The Importance of Journalism in Our Society

Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Commentary - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 2

The Importance of Journalism in Our Society

Charles Adams*
*Correspondence: Charles Adams, Department of Communication & Media Technology, Maseno University, Kenya, Email:
Department of Communication & Media Technology, Maseno University, Kenya

Received: 02-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. jmcj-22-58391; Editor assigned: 07-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. P-58391; Reviewed: 15-Feb-2022, QC No. Q-58391; Revised: 22-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. R-58391; Published: 28-Feb-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2165-7912.22.12.448
Citation: Adams, Charles. "The Importance of Journalism in Our Society." J Mass Communicat Journalism 12 (2022): 448. DOI: 10.37421/2165-7912.22.12.448
Copyright: © 2022 Adams C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The newspapers and periodicals provide a nice start to the people's days. Newspapers are usually our mental breakfast, and not knowing the day's headlines makes individuals feel anxious. Magazines, on the other hand, provide us with a larger and more complete perspective on various events taking place in our environment. Pictorial reports of events from the preceding week or month can also be found in magazines [1].

Creating for newspapers and magazines, as well as writing and distributing stories on news websites, are all examples of journalism. It's all about informing the rest of the globe of what's going on in the world. "What people want to know is journalism," said Hailey Gorzell, a 7th grader at Dobie Jr. High. "It's shooting images and disseminating news." In today's world, journalism is critical. It was significant in the past, and it remains so today. Journalism refers to a journalist's work in terms of news, opinions, and reports, among other things. It is a large audience examination and reporting of current world events, such as fashion trends, political or general issues, and events. It is obvious when writing about an affair [2].

People nowadays rely on the press to keep them informed about what is going on. A modern newspaper is much more than just a news source; it is also a repository of current information, a tool for public critique, and a shaper of public opinion. In a democratic society, the media is critical. They have a huge impact on public opinion formation. They could be considered to think about politics on behalf of the common man. There's also the news editor and his team. People currently rely on the news to keep them up to date on current events. A modern newspaper serves as a library of current information, a tool for public critique, and a shaper of public opinion in addition to serving as a news source. The media is crucial in a democratic society. They have a significant influence on the shaping of public opinion. They may be thought to be thinking about politics on behalf of the ordinary man. The news editor and his crew are also present [3].

Journalism serves as a "voice for the voiceless," conveying the views of all members of our society. It functions as a link between the authorities and the general public. A modern newspaper must also have competent illustrators, cartoonists, photographers, and other professionals on staff. Advertisement managers and circulation managers are required. Journalists, or newspapermen, are the collective term for all of these persons who work for a newspaper. Because we are now a worldwide economy and practically a global society, journalism is critical to the world. A competent journalist develops his own distinctive style. He understands how to arouse interest and demand for what he has to give. The most important thing to remember about journalism is that it exists solely to serve the public interest. One aspires to literary greatness, while the other places a higher value on propaganda. It has a very broad field of application, and there is no limit to how much it can be improved. However, the writer should be wary of the current trend of trivialising and fragmenting news stories in order to impose the editor's beliefs on readers. Finally, journalism provides "a public venue for criticism and debate," as Kovatch and Rosenstiel put it. This is critical for a democratic society [4].

"The goal and value of journalism is to enlighten society with the information they need to live their lives," according to the American Press Institute website. They require information in order to make decisions on a variety of issues." People can find information and news in a variety of places. News is disseminated through a variety of mediums, including radio, television, social media, news websites, and newspapers. The world would be uneducated if journalism did not exist. Journalism is vital because it provides the public with current and relevant information and news. "Whoever would overturn a nation's liberty must begin by judging the freeness of speech," Benjamin Franklin declared.

"Journalism is vital because it exposes truth to people; they need to know things," said Coach Currie, an 8th grade social studies teacher and football coach at Dobie Jr. High. Mrs. Preyor-Johnson, a journalism teacher at Dobie Jr. High, worked as a full-time journalist before becoming a teacher. "Journalism is important to our freedom," she remarked. Journalism's history is a complicated one. The newspaper was the earliest form of journalism. It developed and got more computerised over time. Nelly Bly and Johannes Gutenberg were important figures in the early days of journalism. "Journalism is basically a record of what happened in the past so you can learn how to prevent certain things from happening again," Currie explained.

Journalism has evolved significantly throughout time. A lot of journalism nowadays is done digitally. There's television, radio, computers, phones, and social media, to name a few. Nowadays, it is critical to be aware of everything that is going on. And it has progressed to the point that almost everyone is now a journalist. "Journalism is necessary now because there are so many more people and so much more occurring," Currie explained. "You need it to transmit more news to people." Journalism used to be limited to newspapers, but now it encompasses much more. There is television with news stations such as Fox, CNN, and CBS, as well as local channels. Radio stations, social media, and the Internet in general are all available. "CNN, Fox, various radio stations, TV, newspapers, and people telling about really important topics are some examples of journalism to me," Carson Wolbert, an 8th grader at Dobie Jr. High, stated [5].

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