
Journal of Cosmetology & Trichology

ISSN: 2471-9323

Open Access

Efficacy of Laser Treatment on Non-scarring Hair Loss


Saad AlSogair

Non-scarring alopecias are common and are due to various aetiologies. The usual methods for treating non-scarring alopecias may have adverse effects and cannot effectively address the problem. A modality that is currently studied at present is the use of light-based and laser treatments. It has been known for a long time that laser light promotes tissue repair and regeneration and that low level laser therapy stimulates cell activity. Laser treatment is also believed to stimulate anagen and telogen hair follicles, lengthen the anagen phase, encourage proliferation in active anagen hair follicles and stop early catagen. Furthermore, laser treatment has been confirmed to modulate inflammatory processes and immunological responses, which can also have an impact in hair regrowth. This review aims to find out whether laser treatment is effective in treating non-scarring alopecias, such as AGA, AA and other causes. Laser therapy speeds up hair regrowth in AA sufferers and leads to greater increase in terminal hair density; it also leads significant upgrades in overall hair regrowth, slowing of hair loss, thicker hair, good scalp health and hair shine. Overall, laser treatment is a safe and effective treatment for non-scarring alopecias. Further research is needed to find out more about its potential risks as well as its other applications in hair loss.


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