Continuance Intentions of Mobile Payment Services In Pakistan

Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review

ISSN: 2223-5833

Open Access

Review Article - (2023) Volume 13, Issue 6

Continuance Intentions of Mobile Payment Services In Pakistan

Roshan Bashir*, Muhammad Ramzan Sheikh and Tabassum Arshad
*Correspondence: Roshan Bashir, Department of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multa, Pakistan, Tel: 3056657890, Email:
Department of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multa, Pakistan

Received: 17-May-2023, Manuscript No. JBMR-23-99086; Editor assigned: 22-May-2023, Pre QC No. JBMR-23-99086 (PQ); Reviewed: 06-Jun-2023, QC No. JBMR-23-99086; Revised: 07-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. JBMR-23-99086 (R); Published: 14-Jul-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.532
Citation: Bashir, Roshan, Muhammad Ramzan Sheikh, and Tabassum Arshad. "Continuance Intentions of Mobile Payment Services In Pakistan." J Bus Manag Review 13 (2023): 522.
Copyright: © 2023 Bashir R, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Nowadays e-banking via different platforms of bank is very common in European countries. In Pakistan, the intention of digital payment services is very useful and common nowadays. However, some people’s intention is that the payment through mobile services is not trusted for that reason the adoption of digital payment services is still in the initial stage. This study is based on the diffusion of the invention theory and inculcates the experiences of intention to use digital payment services by a trust-facilitating role. The survey method is used to collect data from ordinary consumers who are using the digital payment services of Easy paisa and Jazz cash within a Pakistan and the current study’s aim is to give guild lines to administrators of digital payment services to strengthen the customization, security features, flexibility, and which wins the trust of customers.


Digital payment channel • Mobility • Customization • Technical security • Trust


Now day’s number of mobile phone user is rapidly growing and companies are delivering services through mobile phones digital payment service is one of the most useful services provided and the m-payment innovation progression has reformed the business across the world, including payment platforms. M-payment strategies (m-payment) have acquired a lot of prevalence in created nations. The buyer can utilize the m-payment platform to execute a few kinds of deals without a general setting by utilizing on the web through web innovation and disconnected by using informing administration [1]. The m-payment framework gives an option in contrast to neighborhood customers utilizing conventional moneybased financial platform to complete their everyday monetary exchanges. According to the State bank of Pakistan yearly execution audit report, Pakistan is quickly embracing the advanced methods of payment with the rising number of electronic exchanges 17% annual development. Absolute 625.8 million exchanges by means of digital payment platforms worth 37.1 trillion in 2017, which saw significant development in computerized digital payment platforms. The World Bank has announced that approximately 100 million grown-ups have no admittance to customary financial platforms because of far-off regions furthermore, absence of a framework, setting out tremendous freedom to give branchless financial platforms through digital payment stages [2]. Easy paisa, sent off in 2009 by Telenor Pakistan and Tameer Microfinance Bank, is a digital payment platform that offers types of assistance across Pakistan. Jazz cash is also a computerized digital payment platform previously known as Mobi cash sent off in 2012 by Mobilink in an organization with Mobilink Microfinance bank and the Jazz cash is additionally generally accessible across all over the Pakistan. The current concentrate on thought to be these best two m-payment platforms to explore the variables influencing the goal to utilize the m-payment platform in Pakistan. In spite of the expansion in computerized innovation and m-payment platforms, customer’s goal to utilize is normally low.

Past examinations expressed trust as a huge predecessor of shopper acknowledgment toward innovations like m-payment strategies. Foundations need to construct trust in clients to utilize m-payment. Numerous clients avoid the m-payment framework in view of trust issues, and they lean toward customary techniques [3]. The greater part of the examinations inspected entrusted with the blend of different developments directed in western nations. There is a lack of concentration in creating nations like Pakistan.

The targets of the ongoing review are twofold. In the first place, this study plans to look at the determinants that construct client's confidence in e-payment stages in over the Pakistan. Secondly, this study also researches the intervening effect of trust between the key predecessors and goals to utilize e-payment stages [4]. The research discoveries hypothetically add to the current literature by expansion of the dissemination of the advancement (DOI) hypothesis and giving advanced techniques to the policymakers to foster better e-payment stages for better user interface and better interaction.

Literature Review

Theoretical background

Digital payment is the exercise of the organizations or people who use computerized gadgets along with the portable web, to finish any exchanges of a monetary nature. As an essential help supporting digital business, digital payment administrations have gigantic market potential in arising economies like India, China. It is assessed that the digital payment exchange will arrive at INR 2,205 trillion in 2022, from the ongoing worth of around INR 8.2 M (in 2016). Given such colossus aspects, a few organizations have ventured into the digital payment market offering various items and administrations. Digital payment engages clients to lead more secure, quicker, and more advantageous managing, any place and whenever not at all like the spatial and worldly requirements in both disconnected and online payment [5].

Different researches

Mobility and trust in the digital payment channel: Trust is a social peculiarity addressing individual confidence in the outsider's presentation with due determination and integrity [6]. With the expansion in electronic monetary exchanges, scientists ceaselessly research the factors that form clients trust towards a digital payment banking channels. 'Dependability' and 'Specialized elements' are the main considerations to fabricate client's trust towards epayments. Different investigations discovered that adaptability and comfort likewise altogether influence client's advanced payment necessities that upgrade their trust towards a computerized stage. Mobility is to utilize e-payment with next to no limitation of the overall setting. Mobility works with buyers to get to online monetary exchanges through digital devices, improving their trust in epayment platforms. The accompanying speculation can be proposed:

H1: Mobility impacts trust in the e-payment channel.

Customization and trust in the digital payment channel: Customization is a component of e-payment that mirrors the upsides of outsider e-payment stages. It ends up having significant command over their choices, regardless of whether to employ an epayment framework [7]. In e-payment administrations, significant security personalization is conveyed where shoppers can redesign client's accounts by changing their security settings. Redo security setting is a strategy to affect security lead in e-payment administrations. Consequently, this exploration mentality client's security conducts by checking their personalized ways of behaving in the security settings. Easypaisa and Jazz cash clients can change their landing pages whenever the timing is ideal by choosing their number one programming, building trust among shoppers. This proposes the following speculation:

H2: Customization impacts the confidence in the digital payment channel.

Technical security and trust in the digital payment channel: Security is the highest priority for the clients with regard to making digital payment exchanges [8]. Clients feel dangers, for example, loss of individual information, data, cash, account subtleties, and unapproved access to framework. Security is fundamental in the epayment platform with the goal that shoppers accept their resources and individuals’ data is uncompromised and secured while executing point of sale transactions. Online exchanges include sharing subtleties of the record and other confidential purchaser information, making individuals exceptionally worry about utilizing the e-payment platforms. Online digital payment requires top quality security. Clients trust in profoundly gotten e-payment platforms. The above-expressions proposed the following speculation:

H3: Technical Security affects the confidence in digital payment channel.

Trust and intention to use digital payment channel: Continuation expectation is client's tendency to constantly utilize or deny a framework. Trust is the client's trust in e-payment services. Trust has a huge effect on continuation expectations for digital payment clients. Trust impacts client's duration goal towards minstallments [9]. It is central to trust to fabricate the progress and raise the meaning of trust towards continuation. Client's trust is decidedly connected with the duration aim. Shoppers with solid certainty and confidence in a specific framework are leaned to utilize that framework for a more extended period. As referenced before, proposed the accompanying speculation:

H4: Trust impacts the goal to utilize the digital payment channel.

The conciliating role of trust: Trust has been shown as a secondary development affected by the forerunner of versatility, specialized security and customization that mirror the quality variables of digital payment channels that influence the duration goal of utilizing the e-payment platforms [10]. Trust has been inspected as a middle variable that mirrors the roundabout impact of predecessor development. The accompanying speculations can be expressed as follows:

H5: Trust intervenes in the connection among versatility and aims to utilize the digital payment channels.

H6: Trust intervenes in the connection among customization and aims to utilize the digital payment channels.

H7: Trust intervenes in the connection among customization and aims to utilize the digital payment channels.

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory: As per the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) hypothesis, an independent takes on innovation because of it’s a scribes. Dissemination mirrors the infiltration of advancement over the long haul through various platforms of the corresponding interaction among cultural individuals. DOI has been seen in various examinations connected with data frameworks and innovation reception [11]. Relative the advantage is viewed as an indicator in the DOI hypothesis that mirrors the client inclination towards the innovation over past techniques like e-payment platforms versatility and personalization has a mental allure to the shoppers over the customary payment channel. The specialized quality in ebb and flow research alludes to the security elements of m-installment stages that guarantee that client's exchanges are in fact protected and solid. In view of examination holes in the writing referenced above and the supporting hypothesis of DOI following hypothetical system proposed and can be shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory.


We have used the survey method for research setting and data collection. The closed-ended questionnaire was used to collect the primary data from consumer’s experiences using two e-payment channels which were Easypaisa and Jazz cash.

Subsequently, Purposive inspecting was applied. 85 example sizes is adequate, determined through G*POWER with the programming of 0.15 for impact size, 0.05 for the type I error, and 80% power. Nevertheless, considering the low reaction rate in Pakistan, 450 polls were appropriated among the respondents whereas 230 were returned with exact information required. Eighteen questionnaires were excluded from the last examination due to inadequate and missing information. Table 1 illustrates the segment qualities of the general example [12].

Factual tool for data analysis

The halfway least squares primary condition demonstrating (PLSSEM) procedure was to examine the information. The smart PLS 3.0 programming was used to measure the survey the speculations. The ongoing review applied the bootstrapping methodology to survey the created speculations, and standardization of information is not a prerequisite in PLS-structural equation model. It all depends on bootstrapping for really looking at the meaning of way coefficients and intercession examination [13].

Results and Discussion

Demographic data

Respondent data resulted that male are 56% and females are 44% is participated study the age variable shows that the 23-30 years is 35% the occupation variable shows employees is 49% monthly frequency is 44% and the use of m-payment platforms is 11-20 times in a month.

Demographic variables Frequency Percent (%)
Male 112 56%
Female 88 44%
Less than 23 years 67 33.5%
23-30 70 35%
31-40 years 40 20%
More than 40 years 23 11.5%
Students 56 28%
Employee 98 49%
Others 46 23%
Monthly use frequency
1-10 times 78 39%
11-20 times 88 44%
21-30 times 19 9.5%
>31 times 15 7.5%

Table 1. Demographic data.

Measurement model assessment

In present study the measurement model is used to examine the reliability and validity, data is shown in Table 2, and model assessment is in Figure 2.


Figure 2. Model assessment.

Constructs Items Loading CR AVE
Mobility MOBl 0.738 0.835 0.628
MOB2 0.857
MOB3 0.778
Customization CUSl 0.829 0.825 0.612
CUS2 0.742
CUS3 0.772
Technical security TSl 0.735 0.827 0.61
TS2 0.806
TS3 0.809
Trust TRl 0.804 0.868 0.687
TR2 0.863
TR3 0.817
Intention to use INTl 0.82 0.883 0.716
INT2 0.885
 INT3 0.832

Table 2. Measurement model is used to examine the reliability and validity, data.

Discriminant validity

This technique stated that all diagonal values should be high other than the cross ponding correlational values (Table 3).

Construct 1 2 3 4 5
CUS (l) 0.782        
INT (2) 0.592 0.846      
MOB (3) 0.69 0.621 0.793    
TS (4) 0.643 0.548 0.639 0.784  
TR (5) 0.634 0.524 0.645 0.726 0.829

Table 3. Discriminant validity.

Structural equation model assessment

Thereafter reliability and validity, the approach for bootstrapping through smart PLS the structural equation model shows the significant relationship between constructs (Figure 3, Tables 4 and 5).


Figure 3. Structural equation model assessment.

Direct relationship analysis

Hypothesis Relationships Std. Beta Std.
T-Value P-Value Decision R2 f2
H1 MOB-> TR 0.173 0.086 2.014 0.045 Supported 0.581 0.03
H2 CUS-> TR 0.213 0.086 2.48 0.013 Supported   0.052
H3 TS-> TR 0.469 0.091 5.171 0 Supported   0.249
H4 TR-> INT 0.524 0.064 8.155 0 Supported 0.271 0.379

Table 4. Direct relationship analysis.

Mediation analysis

Hypothesis Relationships Std. Beta Std. Error T-Value P-Value 2.50% 97.50% Decision
H5 MOB>TR>INT 0.091 0.049 1.864 0.063 -0.013 0.198 Supported
H6 CUS>TR>INT 0.112 0.052 2.146 0.032 0.027 0.247 Supported
H7 TS>TR>INT 0.246 0.053 4.606 0 0.156 0.347 Supported

Table 5. Mediation analysis.


The ongoing review uses the dissemination of development (DOI) hypothesis to dissect the roundabout customization, impact of mobility, and specialized security expectation to utilize e-payment channels via trust. There were seven theories, out of which four were immediate. Three of them were backhanded speculations that action the intervening effect of trust among precursors and aim to utilize the e-payment platform. The current review outcomes uncovered that e-payment administration's portability affects client's trust who utilize the e-payment entryway. Outcomes depicted that epayment administration's security altogether affects client's trust utilizing m-installment entrance, reliable with the past examinations. Customization was likewise uncovered as a critical indicator of the trust that prompted the goal to utilize the e-payment entrance. The results of the current speculation are reliable to the past academic work. The intervention speculations uncovered that trust didn't intercede the connection between mobility and aim to utilize the epayment platform that might be because of study led in nonindustrial nation setting where mobility is more vital to clients for the goal to utilize e-payment platform and trust has no weightage if there should arise an occurrence of mobility. Other intervention speculations were upheld that trust intercedes emphatically between specialized security, customization, and expectation to utilize e-payment entryway upheld through compositions. The current review has a few ramifications. To begin with, the expansion of the DOI hypothesis through the intervention of trust also, giving key factors of trust prompts higher expectations to utilize the epayment channels. Second, the current review inspects the versatility and customization was given key positions to the family member advantage that form client's trust, which works with the expectation to utilize the m-installment stage. The current review gives specific reasonable commitments to m-installment stage overseers, particularly from a non-industrial nation's point of view. To begin with, m-installment stages like Easypaisa and Jazz cash ought to tweak their applications as per the client's necessities to perceive easy and user friendly to utilize. Secondly, specialized security needs to be improved by two factor implementation and start-to-end encryption which enhances clients trust and further develops their continuation expectation.


In light of the diffusion of innovation, current hypothesis review analyzes the vital factors of the trust-building structure that leads toward the expectation to utilize the m-installment stage. Observational outcomes portray that customization, portability, and specialized security are essential to upgrading client's confidence, and getting to the next level of expectation to utilize the minstallment stage. Flow research has a few limits and future exploration headings. The main limitation is information gathered from shoppers utilizing Easypaisa and Jazz cash. Hereafter, more portable installment passages can be incorporated, as Upaisa, Nayapay and etc. Flow research inspects the Interceding effect of trust, later on directing impact of client orientation, age, and experience can be consolidated for more top to bottom discoveries of social contrasts. The ongoing review looks at the e-payment clients in Pakistan, while future examinations might lead an alternate country or other different digital payment channels to test the proposed hypothetical structure's generalizability.


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