
Journal of Microbiology and Pathology

ISSN: 2952-8119

Open Access

Current Issue

Volume 5, Issue 2 (2021)

    Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

    Analysis of the Dengue Infection, Occurrence and Hematological Profile of Dengue Patients in Dhaka City.

    Ekhlas Uddin

    In the tropical and subtropical area, dengue virus is mostly found. To the determination of the occurrence of dengue viral infection and hematological profile of dengue infected peoples in the Dhaka city. A sum of 255 samples of blood from both sex and different age groups were collected in this research. Dengue nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) and complete blood count (CBC) test were performed for the study. During this study period, total 255 samples were tested. Among these, 67samples were diagnosed as positive. Seroprevalence of dengue was 26.30%. Out of 67 positive dengue patients, 41 (61.2 %) were male and 26 (38.8 %) were female. Dengue infection was observed more in 21 to 30years age group followed by above 40years and 16 to 20years but observed less in of 1st day to 5years followed by 11 -15years, then 6 -10years and 31 - 40years. It was seen that the >40years of age group had the  maximum unit of cases having low platelet count followed by 21-30years and  it was also seen that 21-30years of age group had the maximum range of cases having low WBC count followed by above 40years of age group. In our research, we showed thrombocytopenia (100000 - 150,000/μl) with leucopenia (White Blood Cells, WBC <5000/μl) in 8(26.6%) cases and thrombocytopenia (100000-150,000/μl) without leucopenia in 9 (24.3%) cases but thrombocytopenia (<100000/μl) with leucopenia (White Blood Cells (WBC) < 5000/μl) in 5(16.7%) cases and thrombocytopenia (<100000/μl) without leucopenia in 6 (16.2%) cases. Among 67 positive cases, we found that (26.6%) had DF and (16.7%) had DHF according to WHO classification. For validating more reliability, this research needs further work.

    Research Article Pages: 1 - 4

    Evaluation of some Nodulation Genes found in Bambara Symbiotic Rhizobia Strains.

    Olaoluwa AJAYI

    Rhizobia are known to have specificity for their leguminous host . bambara groundnut although a legume has shown promiscuous ability nodulating with many Rhizobia spp. Bradhyrhizobia spp were recovered from selected Nigerian soils by trapping them in the nodules of Bambara groundnut(BG) using pot hose experiments. They were isolated from the nodules and authenticated in the screen house and on the field and six strains along-side USDA110 (control) were selected after they were found to be highly effective and efficient. The DNA was exyracted and Pcr was carried out to check for the presence of Nod A, NodB, NodzA and  NodzB genes. Nod A and Nod B which are conserved in all Rhizobia spp were found to be present. NodzA was found to be present in five of them while Nodz B was found to be present in all six of them. NodzA and Nodz B which are functional genes in soybean symbiointic Rhizobia strains this therefore suggests that BG symbiotic rhizobia strains may be able to nodulate soybean legumes and that NodzA and  Nodz B may possibly play a major role in the nodulation process of BG.

    Research Article Pages: 1 - 3

    Quantification of Total Protein and Related Enzymes in Fusarium wilt infected Lens culinaris medic.

    Anita Singh

    Quantification of protein and their related enzymes was studied in Lentil (lens culinaris medic) infected with Fusarium oxysporum F. Sp. lentis causing wilt disease. The contents of total protein and protease activities in healthy and diseased counter parts of lentils were measured. Different plant parts showed variation in their protein contents were recorded higher in wilt infected plant then healthy leaf, stem, fruit and seeds while protiase activities were recorded higher in normal leaf, stem, fruit and seeds as compared to infected plant. 

    Editorial Pages: 1 - 2

    Podocyte pathology and their techniques.

    Qiang Chen*

    Podocytes keep up the glomerular filtration obstruction, and the solidness of this boundary relies upon their exceptionally separated postmitotic aggregate, which likewise characterizes the specific weakness of the glomerulus. Ongoing podocyte science and quality disturbance concentrates in vivo show a causal connection between anomalies of single podocyte particles and proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis. Podocytes live under different burdens and neurotic upgrades. They adjust to look after homeostasis, however extreme pressure prompts maladaptation with complex natural changes including loss of uprightness and dysregulation of cell digestion. Podocyte injury causes proteinuria and separation from the glomerular storm cellar layer. Notwithstanding "debilitated" podocytes and their separation, our comprehension of glomerular reactions following podocyte misfortune needs to address the pathways from podocyte injury to sclerosis. Studies have discovered an assortment of glomerular reactions to podocyte brokenness in vivo, for example, disturbance of podocyte-endothelial cross talk and initiation of podocyte-parietal cell associations, all of which assist us with understanding the mind boggling situation of podocyte injury and its outcomes. This audit centers around the cell parts of podocyte brokenness and the versatile or maladaptive glomerular reactions to podocyte injury that lead to its significant outcome, glomerulosclerosis.

    Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

    Antimicrobial resistance in clinical studies

    Yongho Bae

    The rise and spread of medication safe microorganisms that have procured new opposition components, prompting antimicrobial obstruction, keeps on compromising our capacity to treat basic contaminations. Particularly disturbing is the quick worldwide spread of multi-and container safe microscopic organisms (otherwise called "superbugs") that cause diseases that are not treatable with existing antimicrobial prescriptions like anti-microbials.

    Volume 5, Issue 3 (2021)

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Microbial Applications in Human Welfare

      H.C.Yashavanth Roy*

      The branch of biology that deals with the study of organism square measure known as “Microbiology”. The region i.e. the organic phenomenon and abiotic part contains a kind of microorganisms that exhibit helpful activities. They embrace tiny protoctist, fungi, bacteria, protozoans, mycoplasmas and connected organisms. An outsized range of microbes facilitate human civilization through their helpful activities. These activities square measure either of domestic, industrial or business importance. Its many applied branches like medical biology, food biology, industrial biology, etc. Fungi are often single celled or terribly advanced cellular organisms. They’re found in precisely concerning any surroundings however most live to tell the tale the land, principally in soil or on stuff instead of in ocean or H2O.

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Cell pathology techniques concerned in tissue cultures

      Sheila Jain*

      Cell pathology is that the study of sickness exploitation the techniques of recent cell biology. The aim is to grasp however cellular and molecular mechanisms act throughout sickness processes. Cellular pathology is that the study of sickness in organs, tissues and cells. Histopathology and cytopathology are key diagnostic tests within the initial detection and identification of cancer and different diseases supported by fashionable molecular techniques. Adviser cellular pathologists are ready to offer data on prognosis and facilitate to fitly direct therapies in post diagnostic treatment. Speedy advances in vegetative cell biology and regenerative medication have opened new opportunities for higher understanding sickness pathological process and development of recent diagnostic, prognostic and treatment approaches.

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Approaches of Clinical veterinary Pathology*

      Clinical pathology worries with the identification of illness supported the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids like blood, waste or cavitary effusions, or tissue aspirates victimization the tools of chemistry, life science, medical science and molecular pathology. Clinical pathologists are utilized in diagnostic pathology, veterinary and medical teaching, research, and conjointly the pharmaceutical business. Bridging the divide between natural and experimental diseases, the journal details the diagnostic investigations of natural and rising diseases of animals; reports experimental studies enhancing understanding of the mechanisms of specific processes along with cancer, infection, medical science, metabolic and genetically mediate diseases.

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Plant Microbes associated in soil microorganisms

      Qin Fu*

      Plant growth and development involves a good coordination of the spacial and temporal organization of organic process, cell enlargement and cell differentiation. Orchestration of those events needs the exchange of signal molecules between the foundation and shoot, which might be laid low with each organic phenomenon and abiotic factors. Plants turn out a large vary of organic compounds as well as sugars, organic acids and vitamins, which might be used as nutrients or signals by microorganism populations. The final biological process pattern in plants depends on indeterminate growth and unvaried organogenesis, characterised by continued organic process within the meristematic regions.

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Molecular-biology applications in rhetorical

      Kin Hu*

      One of the foremost basic techniques of biological science to check macromolecule operate is molecular biological research. During this technique, deoxyribonucleic acid committal to writing for a macromolecule of interest is cloned exploitation enzyme chain reaction (PCR), and/or restriction enzymes into an inclusion (expression vector). A vector has three distinctive features: AN origin of replication, a multiple biological research web site (MCS), and a selective marker typically antibiotic resistance. Situated upstream of the multiple biological research area unit the promoter regions and therefore the transcription begin site that regulate the expression of cloned factor. This inclusion is inserted into either microorganism or animal cells. Introducing deoxyribonucleic acid into microorganism cells is done by transformation via uptake of naked deoxyribonucleic acid, conjugation via cell-cell contact or by transduction via microorganism vector.

      Volume 6, Issue 5 (2022)

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