
Journal of Clinical Research

ISSN: 2795-6172

Open Access

Giuseppe Murdaca

Giuseppe Murdaca

Giuseppe Murdaca
University of Genova Assistant Professor-Internal Medicine, Italy


Prof Giuseppe Murdaca has received his PhD in Science and Space Engineering at the University of Genova (Italy) during the period of 2000-2003. Currently, he is working as Assistant professor in Internal Medicine University of Genova (Italy).

Based on this research and fellowship training he has received several awards and honors, such as: Prize for young researchers of the study, assigned by the GILS, with the following motivation: "Standardization of a method to assess impairment by skinfold thickness skin", delivered on the occasion of the "Day VII Italian to fight Scleroderma" (Milan, 17/3 / 2001) Award for one of the three best oral presentations at the Ninth Congress of the Inter-SIMI Piemonte and Valle D'Aosta, Liguria (Genoa, 06.17.2004): Murdaca G., Fenoglio D., M. Setti, Brenci S., Villa R., Pontali E., A. Kunkl, Indiveri F., Puppo F. "Generation of CD4 + lines specific for Pneumocystis carinii and Candida albicans obtained from HIV + patients. Meaning of the coexpression of IFN- and IL-4 "

Research Interest





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