
Journal of Business & Financial Affairs

ISSN: 2167-0234

Open Access

Current Issue

Volume 10, Issue 1 (2021)

    Research Article Pages: 1 - 6

    The Mediating Effect of Firm Performance on the Relationship between Ownership Structure Dimensions and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure by Firms Listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

    Ariko John Namoit*, Josephat Cheboi Yegon and Michael Korir

    Firm performance is one of the most important concepts of business strategy. Regardless of its importance and ubiquitous use, there is no consensus about its precise definition and dimensionality. This paper examined the mediating effect firm performance on the relationship between firms’ ownership structure and its disclosure of CSR activities. Firm performance was proxied by return on assets. Ownership structure dimensions are managerial, institutional, foreign and ownership concentration. The paper employed Barron and Kenny mediation procedure. The results showed that firm performance mediated positively the relationship between managerial, institutional and ownership concentration and the corporate social responsibility disclosure at coefficient’s 0.165, 0.025 and 0.024, respectively. Further, there was negative (-0.001) mediation effect on the relation between foreign ownership and the corporate social responsibility disclosure. The form of mediation was partial mediation. The positive relationship suggests that for a company to engage and disclose its CSR activities, performance plays a critical role. It confirms that firms with a better firm financial performance leads to better quality CSR reporting and that the older the companies compounded with stable financial performance the more aggressive they participate in the CSR activities. Firms need to utilize various risk management practices such as identification, analysis, monitoring and evaluations of the firm activities to enhance efficiency in firm performance and in return engage and disclose more on CSR issues. This may be achieved through establishment and implementation of risk identification, monitoring and evaluation policy framework which significantly influence firm performance and thereby enhances shareholder capabilities to identify, analyze and evaluate all risks that hinder the institutions from achieving its objectives. 

    Research Article Pages: 1 - 9

    The Impact of Trade Facilitation on Trade Flow in Asian Countries

    Waqas Ali* and Nadia Shakoor

    The study estimates the relationship between trade facilitation indicators and trade flow in Asian countries. It prioritizes the main trade facilitation determinants that need to be improved for the faster and more international trade flow. The study consists of Asian countries based on main trade facilitation variables such as tariffs, time to import/ export and cost to import/export, population, ICT. The study consist on secondary data and most of the data obtained from the World Bank doing business and economic development database and used 44 Asian countries in sample. In this study we have used fixed and random affect methodology for estimation and then uses Husman test to choose between fixed and random affect results. The obtained results shows the significant impact on imports and exports volume and it clarify that tariff and number of documents to import and export has negative affect on trade flow. A one percent change in tariff rates can affect the trade flow with 6% negatively. So for the cheaper and maximum trade flow, tariff must be brought to minimum level while the number of documents has much more affect than tariff as it shows one percent change in number of documents affects with 25% exports and 6% on imports flow negatively. That is why the number of documents should be reduced to the minimum level too. But for ICT, human capital and customs shows a positive relationship with trade flow. According to this study’s results it shows that 1% improvement in ICT can increase the imports and exports by 5%. The same way trade infrastructure is most important determinant of trade facilitation, It is because infrastructure includes both time and cost, the cheaper and faster trade flow become more beneficial for both of the trading partners. The results suggest 1% reduction in trade costs results in 20% increase in imports and 16% increase in exports. And 1% reduction in time can affect the imports with 8% and exports with 14%. 

    Editorial Note Pages: 1 - 1

    Editorial Note on Business marketing and Consumer market.

    Jasneeth som*


    Research Article Pages: 1 - 10

    Assessing the Effects of Financial Liberalization and Global Financial Crisis on Stock Market Volatility: Evidence from Smooth-Transition GARCH Models

    Emna Bensethom*

    The aim of this paper is to study the potential effects of liberalization process and global financial crisis on conditional volatility. Our sample comprises three Asian emerging markets (Philippines, Korea and Indonesia) over the period from December 1987 to September 2014.Using the ST-GARCH models, our findings show several interesting facts. First, the ST-GARCH processes perform better than the linear GARCH models, since they take into consideration the regime changes in the conditional volatility. Moreover, these models are able to absorb the nonlinear dependence and the asymmetric effects detected on the residuals. Second, whatever the nonlinear model used (ST-GARCH models), financial liberalization has reduced the conditional volatility. By cons, the global financial crisis has increased the conditional variance of the Asian stock markets. Overall, our results confirm that Asian region cannot fully benefit from financial liberalization, because the negative effects of these crises (notably in terms of financial instability) can minimize the benefits of this process (integration). 

    Volume 10, Issue 2 (2021)

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Financial Report

      Yagnes M Dalvadi

      Budget summaries or Financial reports are formal records of the monetary exercises and position of a business, individual, or other substance. Pertinent monetary data is introduced in an organized way and in a structure which is straightforward. They regularly incorporate four fundamental budget summaries joined by an administration conversation and examination. The goal of fiscal summaries is to give data about the monetary position, execution and changes in monetary situation of an undertaking that is helpful to a wide scope of clients in settling on financial choices. Budget reports ought to be justifiable, pertinent, solid and tantamount. Detailed resources, liabilities, value, pay and costs are straightforwardly identified with an association's monetary position

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Financial Systems and Banking

      Salvador Climent Serrano

      A Financial framework is a framework that permits the trading of assets between monetary market members like banks, financial backers, and borrowers. Monetary frameworks work at public and worldwide levels. Financial Institutions comprise of complex, firmly related administrations, markets, and organizations proposed to give a productive and standard linkage among financial backers and investors. As such, monetary frameworks can be known any place there exists the trading of a monetary medium cash while there is a redistribution of assets into penniless territories monetary business sectors, business firms, banks to use the capability of ideal cash and spot it being used to receive benefits in return. This entire component is known as a monetary framework

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Applied Econometrics

      Chien-Chiang Lee

      Econometrics is the use of factual techniques to monetary information to give experimental substance to financial connections. All the more correctly, it is the quantitative examination of genuine financial wonders dependent on the simultaneous advancement of hypothesis and perception, related by fitting techniques for inference.An early on financial matters course reading portrays econometrics as permitting business analysts to filter through piles of information to separate basic relationships.The initially know utilization of the term econometrics in related structure was by Polish market analyst PaweÅ? Ciompa in 1910 Jan Tinbergen is considered by numerous individuals to be one of the establishing fathers of econometrics. Ragnar Frisch is credited with authoring the term in the sense in which today is utilized. An essential apparatus for econometrics is the different straight relapse model.Econometric hypothesis utilizes factual hypothesis and numerical measurements to assess and create econometric techniques

      Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

      Marketing and Accounting

      Rajender Kumar

      Although accounting departments and marketing departments are separate and distinct, they must work together to monitor sales trends and to manage the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. When the two departments work collaboratively, sales trends are tracked, marketing campaigns are budgeted wisely, resources are allocated efficiently, and the business runs more smoothly.Accounting departments and marketing departments are connected in that an accounting department determines a business's financial condition, which in turn gives a marketing department a budget in which to operate. By keeping track of sales trends, accounting departments inform senior management as to whether the business can allocate more to marketing Every business has some type of accounting system that monitors the business's financial well-being.

      Commentry Pages: 1 - 1

      Business administration

      Mahmoud Mourad

      Business organization is the organization of a business undertaking. It incorporates all parts of administering and regulating business tasks. According to the perspective of the executives and initiative, it likewise covers handle that incorporate place of business organization, bookkeeping, account, planning, improvement, quality affirmation, information examination, deals, project the board, data innovation thexecutives, innovative work, and promoting. The organization of a business incorporates the presentation or the board of business tasks and dynamic, just as the productive association of individuals and different assets to coordinate exercises towards shared objectives and goals. In general,administration to the more extensive administration work, including the related money, faculty and MIS administrations. Organization can allude to the administrative or operational presentation of routine office undertakings, generally inside arranged and receptive as opposed to proactive.

      Volume 10, Issue 3 (2021)

        Mini Review Pages: 1 - 2

        Comparative Solvency Analysis of the Asian paints limited and Berger Paints Limited

        Ajaz Ahmad Bhat*

        This research study is going to highlight the analysis of the financial reports of Asian paints ltd. and Berger paints ltd. Companies for the purpose of this study the required data paper has been taken from the annual reports of the said companies from their portals as well as we have seen today in the business world companies should be competent via their goods and with a proper quality which can compete to the other products in the market and by their financial reports to present the strength and weakness of the company in order to ease for the public and their convenience to know about the companies structure, to fulfilling this research study we had analyze the annual reports of the companies with the help of ratio analysis like debt equity ratio, capitalization ratios, capital gearing ratio, solvency ratios etc. and made analysis and interpretation on based of the data given by the companies, percentile method is also applied for the betterment of the analysis.

        Research Pages: 1 - 5

        An Analysis on Encounters and Prospects of Micro and Small Scale Enterprise in Oromia Regional State: In the case of Nekemte Town

        Dugasa Rafisa Olana

        The Micro and Small Scale Enterprises (MSEs) occupied a place of importance in the Ethiopian economy with a potential for job opportunities, growth and development. The aims of this study was to scrutinize the challenges and opportunity affecting the performance of MSEs with a special emphasizes on manufacturing ,trade and service sectors in Oromia Regional State, in case of Nekemte city. For the sake of achieving the objectives of this study, questionnaires were analyzed using statistical analysis such as descriptive and inferential analyses. The information collected through questionnaire from a sample of 133 operators and face-to-face interviews were conducted with 21 operators of MSEs. The respondent operators were selected using stratified sampling technique. Besides, the interview questions were analyzed using descriptive narrations through concurrent triangulation strategy. The findings reveal that the major challenges that hinder MSEs and their transformation towards Medium scale are the lack of working place, limited starting capital, marketing problems, infrastructures and politico-legal problems. In order to mitigate working place problems, stakeholders like the City Administration MSE office, trade and industry and the land administration should have a joint plan; more financial accesses shall be introduced; With the support of the community, Trade and Industry should seriously follow up the operation of MSEs; a fair competition and healthy market arrangement shall be established; the microfinance institutions should revisit its policy to ease the credit access and there should be a room to provide credit without group formation if the customer has an equivalent asset for collateral.

        Editorial Pages: 1 - 1


        Yagnes M Dalvadi


        Perspective Pages: 1 - 1

        National Income

        Salvador Climent Serrano

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        Opinion Pages: 11 - 1

        Crisis Managment

        Chien-Chiang Lee


        Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

        Banking and How It Works

        Rajender Kumar


        Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

        Vital Financial Management

        Mahmoud Mourad


        Volume 10, Issue 4 (2021)

          Opinion Pages: 1 - 1

          Primary Market

          Emna Bensethom


          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          Capital Flow

          Ariko John Namoit


          Perspective Pages: 1 - 1

          Demand Theory

          Waqas Ali


          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          Corporate Finance

          Amedeo Xu*


          Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

          Financil Market

          Jasneeth som


          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          Theory Demand

          Waqas Ali*


          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          Financial Market

          Jasneeth Som


          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          Finance Corporate

          Amedeo Xu


          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          Flow Capital

          Ariko John Namoit


          Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

          Market Primary

          Emna Bensethom

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          Volume 10, Issue 5 (2021)

            Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

            3 Ways Customer Surveys Can Improve Your Business

            Yan Yuan

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            Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

            6 Step Guide to Keyword Research that Turns Your Content into a Lead Machine

            Hermann Frank

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            Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

            How Do Small Business Loans Work?

            Anish Purkayastha

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            Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

            My Advice for First-Time Entrepreneurs

            Gunjan Soni

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            Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

            The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship

            Felix Oberdorf

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            Volume 10, Issue 6 (2021)

              Opinion Pages: 1 - 1

              Financial Risk Management

              Thies R Popp*

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              Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

              Demand and Supply Analysis

              Jing Gong*

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              Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

              Economic growth and Business Cycle

              Yongze Yu*

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              Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

              Market and Industry Analysis

              Yingdan Mei*

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              Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

              Primary Market Research

              Cristel Antonia Russell*

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              Volume 10, Issue 7 (2021)

                Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

                A Brief Note on Modern Business Effecting the Financial World

                Mahmoud Mourad

                Business is the action of making one's living or bringing in cash by delivering or purchasing and selling items (like products and services)[need citation to verify][3][4] Simply put, it is "any movement or undertaking went into for profit. Having a business name doesn't separate the business element from the proprietor, which implies that the proprietor of the business is capable and responsible for obligations caused by the business. On the off chance that the business procures obligations, the lenders can pursue the proprietor's very own belongings. A business structure doesn't take into account corporate assessment rates. The owner is by and by burdened on all pay from the business. The term is likewise regularly utilized informally (however not by legal counselors or by open authorities) to allude to an organization. An organization, then again, is a different lawful element and accommodates restricted obligation, just as corporate duty rates. An organization structure is more confounded and costly to set up, yet offers more security and advantages for the proprietor. Types of business proprietorship fluctuate by locale, however a few normal elements exist: Sole ownership: A sole ownership, otherwise called a sole merchant, is possessed by one individual and works for their advantage.

                Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

                The Change in Corporate Finance Sector in the Ever-changing Modern Era

                Ratish C Gupta

                Corporate money manages the capital construction of an enterprise, including its financing and the moves that administration makes to expand the worth of the organization. Corporate money additionally incorporates the apparatuses and examination used to focus on and appropriate monetary assets. A definitive reason for corporate money is to amplify the worth of a business through arranging and execution of assets, while adjusting hazard and benefit. Contributing and capital planning incorporates arranging where to put the organization's drawn out capital resources to create the most noteworthy danger changed returns. This mostly comprises of choosing whether or not to seek after a speculation opportunity, and is cultivated through broad monetary examination. By utilizing monetary bookkeeping apparatuses, an organization recognizes capital uses, gauges incomes from proposed capital activities, contrasts arranged ventures and projected pay, and chooses which tasks to remember for the capital spending plan. Monetary displaying is utilized to gauge the financial effect of a venture opportunity and think about elective activities. An examiner will regularly utilize the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) related to Net Present Value (NPV) to analyze undertakings and pick the ideal one.

                Editorials Pages: 1 - 1

                Financial Institutes and their New Ways to Fight Financial Frauds

                Omar Abdullah Nasseef

                Request hypothesis is a rule that underlines the connection between shopper interest and the cost for labor and products inside a market. It can likewise be shown as the interest bend, which is downwards inclining in a level way, as the cost of the great abatements as amount increments. The other way around, where the cost of the great increments as the amount diminishes. Request is the amount of a decent or administration the purchaser will buy at explicit costs during a time span. The interest for a decent at a specific cost for the most part mirrors the buyer's readiness to pay and assumption for devouring that item. The merchandise surely range in cost, from necessities to extravagances. For instance, in regards to necessities, individuals need food, medical services, clothing, diversion, safe house, and water across all government aides. The cost of the products will in general be genuinely reasonable for most people. While, planner sacks, for instance, will in general be estimated at a higher cost than normal, as such products are viewed as needs and are not needed to keep on carrying on with a solid life. 

                Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

                The Line of Discipline Followed by the Business house in the Ever- changing Modern Era

                Mohammad Q. Al-Shboul

                The National Bureau's Business Cycle Dating Committee keeps a sequence of US business cycles. The order distinguishes the dates of pinnacles and box that outline monetary downturns and developments. A downturn is the period between a pinnacle of monetary action and its resulting box, or absolute bottom. Among box and pinnacle, the economy is in a development. Development is the typical condition of the economy; most downturns are brief. Nonetheless, the time that it takes for the economy to get back to its past top degree of action or its past pattern way might be very broadened. As indicated by the NBER order, the latest pinnacle happened in February 2020, finishing a record-long extension that started after the box in June 2009. The NBER's customary definition underscores that a downturn includes a huge decrease in financial action that is spread across the economy and endures in excess of a couple of months. In our cutting edge translation of this definition, we treat the three measures profundity, dissemination, and span —as essentially to some degree tradable.

                Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

                The New Trends in Industrial Business Change and Its Effects in Indian Economics

                Rajendar Kumar

                There are some limited scale fabricating business thoughts that would you be able to can change over into an economical and productive business. There's a business opportunity for you whether you're dispatching an assembling business that makes shoes, hairpieces or makeup. In the event that you love to heat and make new and intriguing eatable treats, this could be the assembling business for you. On the off chance that you can't stand to open a perpetual area at this time, you can dispatch your business on the web and begin conveying to your clients. Bolton Footwear in the 1990's centered its exercises around footwear to think and grow that bit of the business. They are presently one of South Africa's first footwear organizations, zeroing in on characterized market specialties, seriously estimated and produced from top notch materials. Businesses are essential for the auxiliary movement. Optional exercises or assembling changes over crude material into results of more worth to individuals. Industry alludes to financial exercises worried about the creation of products, extraction of administrations and arrangement or administrations. Iron and steel ventures have their firm hold in nations like Germany, USA, China, Japan, and Russia. While material ventures are thriving in India, Hong Kong, and South Korea.

                Volume 10, Issue 8 (2021)

                  Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

                  Importance of Marketing for a Successful Business

                  Badar Alam Iqbal

                  Business advertising is the entirety of all showcasing exercises that works with of advancing and selling labor and products by one business association to another business association. It for the most part includes the stockpile and acquisition of crude materials for the assembling of merchandise or administration. Business promoting is best finished with the assistance of salespeople as the necessities shift from one customer to another which ought to be adjusted in a redid way. Business promoting is somewhat less convoluted as it is not difficult to distinguish the customer and set up a meeting with them. Profoundly proficient and prepared individuals are engaged with the acquisition of modern merchandise.

                  Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

                  Involvement of Economics in Small Scale Business

                  Yagnesh M Dalvadi

                  Private venture is the legend of current free enterprise. Proprietors of little firms are the temperate strivers, the work makers and the fearless business people who drive the economy. 'Private ventures make a gigantic commitment to public flourishing and supporting Australian positions,' expresses the Labor Party in Australia.

                  Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

                  Role of Small Scale Business in India

                  David G McMillan

                  Limited scope ventures are among the main businesses in India as the vast majority of the enterprises are of a limited scale nature and henceforth a colossal lump of India's pay is gotten from limited scope enterprises. Further, limited scope ventures are practicable and huge as in a great many people can't put away enormous measures of cash in case they will begin a business.

                  Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

                  The Roles of Business Organizations in Economic Development

                  Mosad Zineldin

                  Everybody is unique and individuals are not the same. This is likewise the motivation behind why there are such a quantities of job required for every person in the association, family, society, and so forth The idea of variety envelops the acknowledgment and regard which implies the agreement that every individual is are special and perceiving our individual contrasts.

                  Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

                  Types of Business Organizations in India

                  Jeffrey Jarrett

                  In this cutting edge business world, the climate is profoundly aggressive. The organizations are a lot of willing to assume a pinnacle position on the planet market. The idea of the opposition and the business is exceptionally powerful. Each business is currently making a decent attempt to stay up with the powerful idea of the business climate.

                  Volume 10, Issue 9 (2021)

                    Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

                    Different Changes in the World of Business and Finance

                    Mary A Weiss*

                    Step by step, governments accepted an administrative job. They determined legitimate delicate, characterizing the kind of installment that lawfully released an obligation when presented to the bank and that could be utilized to settle charges. Governments likewise set the weight and metallic sythesis of coins. Later they supplanted guardian paper cash—vows to pay in gold or silver— with fiat paper cash—that is, noticed that are given on the "fiat" of the sovereign government, are determined to be such countless dollars, pounds, or yen, and so on, and are legitimate delicate however are not vows to pay something different.

                    Volume 11, Issue 1 (2022)

                      Volume 13, Issue 3 (2024)

                        Review Article Pages: 1 - 9

                        The Effect of the Interaction between Technological Performance and the Variables of the Governance Structure Specific to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises on their Financial Performance (Case of the Tunisian LLCs)

                        Mabrouk Najoua*

                        DOI: DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.11.420

                        The present work proposes to analyze the effect of the interaction between technological performance and the variables of governance structure specific to the SME-LLC on their financial performance.

                        The majority of studies dealing with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME-LLCs) have mainly focused on the governance structure of this type of organization and its relationship with financial performance in this particular context while neglecting any other external factors. Based on the necessary theoretical framework, this research attempts to fill the gap in thinking on this topic by studying the impact of the specific governance structure of SME-LLCs on financial performance when moderated by the effect of technological performance.

                        The statistical results showed us the existence of a moderating effect of technological performance. This moderating factor seems to be able to improve and deteriorate the financial performance of the LLC.

                        Research Article Pages: 1 - 3

                        Environment Performance of Environmental Sensitive Industries: A Study on Selected Indian Companies

                        Prarthana Mishra*, Jayashree Jethy and Sabat Kumar Digal

                        DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.12.443

                        Environmental report communicates an organization’s environmental performance to the stake holders and the public at large. Environmental performance can be in the form of a simple public relation statement or a detailed report on environmental performance with future plans. Among the three sectors of Indian industries i.e., primary (agriculture), secondary (manufacture), tertiary (service sector), the secondary sector which is the manufacturing sector contributes adversely to the environment. This adverse impact is due to its bad waste management. This paper has taken into account twelve Environmental Sensitive Industries (ESI) of Nifty. Environmental information’s are collected from annual reports and sustainability reports by the help of content analysis. The objective of the paper is to study the impact of environmental reporting on environmental performance.

                        Research Article Pages: 1 - 10

                        The Effect of the Governance Structure of Small and MediumSized Enterprises and the Specific Human Capital of their Managers on their Technological Performance (Case of the Tunisian LLCs)

                        Mabrouk Najoua*

                        DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.12.443

                        The main objective of this research is to study the impact of the governance structure and the specific human capital of the leaders of the Small and Medium-Sized (SME) on their technological performance. Empirical tests were conducted on SPSS from companies having the statue of Limited Liability Company (LLC). To address this research issue, we analyzed the link between governance and technologic performance in the first section. Then, based on financial theories we formulated a set of hypotheses related to the influence of corporate social responsibility, the concentration of ownership, the presence of auditor, the behaviour of the risk-taking versus non-risk-taking of manager, the age, the experience and the family ownership of the manager on technological performance. The results of the empirical tests indicate that the governance structure had a positive effect on technological performance. Conversely, the empirical tests show that the age and the plurality of manager had negative effects on technological performance.

                        Research Article Pages: 1 - 6

                        The Impact of Hedging on the Market Value of Equity: A New Look Through a New Sample

                        James M Nelson*

                        DOI: 10.37421/ 2167-0234.2024.12.468

                        I use the Fama and French five-factor model to reexamine the seemingly anomalous result of Nelson, Moffitt, and Affleck-Graves, who document significant abnormal returns for firms that hedge. Applying the latest five-factor model on a new sample of U.S. firms from 2013-2021, I observe significant monthly abnormal returns of 0.274% (3.34% annually) for firms using derivative securities (hedgers). Additional analysis shows mixed results regarding the economies of scale and managerial sophistication hypotheses that predict any abnormal returns from hedging should be confined only to large firms.

                        Research Article Pages: 1 - 7

                        Investigation Credit Risk Management Practices and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka

                        Vidura Perera*

                        DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.12.447

                        The Financial system in Sri Lanka is one of the rapidly booming sectors in Sri Lankan economy. It comprises different aspects and Financial institutions. This research investigate the relationship between credit risk management and banks performance. The set objectives were the following; to examine what extent credit risk management and bank Financial and to identify the relationship between credit risk management and bank inancial performance. The performance to ind out problems faced by credit risk managers of BOC in managing credit risk and to evaluate the relationship between credit risk management and inancial performance of BOC. This study is expected to be signi icant to all Sri Lanka banking sectors, university of Jaffna, future researchers and the general public and the specially banking sector in Sri Lanka. The study used BOC Ampara area branch and 20 branch as a sample to represent other commercial banks in Sri Lanka. Out of 170 staff of Ampara area branch the researcher took a sample of 50 respondents to represent others. Primary data was obtained by extracting information from questionnaires designed and provides to the staff to get answers from different respondent composed of BOC staff from different level.

                        The researcher used a descriptive and analytical research based on both qualitative and quantitative data. Secondary data were collected from annual reports, books, journals, newspapers and internet materials. In research data is presented in form of tables, while analysis and interpretation were based on frequencies and percentages and correlations table. The research found that BOC has a credit management system though it needs to be reviewed and adopted more to current Sri Lankan environment. The research found that there is a direct relationship between credit risk management and inancial performance of commercial banks. The research recommended that BOC should review and improve its credit policy and adopt it to Sri Lankan market and context and BOC should provide continuous training and updates to its staffs and BOC also should be market orientation.

                        Research Article Pages: 1 - 7

                        The Impact of GSCM Practices and Green Innovation on Economic and Environmental Performance: A Case of Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan

                        Muneeb Siddiqu*

                        DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.12.447

                        Purpose/Objective: The goal of this analysis is to investigate the position of GSCM activities in environmental and economic performance as well as green innovation, while the effect of green innovation on these two outcomes.

                        Methodology: The study collected data from 142 respondents. The purposive sampling was adopted as the sampling technique. The target population consisted of the professionals from the supply chain industry in Karachi, Pakistan.

                        Findings: Results revealed that the affiliation between GSCM and green innovation and environmental performance is substantial and affirmative. However, green innovation has had a positive impact on environmental efficiency. Moreover, green innovation facilitated the partnership between GSCM and environmental efficiency.

                        Implications: It is recommended to manufacturer that reused, recycled or reassembled before the product is manufactured for detection of materials. It can help to minimize waste by organizing. Green procurement is a sustainable acquisition in which products are reduced, reused and recycled in the purchasing process.

                        Research Article Pages: 1 - 11

                        Supervisor Relationship Quality and Employee Commitment to Change in the Ghanaian Banking Industry

                        Gideon Sackitey*

                        DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.12.447

                        The success of every organization is largely dependent on the employee’s commitment to change which undoubtedly becomes possible when there exist a solid relationship between leadership and their subordinates in other words, employees and their supervisors. The purpose of this study is to assess supervisor relationship quality and employee commitment to change in the Ghanaian corporate organizations with emphasis on the banking sector in Ghana. The study employed descriptive survey to sample 201 bank staff from four banks through structured questionnaires. Both purposive and simple random techniques of sampling were employed by the researcher in selecting the samples. Data was analyzed and presented by the use of Statistical Package for Service Solution (SPSS). Tables and figures were given in frequencies and percentages and correlation and regression analysis was also performed. The study reveals that there is high quality relationship between supervisors and employees of banks in Ghana. Furthermore, affective commitment and normative commitment to organizational change predicts supervisor’s relationship quality in the banking sector of Ghana. The study also discovered a positive relationship between supervisor relationship quality and the three types of commitment to organizational change in the banking industry in Ghana. This study recommended that to create and sustain growth in an organization, management is advised to create favorable conditions to employees.

                        Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

                        Talk as a Victim-Centered Response to Organizational Injustice: A Survey of TVET Institutions in SIAYA County

                        Ojwang George Omondi*

                        DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.12.469

                        Organizational justice is dedicated to the study of perceptions of fairness within the workplace. Hundreds of studies converge on the notion that justice matters, such that profound negative implications arise when individuals perceive unfairness. Previous research has sought to manage and repair violations of fairness through three distinct means: Managerial excuses and justifications, training interventions for managers, and remedies distributed by the organization. There is an ironic shortcoming with this generalization: It ignores the victim who is at the centre of an injustice. Herein lays the starting point of the current study. Putting the victim back into the forefront of justice research, this study examined the role of victims of workplace injustice in their own recovery process. The study introduced talk from clinical and social psychological literatures. Recovery was construed as a victim’s goal, with talk as the journey towards that goal. It asks; can victims recover from the negative effects of a fairness violation, and more specifically, can talk, that is, conversation with others, aid such a recovery process? Recovery is the emotional, cognitive and behavioral journey an individual goes through in order to work towards a resolution to their experience: It is a victim’s ongoing efforts to manage an injustice. A mixed methods design incorporating interviews and survey provided support for the presence of talk in the context of workplace injustice. Findings indicate the prevalence of a type of talk that embodies an emotion and cognition component, with anger and justice needs as the trigger for talk, and outcomes such as self-efficacy, a search for solutions, increased support and optimism, and lessened anger, all representing consequences of talk relevant for victim’s recovery.

                        Review Article Pages: 1 - 7

                        Influence of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Factors on Entrepreneurs' Growth Intention in Nepal

                        Krishna Khanal* and Bikram Prajapati

                        DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.12.470

                        Developing new businesses and expanding existing ones is crucial for a country's economic growth, leading to job creation and the opening of new markets. In the business world, growth is often viewed as a desirable objective because it serves as a very important indicator of a company’s achievement and plays a significant role in job creation, prosperity and economic advancement globally. To encourage entrepreneurship, a supportive ecosystem is necessary, consisting of various elements like people, organizations, government, and support systems that work together to foster business creation and growth. The perceptions of potential and current entrepreneurs about the entrepreneurship ecosystem play a significant role in their decision to pursue entrepreneurial activities. This study had as objective to find out the influence of entrepreneurship ecosystem factors on entrepreneur’s growth intention. A study of 158 entrepreneurs using a perception based survey examined entrepreneurs’ perception regarding seven factors of the entrepreneurship ecosystem and their impact on entrepreneurial activity. The study revealed socio-economic factors are positively associated with entrepreneur’s growth intentions.

                        Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

                        The Golden Path Forward for the US Dollar

                        Ivaylo Angelov*

                        DOI: 10.37421/2167-0234.2024.12.478

                        The US dollar has been the world's dominant reserve currency for decades, but its future is uncertain amid concerns about inflation, economic instability, and geopolitical tensions. One proposed solution to these challenges is to return to a gold-backed currency, which would provide a stable store of value and limit inflationary pressures. However, implementing a gold standard is not without challenges, including the need for significant gold reserves, limitations on monetary policy flexibility, and potential deflationary pressures. This paper explores the potential advantages and disadvantages of a gold-backed US dollar, as well as the practical considerations for implementing such a system. Alternative monetary systems, including fiat currencies, commodity-backed currencies, and crypto currency, are also examined. In addition, this paper analyzes the political feasibility of establishing a gold standard in the US and public opinion on the matter. Two linear models are presented to apply to the US dollar and the gold standard.

                        Volume 11, Issue 9 (2022)

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Citations: 1726

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