The importance of Ayurveda for global health

Alternative & Integrative Medicine

ISSN: 2327-5162

Open Access

The importance of Ayurveda for global health

7th International Conference on Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine

May 18-19, 2017 Munich, Germany

Marc Halpern

California College of Ayurveda, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Altern Integr Med

Abstract :

Ayurveda is unique amongst the healthcare disciplines in the World as it places an emphasis on removing the causes of disease and suffering. Ayurveda teaches that suffering begins when a person forgets that they are one part of an interconnected whole. This primordial wound causes the mind to get caught up in the drama of individuality (me, my, mine) and as a result, the mind becomes dominated by fear, anger and attachment. The mind, preoccupied with its own dramas begins to make poor decisions about how to use the senses and interact with the world. As a result, a person over-indulges, under-indulges or misuses their senses. By taking in inappropriate stimuli through the senses (junk food, junk sights, junk sounds, junk smells, junk touch) the physiology of the body becomes disturbed resulting in disease. Swastavritta or the promotion of health is one of the strongest and most unique aspects of Ayurvedic medicine. While Ayurveda also prescribes remedies for disease, these remedies are counteracted when the senses are misused. During this program, depending upon the timeframe given, I will expound upon the causes of disease and suffering and explore how Ayurveda utilizes the senses both as a preventative form of medicine and as an adjunct to herbal medicine and panchakarma.

Biography :


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