HIV-AIDS | Open Access Journals

Clinical Infectious Diseases: Open Access

ISSN: 2684-4559

Open Access


As we enter the new millennium, it is important to ask what effect the AIDS epidemic has had on the general adult population of the United States. Which adults are at risk of contracting HIV? Do they know they are in danger? Are they trying to protect themselves from infection? Although many studies have examined HIV-related risk behaviors among certain American populations (for example, those infected with HIV or at high risk of HIV infection), few studies have examined these behaviors among the population general adult. 1-3

Data on risk behaviors in the general population are an important complement to data on the reporting of AIDS and HIV cases. These data can show the effect that the epidemic has had on most Americans. They can indicate the level of risk in the population and identify changes in risk patterns or protective behavior in different subgroups; confirm if we are targeting appropriate population groups for prevention; and provide an indication that large-scale interventions, such as guidelines and policies, could affect behavior. In addition, this data can improve understanding of the relationships between the factors found for more selected groups. Finally, they can provide an indication of the progress made in achieving national and national health goals. This study adds to the limited but growing body of work in this area and compares our results with data from previous surveys of the general population.

As the AIDS epidemic in the United States enters its third decade, changing trends in the epidemiology of the disease have been observed. In the second half of the 1990s, both the incidence and mortality from AIDS declined.4 These decreases are no doubt largely due to the effect of new treatments, which improved the survival of people infected with HIV and affected AIDS. As a result, the number of people living with AIDS has increased5.

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