Innovation AI in Health Care and Supply Chain System

Journal of Coronary Heart Diseases

ISSN: 2684-6020

Open Access

Innovation AI in Health Care & Supply Chain System

2nd World Congress on Congestive Heart Failure & Angina

July 21-22, 2022 | Webinar

Akanksha Dhiman

Medical Researcher, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Coron Heart Dis

Abstract :

It’s an Artificial Intelligence Portal for the Patients & health-care product supply chain. AI-based knowledge is now used to recognize illnesses, for instance, tumors, in their starting stage. With AI-based Technology, we can store a record of a patient and can be access from anywhere. This Innovation helps to track the health report of the patient and their expenditure till now on medicines. With this AI system, we track our patient at home isolation, we provide them a hand/Wrist digital AI band which continually track their vitals. AI can help individuals who are at a greater risk of medical conditions like heart stroke. AI can help clinicians with devising better treatment plans for these patients. Healthcare doesn’t just mean treatment by doctors. It involves a lot of hospital staff, nurses, managers, technicians, and pharmacists too efficiently. This web solution will also provide the medical equipment’s, Hospital details & doctor availability etc. This AI Based Web/Application will help patient too directly in contact with the doctors. This platform also overcomes the problem of Black-marketing & Shortage of Medicines and Medial equipment’s etc. On this AI platform we have form available for emergency service, which one can fill and the team directly approach them. The widespread use of wearable’s like I Watch by Apple and other clinical contraptions got together with AI. This helps in overseeing starting periodcoronary ailment. In general, the earlier the detection of a disease, the better it can be treated. AI into the healthcare ecosystem allows for a multitude of benefits, including automating task and analyzing big patient data sets to deliver better healthcare faster and at lower cost. Keywords: AI Healthcare, Supply chain system, Heath products, Health innovation

Biography :

Aashish Kaushal from India currently working with Sarvodaya Infotech Pvt Ltd on the position of Sr. Operation Head. On Education Platform he Dr. Akanksha Dhiman is a Medical Researcher in India and her Researcher area is in IoT Platform, Google and Medical Studies.

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