Opportunity to Develop Tourism Potential based on Enterpreneurial Outbreaks of Endemic Covid-19 in South Sulawesi Indonesia

Entrepreneurship & Organization Management

ISSN: 2169-026X

Open Access

Research - (2021) Volume 10, Issue 7

Opportunity to Develop Tourism Potential based on Enterpreneurial Outbreaks of Endemic Covid-19 in South Sulawesi Indonesia

Andi Cudai Nur1*, Burhanuddin2, Risma Niswaty1, Slamet Riadi Cante3 and Haedar Akib1
*Correspondence: Andi Cudai Nur, Makassar State University, Indonesia, Email:
1Makassar State University, Indonesia
2University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
3Tadulako University Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Received: 10-Jun-2021 Published: 07-Jul-2021 , DOI: 10.37421/2169-026X.2021.10.315
Citation: Andi Cudai Nur, Burhanuddin, Risma Niswaty, Slamet Riadi Cante, Haedar Akib. "Opportunity to Develop Tourism Potential based on Enterpreneurial Outbreaks of Endemic Covid-19in South Sulawesi Indonesia." J Entrepren Organiz Manag 10 (2021): 315.
Copyright: © 2021 Andi Cudai Nur. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


This study aims to look at how entrepreneurship in tourism captures opportunities in the Covid-19 phenomenon that is endemic in Indonesia, and explains the essence and orientation of opportunities to develop the potential of leading entrepreneurship-based tourism. The approach used is quantitative and qualitative techniques, related to philosophical considerations, the application of quantitative and qualitative approaches, and the mixing of these two studies in one study. The results showed: 1. Tourism potential in Sinjai Regency, 2. The development of both local and foreign tourists in Sinjai Regency. The tourism potential and tourism development in Sinjai need to be supported by the tourism industry based on entrepreneurship in each tourism destination, through several functions, such as preparing various breakthroughs in preparing and overcoming various unexpected problems both now and in the future, such as: regulating the tourism industry by planning operational activities and procedures in carrying out activities of international standard by formulating standardization policies, recommendations and technical guidance, evaluation, reporting and implementation in the development of the tourism industry, also providing professional facilities in the tourism industry with guidance and technical guidance for tourism businesses regarding standardization, norms, criteria and verification, ease of business by mapping and promoting business investment in the tourism industry through coordination, cooperation, in the context of the smooth implementation of tasks. Local governments, entrepreneurs and the wider community are expected to capture the various opportunities available to increase sources of income in supporting development in Sinjai.


Local Potensial • Tourism • Development • Entrepreneurship and Covid 19


The phenomenon of life in the age of globalization shows a variety of problems that affect various human needs to meet the desires of sustainable living, various innovations generated by researchers and the discovery of various studies and unwritten breakthroughs to support life in this millennium century. Various concepts are strived to support development, ranging from the tourism sector, health, social, economic, education and others carried out by the government to solve the problems of life in the nation and state.

The age of globalization give attention to tourism as a leading sector of economic development is increasing. This happens because the tourism sector brings benefits and advantages for the country. As a research location Sinjai as one of the regenciesin South Sulawesi Province that is very potential, consisting of various islands, sea, land, mountains, andfishery products with an area of 223 km2 and has a population of 247 789 inhabitants. This area has a tourism destination or saving potential is quite promising, therefore, wellmanaged tourism destination is a key factor in job creation, development of entrepreneurial world, and the development of supporting infrastructure. Sinjai has many interesting tourist destinations to visit. One of them is Pulau Sembilan which consists of a cluster of nine islands with sea water is very clear. Of the nine islands, the island Larea-Rea is one of the excellent of Pulau Sembilan. Outspread white sand beaches and crystal clear sea water make it look exotic. Based on the results of interviews conducted on January 15, 2019 Head of Tourism and Culture of Sinjai, Yuhadi Samad stated, "for the development potential of tourism and culture is very response by local governments,” but now that we think is very difficult to develop tourism that relies solely on funds from the government. Of course we hope for all stakeholders in Sinjai to participate in building the tourism industry and local governments are in desperate need of investors in the development of local tourism.

The corona virus pandemic that is sweeping the world, including Indonesia, has disrupted many activities. The Indonesian government has also made a decision so that people can engage in activities at home, ranging from studying, working, to worshiping. Prohibiting meetings involving many people has also been carried out in Indonesia. The public is also asked to keep their distance to avoid this dangerous virus. However, there is one area that must continue to work to meet the needs of the Indonesian people during #dirumahaja, namely logistics services. Together with its logistical partners, namely Aei, Anteraja, First Logistics, Go-Jek, Grab Express, Janio, Jne, Lion Parcel, NssExpress, Primatama, and SiCepat, Blibli shows a real commitment so that customers can shop #dirumahaja safely and comfortably. Every element of society, from the government, companies, to individuals struggling to provide assistance to others. The government strives to fulfill responsibilities in maintaining social, economic, tourism, and health stability by implementing digitalization in various activities both in the administration of government and in business people by maintaining sanitation of operational facilities, ensuring employee health, sending without contact,and guaranteeing product availability.

The natural beauty of the nautical charm of Pulau Sembilan, Sinjai also has the charm of a mangrove forest located in the village of Tongke-Tongke, East Sinjai district. A very beautiful mangrove forest from a distance is a central area of mangrove restoration and learning with an area of 173.5 hectares. Expanse of mangrove forests can be enjoyed by walking through a sturdy iron wood bridge by forming long hallways that are connected to each other. Visitors can also rent a speed boat to get around enjoying the views of the mangrove forest. Then the peak of Batupake Gojeng which is located at an elevation so that tourists can see and enjoy the downtown area of Sinjai Regency with beautiful natural scenery. The local government can develop the green mangrove forest of Sinjai (Mangrove) in the village of Tongke-Tongke East Sinjai and build and arrange transportation tools to support travel through a series of nine islands (small islands) which are still part of the Sinjai Regency. Based on a general description of the tourism potential of Sinjai Regency it needs to be mapped to explore local competencies as a basis for developing integrated tourist destinations on the East Coast of South Sulawesi. This study aims to identify, analyze, and explain the essence and orientation of entrepreneurshipbased tourism development in facing various challenges and problems such as endemic covid 19 now and various problems in the future.

The specific purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the local competency mapping as a basis for the development of integrated tourism destination on the east coast of South Sulawesi, particularly in Sinjai which the results of this study also has a number of practical benefits, namely; 1) Sources of data and factual information for local governments in the East Coast region of South Sulawesi, particularly governments Sinjai together regional organization (WTO) leading sectornya in developing tourism destination integrated, thereby supporting increased local revenues, expansion of employment and the introduction of local cultures in national and international levels; 2) One of the references and resources for the (potential) investors and tourists, both on a local and national scale as well as on an international scale (foreign countries) of the integrated tourism destination on the East Coast of South Sulawesi and specifically in Sinjai; 3) The results were weighted academic and practical, as well as a source of information for people in the East Coast Region South Sulawesi Sinjai community and in particular on the potential and competencies owned tourism destination so that the public supported and helped preserve the sustainability of tourism destinations in the region.


The research location is in Sinjai Regency and the Sinjai Cultural Tourism Office, located on Jl. Sudirman, Balangnipa, North Sinjai, South Sulawesi. This research was also carried out in several areas such as the tourism area-Rea Larea Island, Tongke-Tongke Mangrove Forest, Gojeng Batupake Archaeological Park and several tourism areas that have the potential to be developed, because of the vast area of the research location, quantitative and qualitative approaches are needed to obtain information complete. According to Sugiyono [1] a combination research method is a research method that combines or tests quantitative and qualitative methods that are used together to maximize the completeness of the data obtained so that it is more valid, reliable, and objective. Application of qualitative and quantitative methods used and procedures to convert research data into mixed methods with sampling strategies in research and validate research data directly. Related to philosophical considerations, the application of quantitative and qualitative approaches, and the mixing of these two studies in one study. This research is more complex than just collecting and producing two types of data which discusses the organization of two parties in gathering data on research results as a whole and data that is larger than quantitative or qualitative research [2]. Collecting data and information at the Tourism Office and linking it with various information from stakeholders as informants, then the quantitative data collected is completed and then compared with qualitative data, then analyzed into various findings in the form of narratives. To understand the problems that occur completely from existing problems, it is necessary to conduct research using research strategies related to data both simultaneously and sequentially, while the combination is a procedure for connecting data, analyzing data, using a combination with quantitative sequential and qualitative methods or conversions . Then the qualitative method serves to prove, deepen expand, weaken and cancel the quantitative data that have been obtained at an early stage [3].

Results and Discussions

The Department of Tourism and Culture of Sinjai Regency based on the Regional Regulation of Sinjai Regency Number 5 of 2016 concerning the Establishment and Composition of the Sinjai Regency Regional Apparatus (Sinjai Regency Regional Gazette of 2016 Number 5, Supplement to the Sinjai Regency Regional Gazette Number 93). The main tasks and functions of the Department of Tourism and Culture of Sinjai Regency are contained in the Regulations of the Sinjai Regent Number 73 of 2016 concerning the Organizational Structure, Position, Main Tasks and Functions and Work Procedures of the Office of Tourism and Culture. The Office of Tourism and Culture must base on National policies, RPJP, RPJM, RPJPD, RPJMD, and OPD Strategic Plan. This is in accordance with the mandate of Minister of Domestic Affairs Regulation No. 54 of 2010 concerning Implementation of Government Regulation Number 8 of 2009 Concerning Stages, Procedures for Preparation, Control and Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Plans. The Department of Tourism and Culture of Sinjai Regency must prepare an OPD Strategic Plan for the period 2013 - 2018 which is guided by the RPJMD 2013 - 2018.

Simanjuntak, Cape, and Nasution (2017: 2) stating that the entire phenomenon tourist travel undertaken, including a variety of facilities and services provided by the society, entrepreneur, government and local governments, as well as related efforts in the field can be defined in terms of tourism. According Yoeti [4] terms a voyage referred to as a tourism trip if: 1) the trip is done from one place to another, outside the residence of the person used to live; 2) The purpose of the trip purely for fun and do not make a living in a place or country visited; 3) solely as a consumer in the place visited.According to Wahabtourism contains three elements, namely: 1) Man, this human element as the perpetrator of tourism activities; 2) Place the actual physical elements covered by the activity itself; 3) The time spent in elements of the trip and during the dwell at the destination.

The Development of Destinations and Tourism Industry Sinjai is led by the Head of the Field who has the main task of assisting the Head of Service in carrying out the tasks of coordination, facilitation, formulation and implementation of policies, evaluation and reporting in the field of destination development and the tourism industry has the function of: 1) Formulating policies in the field of the Development of Destinations and the TourismIndustry, developing and granting tourism business licenses and developing natural and cultural tourism resources; 2) Arranging the implementation of standards, guidelines, procedures, and criteria in the field of tourism destination development, development and provision of tourism business permit and development of natural and cultural tourism resources; 3) Services for developing tourism destinations, developing and providing tourism business permit and developing natural and cultural tourism resources; 4) Carry out guidance, technical guidance in the field of tourism destination development, development and provision of tourism business permit and development of natural and cultural tourism resources; 5) Monitor, evaluate and report on development tourism destinations, development and provision of tourism business permit and development of natural and cultural tourism resources; 6) Carry out coordination and cooperation in the development of tourism destinations, and the development and provision of tourism business permits and the development of natural and cultural tourism resources; 7) Carry out reporting tasks in the field of destination development and the tourism industry to the Head of Service; Implementation of other tasks given by superiors relating to the main tasks of the organization to support organizational performance.

There are quite a number of sections that play a role such as marketing, promotion, and tourism cooperation, while some of the tasks include; a) Develop a plan for activities in the tourism sector; b) Develop standard operational procedures in implementation activities in the tourism promotion section; c) To foster integration of tourism promotion development; d) Conducting tourism promotion development services; e) Develop administrative standards and documents in the implementation of tourism promotion; f) Conduct technical guidance and evaluation in the field of tourism promotion development; g) Coordinate and cooperate in developing tourism promotion; h) Develop a plan for activities of the Cooperation and Inter-Institutional Relations Section;i) Develop standard operating procedures for implementing activities in the Cooperationand Inter-Institutional Relations Section; j) Arranging activity plans in the field of cooperation and relations between institutions and tourism actors for tourism development and development; k)Coordinate in cooperation and relations between institutions; l) Cooperating with Indonesian hotel and restaurant associations, Association of Indonesian Travel Agents for tourism hospitality services;m) Collaborating with the Indonesian Guides Association for tourism scoutingservices;n)Cooperating with tourism actors for development and development;o)Cooperating and improving coordination with regional/central tourisminstitutions and stakeholders in the context of developing tourism promotion andmarketing.

Tourism Potential in Sinjai: Sinjai has beach, cave, sea, island, agro tourism, community cultural history, and events (tourism events). Based on the analysis of data and information on the results of research and discussion, the tourism potential in Sinjai can be seen from three aspects, namely: 1) The potential of natural tourism consists of 35 natural attractions scattered in each district destination, 2) The potential of historical and cultural tourism area , 3) Potential of man-made tourism and special interests, such as: 1) Susin milk agro tourism industry, 2) Pasipahahan Manipi Green Park, 3) Vegetable Garden Agro Tourism, 4) Special Interest in Climbing Mount Bawakaraeng, 5) Garden Agro Tourism, 6) Landscape View from the height of Gojeng, 7) Appareng River, 8) Gellert Sports and Families, 9) Fern Crafts, 10) TPI Lappa Culinary, 11) H. Muh Nur Tahir Swimming Pool, 11) Batumimbalo Welcome Sculpture, 12) Tallasa Sports and Baths , 13) Park City Forest, 14) Yosemite National Field, 15) Horse Sculpture Park, 16) Sinjai Regional Culinary Course.

Potential of Man-Made (Man-Made) Travel and Special Interests: The potential of artificial tourism (man-made) and the potential of special interest tourism can also be enjoyed by tourists when visiting Sinjai. The potential referred to in this case is nature tourism activities such as beaches and trips to the island, mountain scenery by combining the special interest in rock climbing on natural tourism which has become the belle of potential tourist destinations market characteristics Travelers Sinjai.

In general, both foreign tourists and domestic tourists visiting tourist Sinjai district is the distribution of the main entrance to the city or another province to continue its tourism activities in Sinjai district resulting in the identification of the characteristics of the market should see the development in the region. Traveler responses to the availability of traditional food and beverage show selection limited to points of sale in addition to grilled fish culinary products. Restaurants, diners and cafes that provide traditional culinary others are less appropriate in terms of comfort and cleanliness, as well as souvenir show that tourists who visit Sinjai district is more likely to buy a souvenir in the form of fruits, fish and other seafood, as well as the typical drink Sinjai. Furthermore, accessibility focuses on the provision of facilities and infrastructure to get to tourist destinations such as roads, availability of means of transportation and road guidance signs. Then, amenitas focuses on providing support facilities that can meet the needs and desires of tourists while in tourist destinations such as restaurants and accommodation stay. "This sector may be the Core Economy Indonesia because as one of the key factors in increasing revenue service exports, job creation, entrepreneurship development and others,". When this has provided some financing alternatives for the tourism sector is through credit financing (either commercial loans or KUR), investment / investment, Integrated Tourism Investment Fund (RDPT), and housing financing liquidity facility to the tourist village homestay. Various regulations in the system of financing has also been assigned various alternatives as in 2018 the government has already cut interest rates KUR of 9% per year to 7% per year. Distribution KUR 2018 until August 31, 2018 has reached Rp 88 trillion, with NPL 0.05 % (70.8% of the target in 2018 of Rp 123.631 trillion). KUR still dominated for Micro KUR scheme (66.7%) followed by Small KUR scheme (33%) and KUR TKI (0.3%). Meanwhile, the total realization of KUR from August 2015 until August 31, 2018 amounting to Rp 300 trillion to Rp 127 trillion outstanding to 12.7 million borrowers. KUR pretty masiv are still followed by sustained credit quality with KUR NPLs level of 1.19%. The central government has given a great opportunity to the regional governments in their areas of tourism development.

Tourist activities carried out by travelers, namely the most popular type of tourist attraction by tourists, are panoramic beaches, especially at dusk (sunset) and panoramic views of the mountains that stretch across the entire area of Sinjai Regency. Then the next activity falls on the most desirable culinary choices during a visit to Sinjai district, largely indicating that travelers choose traditional Indonesian food and drinks and seafood. Because the choices are still lacking in variety and the variety of restaurants and restaurants that are decent (representative) is still limited and sales of traditional food and beverages as well, innovation and creativity of catering services to the restaurant owner community is still lacking so opportunities for culinary entrepreneurs in developing culinary products more professional and standardized. Tourism characteristics or typologies are things that need to be analyzed in tourism destinations to learn more about the suitability of tourism products available and owned by the government and tourism entrepreneurs in Sinjai Regency with the preferences of tourist interests, so that the government's role in planning and implementing promotions and activities starting from promotion, marketing, supervision, assessment and evaluation needs to be reviewed as a basis for the development and development of professional entrepreneurialbased tourism.

The local government is expected to more aggressively capture the opportunities available to accommodate a variety of concepts and system development of local tourism. The government should have active region absorb funding that there is primarily to support the small business medium as packing and distribution of milk susin, anchovies, fresh fish and smoked fish. Development of tourism in the district Sinjai potential to be developed, this can be seen on natural resources and human enough available. As well as human resource development through a variety of education and training to provide good service standards compliant tourism. Stay the attention the government is expected to catch a variety of opportunities exist, such as the source of funding prepared the central government. The local government always attention maximum in the provision of infrastructure and tourist facilities better to support the comfort of the tourists visiting tourist locations.The concept of strategy comes from the Greek Classics, namely "strategos" (generals) that basically increments taken from the Greek words for "force" and "lead". The use of the Greek verb associated with the "strategos" This can be interpreted as "planning andenemies by using an effective way based facilities owned." Heenestated that the strategy is the establishment of long-term objectives of the organization, as well as the implementation of a series of actions and allocation of power is important for the purpose [5,6].

As is well known that strategy is an act that influence and determine the success of the program or activity, whether that be as well as had been planned by the management. Thereforeprovide an understanding of the strategy as a form of rational thinking systematically arranged, and its formation is based on the observation of the experience, observation in environmental development (social, economic, political, natural, and science) as well as the observations of the tactics used by people and organizations. Amstrong [6] adding that there are at least three terms of strategy. First, the strategy is a declaration of intent which defines how to achieve the goals and earnest attention to the allocation of resources and capabilities of the external environment. Second, the strategy is the perspective in which critical issues or factors of success can be discussed, as well as strategic decision aims to make a big impact and long-term to the behavior and success of the organization. Third, the strategy is basically about setting goals (strategic goals) and allocate or adjust the resources with opportunities (resource-based strategy) so as to achieve the strategic conformity between strategic objectives and resource base.Mintzberg [7] identifies the meaning of a strategy with 5P, ie Plan, Patern, Position, Perspective, and Play.

The purpose of the strategic management is to create long-term effectiveness of the organization in the two environments, namely on one side of a special authority neighborhood or scope of activity of the organization. While on the other hand the development environment to its organizational capacity. Thus, the strategic management integrating all other management processes with the aim of developing themselves based on a systematic approach, rational, and effective in determining objectives and then actualize the objective of the organization, monitor, and evaluate it. Therefore, the organization should try to bring a holistic approach to its strategic management, with the understanding that: 1) The attention of the entire organization is focused on the goals that have been united, phenomena and problems that are not addressed by the technical division, as well as the existence of unequal instruction in the organization; 2) Processes and internal management program is integrated with the achievement of the expected results of the organization; 3) Decisions of the daily operational and tactical it beresultan in a flexible boundary lines for the sake of achievement of the objectives of the organization's long-term strategikal [5].

Furthermore, with the sluggish condition of tourism activities accompanied by co-19 disease outbreaks, the government should encourage by organizing the tourism system and managing tourism entherpreneurship businesses to capture various opportunities in replacing various entrepreneurial activities that are more in line with conditions such as the use of technology in activities tourism entrepreneurship. In Indonesia, according to the Digital Indonesia book edited by Edwin Jurriens and Ross Tapsell, digital technology has at least brought tremendous changes in terms of connectivity, divergence, identity, knowledge, and business/trade. The development of digital technology that allows everyone free of the internet for all matters must become the basis for the Indonesian government to immediately adapt to the digitalization of the bureaucratic system which is still through a system that is still partial.

The world is currently facing the current of the industrial revolution 4.0. The rapid digital development has penetrated various sectors, including the government. Digitalization of the government system is one form of bureaucratic reform. The Indonesian government like it or not, must participate in this trend. This was conveyed by World Bank Senior Public Management Specialist Erwin Ariadharma, who was the main speaker at the Reform Corner. According to him, the current world trend is that every community can get access to every government activity and policy. Free access must also be supported by a single data system or data bank, so it does not become confusion in society. "In the future digital transparency will become a life based on institutional transparency," said Erwin. The challenge facing Indonesia in developing this digital government is that the system is still partial between government agencies. According to him, the system has not been integrated enough to hamper data dissemination. Erwin emphasized that there must be one common platform that can be managed by all government agencies. Data sharing is important for digital government, as well as a strong commitment to eliminate sectoral egos. "Partial crushing is the most minimal level," he added. By capitalizing on the rapid development of cyberspace, governments can serve people quickly, safely, effectively and efficiently, without having to be limited by space and time. The acceleration of the implementation of digital government is important so that Indonesia is able to compete at the world level [8].

According to Rodici [9] the term industry 4.0 was previously coined by the German government in 2011 in the context of "high-tech strategy", according to Pereira and Romero [10] Industry 4.0 was used as a new industrial paradigm that includes a series of future industrial developments with the use of the latest technological elements such as the Cyber Physical System, the Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, Big Data, Cloud Manufacturing, Augmented Reality (AR), etc., which enables the industrial environment to be increasingly intelligent. Meanwhile Saša Zupan Koržerevealed some of the most important technologies in the tourism technology ecosystem 4.0 of Peceny, Urška Starc et al above. These technologies are IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Technology-based Business Models, Mobile Technology, Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Robots, as well as other important elements relating to AR technology and VR, which is Mixed Reality (MR) technology. Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that allows users to interact with existing environments in the virtual world that are simulated by a computer, so users feel they are in the environment (https:// 11/29 / virtual-reality /). According to the American Libraries Association in Jamil [11]. Virtual Reality is a simulation of images or entire computer-generated environments that can be experienced using special electronic equipment, which allows users to "be present" in alternative environments such as in the real world against virtual objects and threedimensional (3D) information ) with additional data such as graphics or sound.

Furthermore, there is the term E-commerce defined as the process of buying and selling products, services and information that is done electronically by utilizing computer networks via the internet, which is part of "electronic business" [12]. Then Utama [13] emphasized the supply chain system from suppliers to factories, buildings, distribution, transportation services to the final customers who need an enterprise system integration to create supply chain visibility. E-commerce activities in the field of tourism are known as e-tourism [14] which is a concept of using ICT to improve the usability, services, and tourism marketing. Furthermore Dickinsonin Pranita, proposes that current tourist destinations must have digital capabilities. Industry 4.0 comes with physical cyber and manufacturing collaboration [15,16] then introduces flexible mass production technology [17] and machines will operate independently or coordinate with humansthen Zesulkaadded that industry 4.0 was used on 3 interrelated factors, namely: 1) digitalization in economic and technological interactions, 2) digitization of products and services, 3) new market capital.

In further developments, the digital economy has become a new phenomenon that increasingly has a strategic role in the development of the global economy, this argument is proven if we look at the Huawei and Oxford Economics report entitled Digital Spillover, the size of the global digital economy has reached 11.5 trillion dollars or around 15.5 percent of world GDP. The magnitude of the contribution of the digital economy to the size of the digital economy can be seen from online commerce that has changed the world economic landscape as a "new face" of the global economy, according to the McKinsey report , at least online trade has an impact in four areas. First, financial benefits providing tremendous economic benefits for the economy of a nation, for example Indonesia as the largest market for e-commerce in Southeast Asia. Its value is currently around 2.5 billion dollars and is predicted to be 20 billion dollars in 2022.

To maintain the sustainability of business activities, the government needs to provide a strategy for business entrepreneurs tourism to maintain the dynamics of their business activities in various economic problems including health problems (Endemic Covic-19) in social and economic activities, one of which invites business people to implement the following, 13 ways to keep your business going during a corona outbreak. In essence, you as a business owner can monitor work from home, your employees are better protected, customers will also feel more secure and benefited from fast transactions:1) Focus on online food delivery; 2) Advise customers to use mobile payment; 3) Analysis of business strategies; 4) Deepen business science; 5) Show your commitment to customers; 6) Stay transparent in business; 7) Offer help or incentives; 8) Stay actively communicating with customers; 9) Take advantage of Customer Relationship Management; 10) Offer a different experience for customers; 11) Choose a local supplier; 12) Make use of Emergency Funds; 13) Arrange employee shifts. (


The local government of Sinjai Regency has actively cooperated with all elements of both civil society organizations, the private sector and stakeholders to optimize various entrepreneurial activities ranging from small and medium-sized businesses to professional tourism industry activities in the aspect of providing comfort and safety of tourism services, through improved management the quality of tourist destinations, accommodation, transportation, promotions, souvenirs, culinary delights and tour guides. The government can accommodate various tourism opportunities to increase regional income with a transparent financing system, by developing local tourism entrepreneurship through improving the quality of tourism industry services both nationally and internationally. In addition, policies and strategic plans have been prepared by the government to develop tourism in a sustainable manner, the next effort is to synergize all available resources by focusing on entrepreneurial activities that are advanced and professionally managed by adopting various technological advances 4.0 in the implementation of entrepreneurial-based tourism development. The tourism potential and tourism development in Sinjai need to be supported by the entrepreneurial-based tourism industry in all tourist destinations, through several functions, such as preparing various breakthroughs in overcoming various unexpected problems both now and in the future, including: Regulating the tourism industry, planning activities and operating procedures international standards by utilizing technology in activities, such as in the formulation of standardization policies, recommendations and technical guidance, evaluation, reporting and implementation in the development of the tourism industry. Providing professional business networks and reliable tourism industry facilities with various technical guidance for tourism businesses including standardization, norms, criteria and verification, entrepreneurial ease by mapping and promoting business investment in the tourism industry through a network of coordination, cooperation, monitoring and evaluation. Technology can provide a variety of breakthroughs in management system innovation to deal with various problems that arise such as the case of covid-19 epidemic diseases, restrictions on socialization and the problem of global economic recession.


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