
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review

ISSN: 2223-5833

Open Access

Abdelali Naciri Bensaghir


  • Research Article
    Minimization of Delivery Time in E-Commerce and the Impact on the Global Value Chain
    Author(s): Benomar Farah, Abdelali Naciri Bensaghir and Tarras IliassBenomar Farah, Abdelali Naciri Bensaghir and Tarras Iliass

    In recent years, we observe that the robots are appearing in the world of logistics. The robotization of the supply chain represents undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to meet the challenges of the digitalization of trade and its consequences on the logistics chain. In this article, we model and we simulate the collective motion of robots in large storage warehouses. At the first time, we start by studying the Vicsek model and we try to expand this model, to add another zone of motion. Vicsek et al. in their simple model, they consider only the orientation zone of motion for each robot in the two-dimensional space. In this paper, we include a second zone of interaction named zone of repulsion R1 , where each robot attempts to maintain a minimum distance from the others. Our interest in this paper is to study, the effect to broaden the repulsion zon.. Read More»

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