Pharmacogenetics Future
Pharmacogenomics is that the study of how genes affect a person’s response to drugs.
Many drugs that are currently available are “one size fits all,” but they do not work an equivalent way for everybody. It is often difficult to predict who will enjoy a medicine, who won't respond in the least, and who will experience negative side effects (called adverse drug reactions). Adverse drug reactions are a significant cause of hospitalizations and deaths in the United States. These genetic differences are going to be wont to predict whether a medicine is going to be effective for a specific person and to assist prevent adverse drug reactions. Autosomal dominant disease, Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis, and thiopurine S-methyltransferase deficiency. Pharmacogenomics is that the study of how genomic variation affects a patient’s response to a specific medication. For years, researchers have mapped drug response phenotypes to individual genotypes. Pharmacogenomic associations are so strong, that they alone affect the utilization of a specific medication are rare. However, the amount of pharmacogenomic associations which will be factored into the prescribing process alongside a mess of clinical variables is growing. Pharmacogenomics focuses on the identification of genome variants that influence drug effects, typically via alterations in a drug’s pharmacokinetics (i.e., absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination) or via modulation of a drug’s pharmacodynamics (e.g., modifying a drug’s target or perturbing biological pathways that alter sensitivity to the drug’s pharmacological effects). For infectious diseases, genomic variation in the infectious agents themselves may alter their sensitivity to antimicrobials. Advances in genome interrogation technology and in analytical approaches have facilitated evolution of the discovery paradigm from candidate gene studies to more agnostic genome wide analyses of populations of patients who have been characterized for specific drug response phenotypes (e.g., toxicity or desired pharmacologic effects)
High Impact List of Articles
Market Analysis of Pharmaceuticals - Medicine-Pharma-2020
James Okeya Market Analysis: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
Market Analysis of Pharmaceuticals - Medicine-Pharma-2020
James Okeya Market Analysis: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
A Systematic Literature Review and Critical Appraisal of Economic Modelling Approaches of Pharmacologic Interventions for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Tolley K, Cranmer H, Desta B, Tummala R and Tafesse E
Review Article: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
A Systematic Literature Review and Critical Appraisal of Economic Modelling Approaches of Pharmacologic Interventions for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Tolley K, Cranmer H, Desta B, Tummala R and Tafesse E
Review Article: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
Impact of the Recent Changes in the Pharmacy Remuneration System in Portugal (2010-2014) – Moving from Paper to Reality
Inês Teixeira, José Pedro Guerreiro and Suzete Costa Research Article: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
Impact of the Recent Changes in the Pharmacy Remuneration System in Portugal (2010-2014) – Moving from Paper to Reality
Inês Teixeira, José Pedro Guerreiro and Suzete Costa Research Article: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
A Review of Pharmacoeconomics and a Discussion on Branded, Branded Generics and Generics
Sunitha Gangone, Divyasri Godala and Sriharsha Veena Kashetti Review: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
A Review of Pharmacoeconomics and a Discussion on Branded, Branded Generics and Generics
Sunitha Gangone, Divyasri Godala and Sriharsha Veena Kashetti Review: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
Increasing Out-Of-Pocket Health Care Expenditure in India-Due to Supply or Demand?
Jayakrishnan T, Jeeja MC, Kuniyil V and Paramasivam S Research Article: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
Increasing Out-Of-Pocket Health Care Expenditure in India-Due to Supply or Demand?
Jayakrishnan T, Jeeja MC, Kuniyil V and Paramasivam S Research Article: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
Health and Economic Impact of Relapsing Forms of Multiple Sclerosis in Greece: The Storms Study
Yfantopoulos J, Grigoriadis N, Iliopoulos I, Karageorgiou K, Chantzaras A, Kyritsis AP, Papathanasopoulos P, Tsimourtou V, Treska X, Tzortzis D, Kostadima V, Dimisianos N, Ralli S, Chatzikou M and G. Rombopoulos Research Article: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
Health and Economic Impact of Relapsing Forms of Multiple Sclerosis in Greece: The Storms Study
Yfantopoulos J, Grigoriadis N, Iliopoulos I, Karageorgiou K, Chantzaras A, Kyritsis AP, Papathanasopoulos P, Tsimourtou V, Treska X, Tzortzis D, Kostadima V, Dimisianos N, Ralli S, Chatzikou M and G. Rombopoulos Research Article: Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Therapeutic ketosis and the broad field of applications for the ketogenic diet: Ketone ester applications & clinical updates
Raffaele Pilla Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access
Therapeutic ketosis and the broad field of applications for the ketogenic diet: Ketone ester applications & clinical updates
Raffaele Pilla Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access
Monitoring of sulfonamides, macrolides and other pharmaceuticals in surface waters in Croatia
Irena Zuntar, Adela Krivohlavek, Martina Ivesic, Sonja Tolic, Sandra � ikic, Valerija Music, Ivan Pavlic, Andrea Bursik and Nives Galic Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access
Monitoring of sulfonamides, macrolides and other pharmaceuticals in surface waters in Croatia
Irena Zuntar, Adela Krivohlavek, Martina Ivesic, Sonja Tolic, Sandra � ikic, Valerija Music, Ivan Pavlic, Andrea Bursik and Nives Galic Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access
Analysis of the pharmacological intervention and cognitive development through technology in the treatment of autism
Eraldo Martins Guerra Filho Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine
Analysis of the pharmacological intervention and cognitive development through technology in the treatment of autism
Eraldo Martins Guerra Filho Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine
Formulation and characterization of Piribedil buccal tablets
Burak Celik and Melike Uner Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access
Formulation and characterization of Piribedil buccal tablets
Burak Celik and Melike Uner Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access
Development and initial standardization of ayurveda child personality inventory
Suchitra SP Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access
Development and initial standardization of ayurveda child personality inventory
Suchitra SP Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access
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