Lower leg substitution medical procedure is a one of the most well-known surgery that is utilized to treat the lower leg joint issue. Lower leg joint structures the intersection of the leg and foot. This empowers the foot arrange in dorsiflex and plantarflex position. This intersection is made out of ligament and bones. Harmed tissues are supplanted with prosthetic parts in a lower leg medical procedure. In this way, empowering the patient to return to his typical life. Developments are new thought, gadget or procedure. Developments are the use of better arrangements that meet new prerequisites, inarticulated needs or existing business sector needs. It is capable through progressively powerful items, forms, administrations, advancements, or new thoughts that are promptly accessible to business sectors, governments and society. Developments are something unique and novel, as a noteworthy, new that breaks into the market or society.
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
Research Article: Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
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Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Cancer Science & Therapy
Accepted Abstracts: Cancer Science & Therapy
Accepted Abstracts: Cancer Science & Therapy
ScientificTracks: Cancer Science & Therapy
ScientificTracks: Cancer Science & Therapy
Accepted Abstracts: Alternative & Integrative Medicine
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