Oceanography Impact Factor | Open Access Journals

Fluid Mechanics: Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2296

Open Access

Oceanography Impact Factor

Oceanography and Marine Research is the science of oceans and seas including marine environment, coastal zone management, fishery economics, and marine pollution. Oceanography increases the scope of marine pollution impact and possible effects of the exploitation of marine resources, together with the role of the ocean in possible global warming and climate change. ournal of Oceanography and Marine Research is a peer reviewed journal enhance intelligence and information. Open Access Journals aided the global research community by providing unrestricted access to the important and valuable reports to every researcher in all corners of the globe, for world class high impact research work. open acess journals freely accessable to every one after publication. Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research is aiming to speed up the publications in the relevant important areas, like Marine boilogy, Sea transportation, Ocean engineering, Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research, Fisheries and Aquaculture covers physical and biological properties and phenomena of the sea. Among, Ocenography journals list Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research having good reach to researchers and scientific community.


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