Universality of Affine Semigroups on Supercyclicity of the Sequence Operators

Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications

ISSN: 1736-4337

Open Access

Research Article - (2020) Volume 14, Issue 1

Universality of Affine Semigroups on Supercyclicity of the Sequence Operators

Mortada Saeed1*, Simon Joseph2 and Ahmed Sufyan3
*Correspondence: Mortada Saeed, Department of Mathematics, College of Education, University of Rumbek, Sudan, Email:
1Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Art, Al Baha University, KSA
2Department of Mathematics, College of Education, University of Rumbek, Sudan
3Department of Mathematics, Ministry of Education, Sultanate of Oman, Muscat, Oman

Received: 18-Jan-2020 Published: 30-Jan-2020 , DOI: 10.37421/1736-4337.2020.14.296
Citation: Saeed Mortada, Simon Joseph and Ahmed Sufyan.“Universality of Affine Semigroups on Supercyclicity of the Sequence Operators.” J Generalized Lie Theory Appl 14 (2020). doi: 10.37421/glta.2020.14.296
Copyright: © 2020 Saeed M, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


In this paper, show that for all supercyclic strongly continuous sequence of operators semigroup acting on a complex Fj -space, every image with ε > −1 is supercyclic. Furthermore, the set of supercyclic vectors of all image with ε > −1 is precisely the set of supercyclic vectors of the plenary semigroup.


Hypercyclic semigroups • Hypercyclic operators • Supercyclic operators • Supercyclic semigroups


Unless stated otherwise, all vector spaces in this article are over the field k, being either the field C of complex numbers or the field R of real numbers and all topological spaces are assumed to be Hausdorff. As usual, Z+ is the set of non-negative integers, N is the set of positive integers and R+ is the set of non-negative real numbers. The symbol L(X) stands for the space of a continuous linear sequence of operators on a topological vector space X, while X in the space of continuous linear functionals on X. As usual, for Tj ∈L(X) the dual sequence of operators Tj : X'→ X' is defined by the formula equation Recall that an affine map on a Tj vector space X is a map of the shapes Tj x=uj + Sj x, where uj is fixed vector in X and Sj : X→ X is linear. Clearly, Tj are continuous if and only if Sj are continuous. The symbol Aj(X) stands for the space of continuous affine maps on a topological vector space. Fj -space is a complete metrizable topological vector space. Recall that a family equation of continuous maps from a topological space X to a topological space Y is called universal if there is x∈X for which equation is dense in Y and such an x is called a universal element for Fj. Use the symbol u(Fj) for the set of universal elements for Fj. If X is a topological space and Tj : X→ X is a continuous map, then say that x∈X is universal for Tj if x is universal for the family equation Denote the sets of universal elements for Tj by equation Series families equation of continuous maps from a topological space X to itself are called semigroups ifequation and equation for every (1+ε)∈R+. Say that a semigroup equation (1+ε)∈R+ is strongly continuous if (1+ε)→ Tj (1+ε)x are continuous as a map from R+ to X for every x∈X and say that equation is jointly continuous if equation is continuous as a map from R+ × X to X. If X is a topological vector space, semigroupequation a linear semigroup if equation for every equation is called an affine semigroup if equation for every (1+ε)∈R+. Recall that Tj ∈L(X) is called hypercyclic if equation are called hypercyclic vectors. Universal linear semigroups equation are called hypercyclic and its universal elements are called hypercyclic vectors for equation then universal elements of the family equation are called supercyclic vectors for Tj and Tj are called supercyclic if it has a supercyclic vector. Similarly, ifequation are linear semigroup, then a universal element of the families equation are called supercyclic vector for equation and the semigroup is called supercyclic if it has a supercyclic vector.

Hypercyclicity and supercyclicity have been studied during the last decades [1]. The concern is the relation between the supercyclicity of a linear semigroup and the supercyclicity of the individual members of the semigroup. The hypercyclicity version of the question was treated by Conejero, Müller, and Peris [2], who proved that for every strongly continuous hypercyclic linear semigroups equation on an Fj-space, all equation is hypercyclic and equation Virtually the same proof works in the following much more general setting.

Theorem A

Let equation be a hypercyclic jointly continuous linear semigroup on all topological vector space X. Then all equation hypercyclic and equation

The stronger condition of joint continuity coincides with the strong continuity in the case when X is an Fj -space due to a straightforward application of the Banach–Steinhaus theorem. It is based on a homotopytype argument and goes through without any changes for semigroups of non-linear maps. Recall that a topological space X is called connected if it has no subsets different from \ and X, which are closed and open and it is called simply connected if for any continuous map fj : T→X, there is a continuous map Fj : T×[0,1]→X and x0∈Xsuch that Fj(z,0)=fj(z) and Fj(z,1)=x0for any z∈T. Next, X is called locally path connected at χ∈X if for any neighborhood U of χ, there is a neighborhood V of χ such that for any y∈V, there is a continuous map fj :[0,1]→X satisfying fj (0)=x, fj (1)=y, and fj ([0,1]) ⊆ U. Space X is called locally path-connected if it is locally path connected at every point. Just listing the conditions to run smoothly, get the following result.

Proposition 1.1

Let X be a topological space and equation a jointly continuous semigroup on X such that

equation are nowhere dense in X for every ε>-1 and uj ∈X ;

(2) for every ε>-1 and equation there is equation such that \ is connected, locally path-connected, simply connected and


The natural question of whether the supercyclicity version of Theorem A holds in [3]. They have produced the following example.

Example B: Let X be a Banach space over R, equation be a hypercyclic linear semigroup on X and equation be the linear sequence of operators with the matrices equation Then equation is supercyclic linear semigroup onequation while equation are non-supercyclics whenever equation is rational.

Example B shows that the natural supercyclicity version of Theorem A fails in the case k=R.

Proposition 1.2

Let X be a complex topological vector space and equation be a supercyclic jointly continuous linear semigroup on X such that equation has a dense range for every ε>-1 and every λj∈C. Then each equation has a dense range for every ε>-1 and every λj∈C. Then each equationwith ε>-1 is supercyclic. Furthermore, the set of supercyclic vectors for equation does not depend on the choice of ε>-1 and simultaneity with the set of supercyclic vectors of the plenary semigroup.

Whatever one can obtain the same result directly by considering the induced action on subsets of the projective space and applying Proposition 1.1. show that in the case k=C, the supercyclicity version of Theorem A holds without any additional assumptions.

Theorem 1.2

Let X be a complex topological vector space and equation be a supercyclic jointly continuous linear semigroup on X. Then all equation with ε>-1 is supercyclic and the set of supercyclic vectors of equation coincides with the set of supercyclic vectors of equation

It turns out that any supercyclic jointly continuous linear semigroup on a complex topological vector X either satisfies conditions of Proposition Cor has a closed invariant hyperplane Y. Reduces the following generalization of Theorem A to affine semigroups [4].

Theorem 1.3

Let X be a topological vector space and equation a universal jointly continuous affine semigroup on X. Then all equation with ε>-1 is universal and equation

A Dichotomy for Supercyclic Linear Semigroups

An analogue of the following result for supercyclic sequence of operators.

Proposition 2.1

Let X be a complex topological vector space and equation be a supercyclic strongly continuous linear semigroup on X. Then either equation is dense in X for every ε>-1 and λj∈C or there is a closed hyperplane Hin X such that equation

This section is devoted to the proof of Proposition 2.1. Recall that subsets Bj of vector space X are called balanced if λj x∈Bj for every x∈Bj and λj∈k such that equation

Proof: Assume that there is ε>-1 and λj∈k such that equation are not dense in X. By Lemma 2.5,equation are closed hyperplanes in X.

Lemma 2.2

Let K be a compact subset of an infinite dimensional topological vector space and X such that equation. Then equation is a closed nowhere dense subset of X.

Proof: Closeness of Λ in X is a straightforward exercise. Assume that Λ is not anywhere dense. Since Λ is closed, it's interior Lis non-empty. Since Kis closed and equation, find a non-empty balanced open set U such thatequation Obviously equation whensoever x ∈ L and equationequation Since U is open and balanced property of Limplies that the open set equation is non-empty. Taking into account the definition of Λ , inclusion equation and the fact that Uis balanced, every x ∈ Wj be written as x=λjy, where y∈k and equation Since both Kand equation is a compact subset of X. Since X ⊆ Q , Wj is a non-empty open set with compact closure. Such a set exists [5] only if X is finite dimensional. This contradiction completes the proof.

The following lemma is a particular case in [6].

Lemma 2.3

Let X be a complex topological vector space such that 2 ≤ dim X < ∞ . Then X supports no supercyclic strongly continuous linear semigroups.

Lemma 2.4

Let X be an infinite dimensional topological vector space equation and equation be a strongly continuous linear semigroup such that equation are not supercyclics.

Proof: Let x∈ X \ {0} . It success to show that x is not a supercyclic vector forequation

First, consider the case λj=0, it is ε>-1 such that equation andK is a compact subset of X. By Lemma 2.2, equation is nowhere dense in X. Take n∈N such thatequation Since equation have equation Notably, Y is nowhere dense in X. Obviously, equation whenever ε>-1. Hence equation is contained in equation and therefore is nowhere dense in X. Thus x is not a supercyclic vector for equation

Suppose that λj≠0. Then equation Hence each of the compact sets equation with n∈Z+ does not contain 0. The sets equation nowhere dense in X. On the other hand, for every equationequation and thereforeequation for each n ∈ Z + . Hence \which is clearly the union of equation coincides with equation therefore is nowhere dense. Thus x is not a supercyclic vector for equation

Lemma 2.5

Let X be a complex topological vector space and equation bea supercyclic strongly continuous linear semigroup on X. Let also (ε+1)0 >0 and λj∈C Then space equation coincides with X or is a closed hyperplane in X.

Proof: Using the semigroup property. Factoring Y out, arrive in a supercyclic strongly continuous linear semigroup equation acting on X/Y, whereequation Clearly,equation If X/Y is infinite dimensional, arrive at a contradiction with Lemma 2.4. If X/Y is finite dimensional and dim X / Y ≥ 2 , we obtain a contradiction with Lemma 2.3. Thus dim X/Y≤ 1, as required.

Lemma 2.6

Let X be a complex topological vector space and equation be a strongly continuous linear semigroup on X. Assume also that there is a closed hyperplane Hin X such that equation and let fj∈X’ be such that H=ker fj. Then there exists w ∈Csuch that equation

Proof: Since H=ker fj is invariant for every equation , there is a unique function equation Pick uj ∈X such that equation for everyequation strongly continuous, Qj is continuous. The semigroup property for equation implies the semigroup property for the dual sequence of operators: equation for every (1+ε)∈R+. Together with equality equation it implies that Qj(0)=1 and equation for every (1+ε)∈R+. The latter and the continuity of Qj means that there is w∈C such that equation for each (1+ε)∈R+. Thus equation as required.

Supercyclicity Subtended Universality of Affine Maps

Start with the following general lemma.

Lemma 3.1

Let X=1 be a topological vector space, uj∈X, \ {0} fj∈ X′ ,f(uj)=1 and H=ker fj. Assume also that equation isa family of a continuous linear sequence of operators on X such that equation for each a∈Aj. Then the families equation are universals if and only if the families equation of affine maps equation are universals on H. Moreover, x∈X is universal for Fj if and only if x = λj (uj+w), where λj ∈k\{0} and w is universal for Gj. Next, if Aj = Z+ and equation for every a∈Z+, then equation for every a∈Z+. Finally, if Ajequation is strongly continuous linear semigroup, then equation is strongly continuous affine semigroup.

Proof: Sinceequation for every a, vectors from H cannot be universal for Fj. Clearly, they also do not have the form equation with equation

Let equation Since equation It is straightforward to see that x0 is universal for Fj if and only if 0 is dense in uj +H. That is, x0 is universal for Fj if and only if x is universal for the familiesequation where each equation is the restriction of equation to the invariant subset uj +H. Clearly, the translation map equationequationis a homeomorphism and equation for every a∈Aj. It follows that x0 is universal for Fj if and only if equation is universal for Gj. Denoting w=x-uj, if and only if equation with equation

Since Qa are the restrictions of Tja to the invariant subset uj +H and Ra are similar to Qa in the same manner independent on a, {Ra} inherits all the semigroup or continuity properties from equation The proof is complete.

Lemma 3.2

Let X be a topological vector space, equation and H=ker fj. Then equation is supercyclic if and only if the map equation is universal. Moreover, x∈X is a supercyclic vector for Tj if and only if x=λj (uj+w), where λj∈k \{0} and w∈U(R).

Lemma 3.3

Let X be a topological vector space, equation H=ker fj. Then a strongly continuous linear semigroup equation on X satisfying equation is supercyclic if and only if the strongly continuous affine semigroup equation on H defined by equation universals. Furthermore, x∈X is a supercyclic vector for equationif and only if x=λj (uj+w), where equation

Universality of Affine Semigroups

The proof of the following lemma is a routine verification.

Lemma 4.1

Let X be a topological vector space, equation a collection of continuous affine maps on equation be a collection of the continuous linear sequence of operators on X and (1+ε)→w(1+ε) be a map from R+ to X such that equation for every (1+ε)∈R+ and x∈X. Then equationare affines semigroup if and only if equation are linear semigroups,

W0 =0 and equation for every (1+ε)∈R+ . (1)

Furthermore, the semigroup equation is strongly continuous if and only if equation is strongly continuous and the map equation is continuous. Finally, the semigroup equation is jointly continuous if and only if equation is jointly continuous and the map (1+ε)→w(1+ε) is continuous.

Lemma 4.2

Let X be a topological vector space and equation be a universal strongly continuous affine semigroup on X. Thenequation is dense in X for every ε>-1.

Proof: Suppose the contrary. Then there is ε>-1 such that Y0 ≠ X, where equationLet Y be a translation of Y0, containing equation Factoring out the closed linear subspace Y, arrive in the universal strongly continuous affine semigroup equation on X/Y, where equation for every (1+ε)∈R+ and x∈X. By definition of Y, the linear part of equation is I. Let β+ε∈X/Y be a universal vector for equation By Lemma 4.1, there is a strongly continuous linear semigroup equation on X/Y and a continuous map equation from R+ to X/Y such that equation and equation for every β∈X/Y and r, (1+ε)∈R+, obtain that equation for every n∈Z+ and (ε+1)∈R+. It follows that




Since (β+ε) is universal for equation hence, equation is dense in X/Y. Since 0 is closed as a sum of a compact set and a closed set,0=X/Y. On the other hand, 0 it does not contain equation any sufficiently large >-1. This contradiction completes the proof.

Lemma 4.3

Let X be a topological vector space, x∈X, ε>-1 and equation be a universal affine semigroup on X. Assume also thatequation continuous linear semigroup on X and equation is a continuous map from R+ to X. Then equation is hypercyclic. Furthermore, equation for every ε > -1.

Proof: Let equation and fixε ε > -1. By Lemma 4.2, equation are dense in X. Hence equation are dense in X. Using the semigroup property of equation together with (1), get

equation for everyequation then, 0 is exactly the St-orbit of equation . Since o is dense in equation is hypercyclic vector forequation and therefore equation

Lemma 4.4

Let X be a topological vector space andequation be an affine semigroup on X. Then for every equationsatisfying equation commutes with every equation

Proof: To verify that for every affine map Aj : X→X and every x1,….,xn∈X,

equation provided zj∈k and z1+… zn=1.

Let (1+ε)∈R+. Therefore,


Since equation commute with each other, get


Lemma 4.5

Let X be a topological vector space, equation be universals strongly continuous affine semigroup on X and equation Then equation where

equation (2)

Proof: Let equation and z1+…… zn=1. Have to show that equation where equation A commute with all equation Sinceequation it suffices to verify that Aj(X) are dense in X. By Lemma 4.1, write equation for every y∈X, where equation is strongly continuous linear semigroup on X and (1+ε)→w(1+ε) is a continuous map from R+ to X. By Lemma 4.3, equation are hypercyclics. Thus equation has dense range. Since Aj(X) is translation, Bj(X),Aj(X) is also dense in X, which completes the proof.

Proof of Theorem 1.3

Let X be a topological vector space and equation be a universal jointly continuous affine semigroup on X. By Theorem A, there is a hypercyclic continuous linear operator on X. Since no such thing exists on a finite-dimensional topological vector space [7], X is infinite-dimensional. Since any compact subspace of an infinite-dimensional topological vector space is nowhere dense [4], condition (1) of Proposition 1.1 is satisfied. Let equation By Lemma 4.5, the set Λ(x) defined in (4.2) consists entirely of universal vectors for equation . Obviously, equation By its definition, Λ(x) is an affine subspace of X. Λ(x) satisfies all requirements for the set equation (for every ε > -1) from condition (2) in Proposition 1.1. By Proposition 1.1, equation for every ε > -1, as required.

Proof of Theorem 1.2

Let X be a complex topological vector space and equation be a supercyclic jointly continuous linear semigroup on X in [8]. To prove that all equation supercyclic and the sets of supercyclic vectors of equation simultaneity with the set of supercyclic vectors of equation . Ifequation has a dense range for every ε > -1 and every λj∈C, then Proposition C provides the required result. Else, by Proposition 2.1, there is a closed hyperplane H in X invariant for all equation By Lemma 2.6, there is fj∈X and (β+ε)∈C such that H=kerfj and equation for every (1+ε)∈R+. Obviously equation is a jointly continuous supercyclic linear semigroup on X with the same sets Sj of supercyclic vectors as the original semigroup equation. Fix uj∈X satisfying fj(uj)=1. Now fix ε>-1 and vj ∈Sj. Have to show that vj is supercyclic for equation By Lemma 3.3, applied to the semigroup equation write equation and y is a universal vector for the jointly continuous affine semigroup equation on H defined by the formula equation By Theorem 1.3, y is universal for R(1+ε). By Lemma 3.2, equation is a supercyclic vector for equation and hence vj is a supercyclic vector for equation The proof is complete.


By Lemma 4.3, the universality of a strongly continuous affine semigroup implies hypercyclicity of the underlying linear semigroup. The following example shows that the converse is not true [4].

Example 6.1

Consider the backward weighted shift Tj∈L(l2) with the weight sequence equation That is, equation is the standard basis of l2. Then the jointly continuous linear semigroups equation are hypercyclics. Furthermore, there exists a continuous map equation from R+ to l2 such that equation is jointly continuous non-universal affine semigroup, where equation for x∈l2.

Proof: Since Tj being compacts weighted backward shift, is quasinilpotent, the sequence of operators ln equation is well defined and bounded and equation is a jointly continuous linear semigroup. Moreover, equation are hypercyclics [9] as a sum of the identical sequence of operators and a backward weighted shift. Hence equation are hypercyclics.

Let equation For each (1+ε)∈R+, let equation Since Tj are quasinil potents, equation are well defined bounded linear sequence of operators and the map equationare a sequence of operators-norm continuous. Hence (1+ε)→w(1+ε) is continuous as a map from R+ to l2, to verify that w0=0, w1=uj and equation for every ε>-1. By Lemma 4.1, equation is a jointly continuous affine semigroup, where equation It remains to show that equation is non-universal. Assume the contrary. Since w1=uj and equation Lemma 4.3 implies that the coset equation must contain a hypercyclic vector for I+Tj. This, however, is not the case as shown in [10].

Remark 6.2

Let X be a topological vector space and equation be hypercyclic. If equation then the affine map equation is universal. Actually, let w∈X be such that equation It is easy to show that equation for every x∈X and n∈N. Thus x is universal for Tj if and only if x-w is universal for Sj.

If additionally X is separable metrizable and Baire, then a standard Baire category type argument shows that the set of uj∈Xfor which the affine map equation is universal is a dense Gδ -subset of X.

Example 6.1 shows that this set can differ from X.

Recall that a locally convex topological vector space X is called barrelled if every closed convex balanced subset Bj of X satisfyingequation contain a neighborhood of 0. The joint continuity of a linear semigroup follows from the strong continuity if the underlying space X is an Fj-space. The same is true for wider classes of topological vector spaces. For the case, it is sufficient X to be a Baire topological vector space or a barreled locally convex topological vector space. Thus the following observation holds true.

Remark 6.3

The joint continuity condition in Theorems A, 1.2 and 1.3 can be replaced by the strong continuity, provided X is Baire or X is locally convex and barrelled.

For general topological vector spaces however strong continuity of a linear semigroup does not imply joint continuity. Furthermore, the following example shows that Theorem A fails in general if the joint continuity condition is replaced by strong continuity. Recall that the Fréchet space equation consists of the scalar-valued functions R+, square-integrable on [0,(1+ε)] for each ε>-1. Its dual space can be naturally interpreted as the space equation duality betweenequation is provided by the natural dual pairing equation Clearly, the linear semigroup equation of backward shifts equation is strongly continuous and therefore jointly continuous on the Fréchet space equation It follows that the same semigroup is strongly continuous on equation endowed with the weak topology.

Example 6.4

Let equation be the above strongly continuous semigroup on X. Then there are fj∈X hypercyclics for equation such that f

are not-hypercyclics for Sj1.

Proof: Let H be the hyperplane in L2 [0,1] consisting of the functions with zero Lebesgue integral. Fix norm-dense countable subsets Aj of H. One can easily construct equation such that for every n∈N, the function equation belongs to A

; for every n∈N and equation

For equation be the indicator function of the interval equation andequation otherwise. By (a), equation every n∈N and therefore fj are not hypercyclics vector for Sj1.

It remains to show that fj are hypercyclics vector for equation acting on X. Using (a) and (b), we see that the Fréchet space topology closure of the orbits equation is exactly the sets


In order to show that fj are hypercyclics for equation acting on X, it suffices to verify that 0 is dense in equationAssume the contrary. Then there is a weakly open set equation which does not intersect 0. That is, there are linearly independent equation andequation such that


Let k∈N be such that all Qj vanishes on [k,∞) . Pick any equation Note that for every 1≤ j ≤ m, the restrictions of the functionals Qj to equation are not linearly independent, see [11]. Actually, otherwise can find equation such that equation It is easy to see that it is equation and equation andequation arrived at a contradiction.

The fact that Qj is not linearly independents on equation implies that there is a non-zero equation Sinceequation they are all linearly independent, equation they are m +1 linearly independent vectors in the m dimensional space spanequation completes the proof.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


The author thanks Colleagues for numerous helpful suggestions, and the referee for carefully checking the manuscript.


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