These side-effects, essentially water-solvent exopolysaccharides (EPSs, for example, acetan, are strain-subordinate, and the impact of their amalgamation upon BC yield stays indistinct. Other BC carb forerunners, for example, galactose or xylose have been portrayed in the writing (see underneath).

PHAs are direct, intracellular polyesters of R-3-hydroxyalkanoate units that collect in the cytoplasm as hydrophobic considerations or granules (100-500 nm) covered with a progression of granule-related proteins (GAPs) engaged with PHA digestion and granule development [6].


This survey gives knowledge toward the new advances in bacterial biopolymer creation by upcycling bioprocesses, their fundamental purposes in the biomedical field as nanomaterials, and, at last, the various ways to deal with primarily broaden these polymers to additionally grow their applications. In spite of extraordinary advances in the plan of cell industrial facilities and bioprocesses to upgrade biopolymer creation, challenges stay to acquire financial seriousness. Upcycling of modern and metropolitan squanders is without a doubt a vital way to deal with increment monetary productivity while lessening the worldwide natural effect. The interest in bacterial polymers has filled dramatically in biomedical exploration, mostly in three areas: drug nanocarriers, implantable material coatings, and tissue-recovery platforms or films because of their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and mechanical properties. Also, the normal variety of bacterial polymers can be additionally widened through metabolic designing, in situ changes, peptide functionalization, and synthetic adjustments, subsequently upgrading their properties or presenting new functionalities. Synergistic and multidisciplinary techniques in light of state of the art advancements, like engineered and frameworks science, joined with cutting edge materials innovation, including mixing, uniting/crosslinking, and relieving, give pathways to upgrading the primary and practical intricacy of these biopolymers, in this way growing the list of accessible biomaterials past that which exists in nature, as well as broadening their possible applications as nanomaterials in the biomedical area.

Conflict of Interest



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