Evaluation of the knowledge of nurses on intramuscular injection in the ventrogluteal and dorsagluteal sites

Journal of Nursing & Care

ISSN: 2167-1168

Open Access

Evaluation of the knowledge of nurses on intramuscular injection in the ventrogluteal and dorsagluteal sites

3rd Euro Nursing & Medicare Summit

July 27-29, 2015 Valencia, Spain

Halise Coskun and Cicek Senture

Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Turkey

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nurs Care

Abstract :

This is a descriptive and cross section study. The sample of the study comprised 283 nurses who accepted to participate to the study. In collecting data, a form containing 14 statements about the using dorsogluteal and ventrogluteal sites for the intramuscular injections was used. For statistical analyzing of the data; numbers, percents and chi-square test had been used. Of the nurses, they used DG site, VG site and both of these sites were 50.2% , 26.1% and 23.6%, respectively. Most of the nurses responding statements with correct answers were gradute nurses and with 1-5 years experience. Most of the DG site user nurses explained that the reasons for using this site as its safety (17.6%) and easier ( 29.4%) application. Most of the nurses using VG site describe the main reasons for using this site were far away from neurovascular structures (50.9%). In order to avoid complications of intramuscular injections, nurses knowledge need to be updated via the in-service training. In addition, nursing curricula should be reviwed.

Biography :

Halise Coskun has completed her PhD from Gülhane Military Medical Academy. She is a Navy Captain nurse and Assistant Professor at nursing school at the same academy since 2011.


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