Exploring the Power of Mind- Body Medicine and Creation of Bio Cellular Healing (BCH)

Alternative & Integrative Medicine

ISSN: 2327-5162

Open Access

Exploring the Power of Mind- Body Medicine and Creation of Bio Cellular Healing (BCH)

Joint Event on 16thInternational Conference on Frontiers in Alternative & Traditional Medicine & 11th International Conference on Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture

August 24-25, 2021 | Webinar

Raj Kumar Dham, K.N.Krishanaswamy

ATAMABODH Center of Learning and Healing, India

Keynote: AIM

Abstract :

The research work at Harvard School of Medicine and in various institutions in Japan and other countries has provided considerable evidence about the power of the Mind-Body Medicine as a powerful tool of intervention. The concept that mind is important in the treatment of illness is integral to the healing approaches of traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic systems of medicine, dating back to more than 2500 years. Research on spontaneous cures of cancer, conducted in both the United States and Japan, has shown that just before the cure appears, almost every patient experiences a dramatic shift in awareness. Study of terminal cases by a team of doctors and other specialist found that a small percentage of patients who survived after being declared as terminal cases had a different mindset, though the problem was as severe or even more, as compared with others who scumbled. The research in the fi eld of psychoneuroimmunology, psychomotor activities, mirror neurons, cell biology, morphogenetic fi eld, holography of the brain, biofeedback, phantoms in the brain, and in the placebo effect, has helped us in developing a new system of alternative medicine, which we named as Bio-Cellular Healing (BCH). Our exploration started in 1989 when we came across two terminal cases who completely recovered almost spontaneously, and this exploration gave birth to- Body Mind Programming, Heart-Mind Approach, Heart-Mind Yoga, and BCH. Heart is the mother of all the organs, it is fi rst organ which starts functioning after the conception (about 22 after conceiving); and Brain is fully formed after about 220 days. The communication from the heart to the brain and other parts of the body is much more than the communication from the brain to heart and other parts of the body. Heart has more than forty thousand neurons and has a strong and powerful fi eld too. And by yogic practices this fi eld can be further enhanced and expanded. This helps in distance healing and subjective communication. In BCH we make use of this and this makes BCH most powerful and effective method of healing and Mind-Body Medicine. We also found that heart and mind is continuum, and works together as a couple, and the harmony between the two is the source of wellness and disharmony is the main cause of sickness and suffering .We worked on this aspect. For BCHL, we developed a method to create the coherence state. In the coherence state the functioning of body and mind increases. It makes use of the Heart Mind Approach (HMA) and creating an energetic environment around the cells. Research by cell biologist have indicated that manifestation of DNA is infl uenced by the energetic environment around the cells. Cells have their own intelligence, cells have a life, and the health of the cells mainly depend on energy and blood, in Japanese it is known as ‘Ki-Ketsu’(Ki is energy and Ketsu is blood ). We as human are the colony of trillions of cells, cell is the building block, and thus our health depends on the health of the cells . Herat-Mind Approach (HMA) is aimed at establishing the harmony between emotions and thoughts. The disharmony in the emotions and thoughts is one of the major causes of sickness. Based on the HMA we have developed BMP (Body Mind Programming), and Heart-Mind Yoga. Our research work indicated that human behaviors-habits, attitudes, mindset. and perceptions; is manly infl uenced by programs. We observed that programs get formed by repeated cumulative inputs. Inputs from our senses, learnings, actions, including feelings are stored in our neural network as engrams, and these form impressions; and thus, programs are created. Theses programs infl uence everything including our health. Since experiences have generated the programs, therefore, experience can bring the desired changes. We developed a procedure for creating the desired experience and named it’ synthetic experience ‘-vividly imagined experience, which is taken as real by our nervous system, and our body and mind both react to it, infl uencing both physiology and psychology. The synthetic experience can be used for reprogramming the mind. In BCLH synthetic experience is made use of. For creating the synthetic experience, a dream like state is created using the methodology developed by us. In 2015 we got the opportunity for helping the patients and their caregivers in one of the leading hospitals in India. The main objective of our study was to develop a session, for the integrative oncology department patients to improve their quality of life, generate hope and confi dence. We designed a 90 mts. session and called it ‘Heart-Mind Yoga’- for health and happiness. The study went for three years. Hospital developed a Likert Scale, for collecting the feedback from the patients and their caregivers who participated in our sessions. Social workers with background in psychology helped us in conducting the sessions and getting feedback forms fi lled. Total 107 people (43 patients and64 caregivers) attended our sessions. Our study shows that body-mind interventions can improve mood, quality of life and gave some indication that it can help in reducing pain, and other side effects of chemotherapy. BMP based Heart-Mind Yoga is a conscious mental process that induces a set of integrated physiological and psychological changes.

Biography :

Raj Kumar Dham did his D.I.I.Sc., from the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore after completing B.E from NIT and MD in Alternative Medicine from Medicina Alternativa . He is the founder Director of Atamabodh Centre for Learning and Healing. Jointly with Prof. Dr. K.N.Krishnaswamy developed BMP ( Body Mind Programming), Heart – Mind Yoga and Cellular Level Healing. He has presented many papers at National and International Conferences and has written two books also. He has also conducted many workshops on BMP and is a Trainer , Yoga Master and Holistic Health and Wellness promoter. He was awarded Gold Medal by IHMA for his contributions to the society for the cause of Holistic Health in 2001.

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