Douglas Gonsales
Department of Neurosurgery
JacksBaptist Neurological Instituteonville-Florida, USA
MEDICINE GRADUATION: Degree in Medicine from the University of Cuiaba (UNIC) from 2002 to 2008. RESIDENCY: Resident in Neurosurgery at General University Hospital (HGU) in Cuiabá MT from 2009 to 2014. FELLOWSHIP: Clinical Fellowship in NeuroOncology in the National Cancer Institute (INCA) in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil 2012 - 2013; Research and Observer Fellowship in Neurosurgery in Wisconsin Hospital in Sept-Oct 2013 in the city of Madison - Wisconsin - USA; Research Fellowship in Baptist Neurological Institute, Department of Neuroendovascular since Oct 2015 - Present - Jacksonville - FL. CERTIFIED BOARDS: Board Certified - Neurosurgery Brazilian Society in Brazil - 2015; Member Certified of Neurosurgery Brazilian Academic Society in Brazil - 2015. MEMBER of SOCIETIES: American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS). Member ID 439987; American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA). Member ID 226571937; Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS). Member ID 91226; Member of Neurosurgery Society of Mato Grosso (SNMT); Membership of Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN). EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER Editor Board Member of Journal of Surgery. Scifed Journal of Surgery. From Scientific Federation; Editor Board Member of Biomedical Journal of Science and Technical Research; Editor Board Member of Techniques in Neurosurgery and Neurology; Associate Editor of the Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences. PEER REVIEWER - EDITORIAL MEMBER OF JOURNALS: Peer Reviewer for Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports at Thieme since 2017; Peer Reviewer for World Neurosurgery Journal since 2017; Peer Reviewer Editor Board Member International Educational Scientific Research Journal since 2017; Peer Reviewer for Surgical Neurology International (SNI) since 2017; Peer Reviewer for CUREUS Journal since 2017; Peer Reviewer for Brazilian Neurosurgery Journal (Thieme E-Journal) since 2017; Editor Board Member (as a Reviewer) of Journal of Cancer Biology and Therapeutics since 2017. RESEARCH INSTITUTION Researcher of CNPq Institution by Prof Dr Carlos Alexandre Fett, PhD.
neurovascular, cerebrovascular, endovascular, brain tumor, clinical trials in neurosurgery and innovation in neurosurgery.