Using Numerical Modelling, Morphological Comparison of a Rooftop Solar Chimney is assessed

Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species

ISSN: 2332-2543

Open Access

Mini Review - (2023) Volume 11, Issue 1

Using Numerical Modelling, Morphological Comparison of a Rooftop Solar Chimney is assessed

Sean Kohles*
*Correspondence: Sean Kohles, Department of Human Physiology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA, Email:
Department of Human Physiology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA

Received: 02-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. jbes-23-90550; Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. P-90550; Reviewed: 16-Jan-2023, QC No. Q-90550; Revised: 23-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. R-90550; Published: 30-Jan-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2332-2543.2023.11.465
Citation: Kohles, Sean. “Using Numerical Modelling, Morphological Comparison of a Rooftop Solar Chimney is assessed.” J Biodivers Endanger Species 11 (2023): 465.
Copyright: © 2023 Kohles S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


In this paper, the effectiveness of three distinct layouts at a rooftop solar chimney's outlet sections is evaluated. The first arrangement resembles a typical home-solar chimney system. The technical literature serves as the foundation for the development of a numerical modelling that takes into account both the wind and buoyancy driving forces. An adequate two-transport equations model with a low-Reynolds treatment at the walls is used to replicate the airflow's turbulent nature. When simulating the wind numerically, extra effort is taken to accurately introduce the atmospheric boundary layer by using a logarithmic speed profile. It is necessary to impose a heat-flux heating condition (uniform) at the walls in order to accurately imitate the heating caused by irradiation. Attention is drawn to a comparative.


Ecosystem services • Agricultural systems • Stoichiometry


The comparative and systematic analysis of the airflow behaviour across the three investigated morphologies, free outlet, covered outlet, and side outlet, is the main focus. The more significant variations in each constructive shape's performance are underlined, both for near-calm and for wind-dominant circumstances. W/m2 (equivalent to Rayleigh numbers from to) and reference wind velocities from windless condition up to 10 m/s are among the many heating conditions that are taken into account. For the purpose of engineering real-world applications, a number of correlations between the air ventilation rate and the dimensionless heat transfer coefficient are provided. Reference velocities in the range of 2-3 m/s indicate that wind is the primary force.

Literature Review

The circumstances in which a specific superior performance wall-towall gap between the solar paneling's walls can be achieved, Because they can be viewed as crucial elements in the bioclimatic design, solar (thermal) chimney systems utilised in buildings have received significant attention in recent years. These thermal passive devices are frequently incorporated into genuine energy-sustainable plans since they can help decrease the daily electrical consumption in homes or buildings, have reported on a review of solar chimney uses in buildings. Solar chimneys can be categorised into a variety of categories depending on their intended use or planned design [1].

As previously mentioned, a solar chimney can be seen as a unique instance of a Trombe wall, especially when the ventilation objective predominates over the heating objective. The passive system typically occupies a substantial portion of the building's walls and takes up a lot of living space (wall solar chimney) Serves as a sufficient representation of the regarded setup. This arrangement has been extensively researched with some modifications and under various thermal conditions. It is obvious that morphological investigations are required given the practical applicability of the airflows related to the issue. In actuality, geometrical analysis and optimization studies also take conjugate heat into consideration [2].

The gap between heated walls comprising the solar channel or cavity, for example, could be tailored for a specific starting morphology. In reality, the impact of wall-to-wall spacing is thoroughly examined in the current work. Let's start by excluding the wind impacts and taking a straightforward vertical channel into consideration to greatly simplify the issue. Unless there are no limits on space or shape, there is no physical reason to obtain a thermal or dynamic performance gap between walls. For isolated walls, heat transfer coefficients and mass flow rates tend to rise until they reach values that correspond to boundary layer regimes [3].


In these situations, it is possible to anticipate discovering a number of opposing effects relating to the narrowing or thickening of the thermal or dynamic boundary layers near to walls, which could eventually result in the discovery of thermal or dynamic performance gaps. We next move on to discuss the impacts of the wind. Despite the fact that the form of the solar chimney has a significant relevance, the involvement of the atmospheric wind tends to complicate the solar architecture. The ideal wall-to-wall spacing for a wall solar chimney next to a room is m for a windless environment and increases to m for a windy condition. So then, given the physics of the situation, it is difficult to apply these results to other In conclusion, to the author's knowledge, the majority of works that have been published thus far have not taken the wind's influence into account. In the literature, systematic comparisons of realistic morphologies subjected to wind impact have received little attention. The current work is therefore focused on a solar (tower) chimney put at the roof of a building or residence, following the comparable morphology described in a previous work and so approximates the analysis to real configurations, which are currently being built. Results are achieved by numerically simulating airflow using a general-purpose CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code. The goal is to examine the actions of three various forms, which are detailed below, in a certain situation [4].

Through the use of a logarithmic wind profile that satisfies the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) precepts; wind-driving forces are taken into account in the study. The heat flux heating condition is taken into account in order to physically simulate the walls heated by outdoor radiation (for example, decided to use a heat flux boundary condition because they did not find it entirely realistic to consider uniform temperature at the walls). Analysis of the effects of applied heat flux at walls on induced mass-flow rate and heat transfer coefficients is conducted, and the impact of wall-to-wall spacing is discussed, with a focus on the prospect of achieving future performance values that are superior (thermal or dynamic). The outcomes are shown for a prevailing wind direction [5,6].


The corresponding performance variations between the setups that are being considered are the corresponding performance variations among the setups under consideration are examined and addressed. To properly simulate the wind in the ABL, we take care to implement the necessary numerical parameters. We will, in short, conduct a thorough investigation of the thermal and dynamic behaviour of the suggested passive thermal device, taking into account pertinent alterations in the geometry. This represents the first significant departure from the prior contribution. On the basis of the previously learned information, emphasis is placed on the creation of a systematic morphological investigation. The second important development is the evaluation of various heating conditions in an effort to create an environment that is more realistic.



Conflict of Interest



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