Action research: Learning about safe staffing levels across 69 mental health wards in a U.K NHS Trust

Journal of Nursing & Care

ISSN: 2167-1168

Open Access

Action research: Learning about safe staffing levels across 69 mental health wards in a U.K NHS Trust

3rd World Congress on Nursing Education, Practice & Research

May 16-17, 2018 | Montreal, Canada

Julie Attfield

NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Keynote: J Nurs Care

Abstract :

This research examines the process undertaken to systematically review nurse staffing levels across a range of mental health and learning disability inpatient services. The process have involved implementing the UK National Quality Board recommendations for reviewing safe staffing, being part of the Carter Review of Efficiency and Productivity pilot for community and mental health Trusts in the U.K and use of the Hurst Tool to review and benchmark staffing. The research articulates the process undertaken by way of a case study approach. It highlights the strengths and limitations of applying generic staffing guidance into mental health and learning disability wards. It articulates the learning from the analysis of staffing, rostering practice and improvements made in this area over a 12 month period. There is an analysis of variation between staffing levels established via long standing and accepted professional judgement and that which takes account of acuity, direct care levels and quality of care measures.

Biography :

Dr Julie Attfield is the Executive Director of Nursing at Nottinghamshire U.K.  Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is a major provider of mental health, intellectual disability and community healthcare services for the people of Nottinghamshire in the U.K. We see about 190,000 people every year. Our 9000 staff carry out a wide range of roles, working together to provide integrated and coordinated care and support to those using our services.Julie has published in excess of 25 professional papers and sat on expert steering groups in her field. She holds the title of Queens Nurse, is a member of the East Midlands Clinical Senate Board and is a Fellow of the Institute of Mental Health.  She is the co-author of the text Integrated Care Pathways in Mental Health.

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Citations: 4230

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