Experience report of the use of laryngeal mask at the advanced life support aeromedical service

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

Experience report of the use of laryngeal mask at the advanced life support aeromedical service

30th World Congress on Advanced Nursing Practice

September 04-06, 2017 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Katia C G Bertoncello and Alexsandra M Silva

UFSC, Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Adv Practice Nurs

Abstract :

The advanced life support aeromedical service with helicopters compound by the health professionals: Nurses and Doctors, that make use of invasive procedures to maintain the patient hemodynamic stability. Among these procedures, is the use of the supraglottic device laryngeal mask airway (LMA) to manage difficult airways when definitive techniques are not possible. Objective: Experience report about the use of the LMA by a flight nurse. Methodology: Relate of Case: Patient with cardiorespiratory arrest in the supine position on the floor of his house in basic life support maneuvers with Automated External Defibrillator (AED) by firefighters. With the aeromedical team arrival was noticed difficult, after 3 attempts, to use the orotracheal tube in a patient with morbidly obese, BMI higher then 40, and short neck, Mallampati scale III. It was used the LMA number 6 (> 100kg), in accordance to the protocol, with the support of an orogastric (OG) tube, succeeding at first try. Results: It was observed a quick recovery of the ventilatory patterns, thoracic expandability, peripheral oxygen saturation and the gastric decompression, of air and solids, after the insertion of the OG tube. Conclusion: The use of a LMA by a flight nurse is a quick, technique and safety procedure that provide a clear provisory airway, providing good oxygenation for critical health condition patients. It can be executed by the flight nurse with the procedure certificate and by the flight doctor.

Biography :

PhD in nursing by the University of São Paulo, teacher of the Nursing Department of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Teacher of the Postgraduate Nursing Program PEN/UFSC. Coordinator of the Multidisciplinary Professional Master’s degree in nursing at UFSC/HU. Tutor of the Multidisciplinary Residence in Health of the Urgency and Emergency Area at UFSC/HU. Has 25 years of nursing experience, with emphasis in cardio logical nursing. Are researcher and vice president at the Research Laboratory of Caring of People in Critical Health Situation (GEASS/UFSC). Effective member of the NORTH AMERICAN NURSING ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL (NANDA-I), The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International and of the Rede de Enfermeria Emergencies Y Desastres en Las Americas.

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