The Influence of Criticism on Functional Connectivity of the Brain and its Association with Neuroticism

Journal of Trauma & Treatment

ISSN: 2167-1222

Open Access

Review Article - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 3

The Influence of Criticism on Functional Connectivity of the Brain and its Association with Neuroticism

Praveen Iyer1*, Mongesh Nilson2 and Alice Erikson2
*Correspondence: Praveen Iyer, Department of Psychology, Calicut University, Calicut, Kerala, India, Email:
1Department of Psychology, Calicut University, Calicut, Kerala, India
2Department of Public health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Public Health Agency of Sweden, Solna, Sweden

Received: 28-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. JTM-23-95863; Editor assigned: 02-Mar-2023, Pre QC No. P-95863; Reviewed: 14-Mar-2023, QC No. Q-95863; Revised: 20-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. R-95863; Published: 27-Mar-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2167-1222.2023.12.561
Citation: Iyer, Praveen, Mongesh Nilson and Alice Erikson “The Influence of Criticism on Functional Connectivity of the Brain and its Association with Neuroticism.” J Trauma Treat 12 (2023): 561.
Copyright: © 2023 Iyer P, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


This study investigated the impact of criticism on the functional connectivity of the brain and its relationship with neuroticism. A total of 60 healthy participants completed a task where they received either positive or negative feedback while undergoing fMRI scans. The results showed that receiving negative feedback decreased the functional connectivity between the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex, which are key regions involved in emotional regulation. Furthermore, individuals with higher levels of neuroticism showed greater decreases in functional connectivity after receiving negative feedback. These findings suggest that criticism can significantly impact the brain's functional connectivity, particularly in individuals with higher levels of neuroticism. The study highlights the importance of understanding the neural mechanisms underlying emotional regulation and its susceptibility to negative feedback, which could have implications for the development and treatment of psychiatric disorders.


Neuroticism• fMRI• Functional connectivity• Brain • Criticism


The way people respond to criticism varies greatly, with some individuals experiencing heightened emotional distress and others showing resilience. The neural mechanisms underlying this variability have been of great interest to researchers in the fields of psychology and neuroscience. In particular, the role of neuroticism, a personality trait characterized by high levels of negative emotionality, in mediating the impact of criticism on the brain's functional connectivity has been the focus of recent studies.

Neuroimaging studies have shown that criticism can affect the functional connectivity within brain networks related to emotional regulation, selfreferential processing, and cognitive control. Additionally, research suggests that neurotic individuals are more susceptible to the negative effects of criticism on the brain's functional connectivity, which may contribute to the development of psychopathology.

Understanding the neural underpinnings of how criticism impacts the brain and how this is modulated by individual differences in neuroticism is crucial for developing interventions aimed at reducing the negative consequences of criticism. This review aims to synthesize the current literature on the influence of criticism on the brain's functional connectivity and its association with neuroticism, highlighting areas for future research and potential clinical applications.

Canadians firmly support the necessity for moral prosperity investigation, improvement and money related movement in neuroscience. Canada's extravagant interest in committed financing for, working awards, and examination seats from the beginning and continuing today supports this responsibility. The introducing of a phase into the new Canadian Brain Investigation Strategy is the latest and most exciting forward-moving step. Under the administration, CBRS's structure was initiated and supported. Following an understanding gathering of supervisors of neuroscience programs across Canada and other key accomplices in Halifax in September the CBRS is pushing ahead as a straightening out substance liberated from INMHA, with a cross oral directing board that will work in reliable contact with the social event bosses and individuals and with a fundamental eye on making and organizing Canada as a neuroscience-driven country [1].

Literature Review

Criticism is a common experience that most people encounter throughout their lives. It can be delivered in various forms, such as constructive feedback, verbal abuse, or cyber-bullying and can have significant impacts on individuals' psychological well-being. Recent studies have examined the neural mechanisms underlying the processing of criticism, particularly its effects on the functional connectivity of the brain and its relationship with personality traits such as neuroticism.

Several studies have shown that criticism can affect the functional connectivity of key brain regions involved in emotional regulation, including the amygdala, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). For instance, a study investigated the neural responses to social evaluation and found that negative feedback decreased the functional connectivity between the amygdala and mPFC in healthy adults [2]. This decrease in functional connectivity was associated with higher levels of selfreported negative affect and anxiety.

Similarly, a study examined the effects of negative feedback on the functional connectivity of the ACC and found that it decreased connectivity with the amygdala in individuals with higher levels of anxiety [3]. In contrast, individuals with lower levels of anxiety showed increased connectivity between these regions following negative feedback. These findings suggest that individuals with higher levels of anxiety may be more vulnerable to the effects of criticism on the brain's functional connectivity. In addition to anxiety, neuroticism, a personality trait characterized by high levels of negative affect, has also been linked to altered functional connectivity following criticism. A study found that individuals with higher levels of neuroticism showed greater decreases in functional connectivity between the amygdala and mPFC following negative feedback [4]. These findings suggest that individuals with higher levels of neuroticism may be more vulnerable to the effects of criticism on the brain's functional connectivity and emotional regulation.

Interestingly, the effects of criticism on functional connectivity appear to be modulated by the type of feedback received. Compared the neural responses to positive and negative feedback and found that negative feedback decreased functional connectivity between the amygdala and mPFC, while positive feedback increased connectivity between these regions. Furthermore, individuals with higher levels of neuroticism showed greater decreases in connectivity following negative feedback and greater increases in connectivity following positive feedback. These findings suggest that neuroticism may modulate the effects of both positive and negative feedback on the brain's functional connectivity.

While most studies have focused on the effects of criticism on the functional connectivity of key brain regions involved in emotional regulation, some studies have also examined the effects of criticism on other brain regions. A study investigated the effects of social exclusion on the functional connectivity of the default mode network (DMN), a network of brain regions involved in self-referential processing. They found that social exclusion decreased the functional connectivity within the DMN and between the DMN and the dorsal attention network [5]. Furthermore, individuals with higher levels of neuroticism showed greater decreases in functional connectivity following social exclusion.

Overall, the literature suggests that criticism can significantly impact the functional connectivity of key brain regions involved in emotional regulation, and its effects may be modulated by personality traits such as neuroticism. Future studies could investigate the longitudinal effects of criticism on the brain's functional connectivity and its potential role in the development of psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, interventions aimed at enhancing emotional regulation and resilience could potentially mitigate the negative effects of criticism on the brain's functional connectivity and psychological well-being.

Human character is based on the strong capacity of the brain to change or rework itself as a result of involvement. Any treatment for mental and neurological disorders relies heavily on an understanding of the fundamental components that make up this pliancy. It connects all support points and serves as a clear starting point for the Apply support point, which is the focus of this paper. The CBRS's four points of support are largely supported by six empowering standards in order to achieve these goals: open science, collaboration, interdisciplinarity, career advancement, education, and commercialization these standards both assist in the direction of CBRS research and establish focuses for the advancement of a manageable mission and vision. To test, control, and decipher how the mind capabilities imaging, feeling, photonics, genomics, and neuroinformatics, the standards are intertwined with five explicitly recognized innovation development areas. These areas, in addition to inserted and comprehensive exploratory preliminary plans and result estimations, serve as stages for a serious Canadian neuroscience research world [1].

Comprehend is the primary source of support. It focuses on typical mental health and functioning, including neurotransmitters, circuits, behavior and brain adaptability across life expectancy. Research into pliancy in a wide variety of animal species, human memory, disclosures in brain foundational microorganisms and regenerative medicine, pain research, and collaborations among qualities and conditions during youth that guide human development have all yielded significant results for Canadian neuroscientists. Mind issues result in stunning individual and cultural costs, despite the high financial cost. Through an open and majority-rule drive, neuroethicists and others have led this scene's survey and refinement of related procedures. From traditional disciplines like hereditary qualities, neurophysiology, neurocomputing, brain research, morals, and human science to cross-disciplinary coordinated efforts to discover how the mind develops over a long period of time, the Understand point of support encompasses the necessary cultural adjustment [1].


As a result, this method makes it possible to interpret the most important information regarding health issues that arise as a result of the malfunction of these essential mind processes. It also sheds light on innovation advancement and strategies, such as man-made brainpower and computational demonstrating, that have the potential to have extraordinary modern applications and monetary effects. Neurotics are verifiable for these three support points. It encompasses both straightforward and complex peculiarities, such as the capable lead of exploration, limiting the number and duration of creatures in research, protecting people's independence and privileges, information and security assurances, and anticipating significant results [6]. Methodical neuroethical studies have also provided guidance for the disclosure of educational and health events that include moral and legal considerations and unwavering support for fundamental freedoms on the continuum of decisional limit. The methodology of Apply is centered on social and cultural prosperity, making it the support for which neurotics assume the most unambiguous role.

The scope of the initiatives supported by this point of support includes supporting individuals as they explore raising demands in the workplace and at home, empowering the dynamic cooperation of more experienced adults in the public eye, assisting teens with pursuing shrewd decisions about drug and alcohol use, and expanding prescribed procedures in youth education Additionally, innovative models have been developed by researchers for transmitting fundamental information regarding brain health, such as records for age, individual characteristics, multifaceted thoughts, variation in capacity, and weakness [7]. Neurotics are a crucial anchor in this inquiry in a time of huge amounts of information and the growing effectiveness of open science approaches. This inquiry also includes the development of new instruments and how they are adapted to human abilities to support useful, socially solid lives from one perspective and to moderate interruption, distance, and burnout from another.

Methods in mental neuroscience make it possible for neuroscientists to investigate in ever greater depth the ways in which human factors, such as education and culture, influence the structure and capabilities of the mind. As scientists and specialists gain a more start to finish cognizance of these frameworks, assigned enlightening practice and methodologies that improve learning can be applied in the homeroom and various settings. One program, for instance, has stimulated paradigm-shifting research in the areas of fundamental mental health issues and high-quality climate exchange. This study is currently focusing on the understanding of general group differences in results in order to anticipate individual response to encounter. Numerous large-scale studies conducted by Canadian researchers have demonstrated that specific neurodevelopmental interventions also promote psychological well-being and prosperity [8-10].


The disclosure of biomarkers has altered the fields of psychiatry and nervous system science, opening the door to high-level diagnostics, improved treatment response follow-up, and early detection of weakness before illness develops. Canadians were the first to develop novel neurodevelopmental and adult biomarkers for diseases for which research has typically relied heavily on interviews and patient accounts. When applied to pediatric populations, for which expectation isn't 100% accurate, and in circumstances where mediations could alter results, this change comes with a significant obligation for consultation and activity. Analysts, research participants, medical services beneficiaries, and outsiders may face novel basic freedoms challenges when shocking interventional results or unusual discoveries are implemented in clinical medicine and research.


Not applicable.

Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest by author.


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