Multifunctional Bioactive Coatings for Metallic Bone Implants: Recent Developments

Bioceramics Development and Applications

ISSN: 2090-5025

Open Access

Perspective - (2023) Volume 13, Issue 3

Multifunctional Bioactive Coatings for Metallic Bone Implants: Recent Developments

Bogul Skotak*
*Correspondence: Bogul Skotak, Department of Genetics, Szczecin University, Szczecin, Poland, Email:
Department of Genetics, Szczecin University, Szczecin, Poland

Received: 11-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. BDA-23-86806; Editor assigned: 16-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. BDA-23-86806 (PQ); Reviewed: 02-Feb-2023, QC No. BDA-23-86806; Revised: 11-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. BDA-23-86806 (R); Published: 19-Apr-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2090-5025.2023.13.234
Citation: Skotak, Bogul. "Multifunctional Bioactive Coatings for Metallic Bone Implants: Recent Developments." Bioceram Dev Appl 13 (2023):234.
Copyright: © 2023 Skotak B. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The required time for the sealer to set, each tooth was divided into three sections at 3, 6, and 9 mm from the apex, and a scanning electron microscope was used to look at each section. G* Power Software v3.1 was used to measure each sample's marginal gap, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was followed by a post hoc Dunn's test for statistical analysis. Except for the middle third of root canals, where AHP, ES, and GF sealers showed a statistically significant difference, the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in terms of the marginal gap between the two above mentioned obturation techniques for each sealer. In conclusion, when the shape of the root canal is not rounded, the thermo mechanical compaction of hydraulic sealers and gutta-percha ensures better sealing than the single-cone method.


Scanning electron microscopy • Thermomechanical compaction • Dunn's test • Kruskal-Wallis test • G* Power Software v3.1


In light of the preceding, the ability to seal the root apex and the quality of the root canal filling are heavily influenced by the choice of the best obturation technique and the appropriate obturation materials, such as endodontic sealer and gutta-percha. Komabayashi, et al. stated the ideal biological and physiochemical properties of root canal sealers should satisfy mandatory requirements. To begin, the ideal sealer ought to guarantee a three-dimensional microscopic seal, making it impossible for bacteria to enter the root canal system; it shouldn't be cytotoxic or cause an inflammatory response in host tissues, but it should have antimicrobial properties. In addition, it ought to meet a number of minimum standard requirements, including flowability, setting time, film thickness, radiopacity, solubility, and sealing capability. Different endodontic sealer compositions have been proposed in response to this, with Zinc Oxide–Eugenol-Based (ZOE) and epoxy resin-based sealers being the most widely used. Mannocci, et al. state that this means that and by Lee and others Epoxy resin-based sealers have been linked to improved adhesion to gutta-percha and dentin, as well as improved marginal adaptation to the root canal wall, tubular penetration, and adaptation to the peritubular dentine.


Using a micro-focused tube with a tungsten filament and a voltage of 45 kV and a current of 160 mA, the imaging procedures were carried out. A voxel size of approximately 2.3 m was achieved by adjusting the Source-To-Detector Distance (SDD) and Source-To-Object Distance (SOD). After making geometrical corrections and attenuating ring artefacts, the software Xact64 (RX Solutions) was used to reconstruct the volume. Using the Avizo software (ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA, USA), we were able to:

• Use a median filter to remove noise from the images.
• Segment the intensity of the image to reveal the objects of interest (the pores in this case).
• Remove insignificant small objects from the segmented 3D data that are smaller than ten pixels in size.
• Ascertain the volume and equivalent diameter of the three-dimensional geometrical aspects of the objects of interest.

In comparison to other endodontic sealers, the tricalcium silicate based AH Plus Bioceramic sealer has shown promising results in terms of physiochemical properties. Despite this, there are no studies to date on its physiochemical properties when heated using warm obturation methods. The present study is the first to evaluate its behavior indirectly at temperatures between 75°C and 85°C. Concerning, AHP showed practically identical outcomes to ES, with no measurably massive contrasts regarding interfacial transformation, while it came about in a genuinely huge, lower peripheral hole in contrast with CR and GF in the apical and center thirds of the root trenches when utilized both with the TC and SC method. Additionally, AHP and ES with thermomechanical compaction demonstrated statistically significant superior marginal adaptation to CR and GF with the single-cone method at the coronal third level.


de-Deus, et al. assert that there are a few limitations to the sectioning/microscopy interfacial gap evaluation. First and foremost, it is destructive and carries the risk of specimen damage, including partial loss of the sample and the generation of heat, both of which could put the SEM observation of the obturation materials in jeopardy. In addition, it prevents three-dimensional viewing of the adaptation details of the root canal system as a whole. Because of this, nondestructive micro-CT scans are regarded as the most effective research tool for qualitative and quantitative analysis of root canal fillings.

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