
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Mobile Reporting and Journalism for Media Trends, News Transmission and its Authenticity


Sajid Umair

The new technologies of mobile and digital media have revolutionized the entire media. This paper puts a light on new trends in digital reporting or mobile reporting and also discusses limitations and blemishes of the technology. Mobile journalism is the new way of reporting incidents live. Incident proves are spread fast using mobile and social platform. Different applications have been developed for community reporting. Where the new technologies have made the work easier, they have also put a question mark on the authenticity and reliability of these reports. The study further discusses the importance of online mobile journalism and mobile tools, as the past decade use television to broadcast any news. In future people may see many other technologies far better than mobile journalism. Cell phones are now much more productive in news recording from even in hand or pocket. To capture young audience we use mobile journalism, for this social media, internet and web contributes much more to collect information. Nowadays learning new technology, to change daily bases work habits, and adaptation of new job requirement to maintain job security and to be succeeded in career, as the mobile journalism also disrupts the transmit news market. Some future ideas are also discussed for the new trends and authentication of the reports generated by mobile reporters.


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