Internal Morphology of Mandibular Canines

Journal of Morphology and Anatomy

ISSN: 2684-4265

Open Access

Commentary - (2022) Volume 6, Issue 4

Internal Morphology of Mandibular Canines

Richard Cui*
*Correspondence: Richard Cui, Department of Morph-functional Sciences, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Wittenberg, Halle, Germany, Email:
Department of Morph-functional Sciences, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Wittenberg, Halle, Germany

Received: 03-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JMA-22-71970; Editor assigned: 05-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. P-71970; Reviewed: 17-Jul-2022, QC No. Q-71970; Revised: 22-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. R-71970; Published: 30-Jul-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2684-4265.2022.6.244
Citation: Cui, Florida. “Internal Morphology of Mandibular Canines.” J Morphol Anat 6 (2022): 244.
Copyright: © 2022 Cui R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The purpose of this study was to use micro-computed tomography to examine the root canal system morphology of 101 mandibular canines (MaCa) from a Swiss-German population using a root canal configuration (RCC) classification described with a four-digit system, the physiological foramen geometry, and accessory canal frequency and morphology. The MaCa was subjected to a micro-CT examination, and the resulting images were then examined using 3D imaging software. The most prevalent RCCs in singlerooted MaCas were 1-1-1/1 (74.5%) and 1-1-1/2 (14.3%). Seven more RCCs were detected with a frequency ranging from 4.1 to 1.0%. 80.6% of the MaCas had one physiological foramen, 16.3% had two, 1.0% had three, and 2.0% had four. The mean diameters of the narrow and wide foramina were 0.28 mm (0.07) and 0.40 mm (0.011), respectively, when only one physiological foramen was present. The distance between the physiological and anatomical foramina was 0.45 mm (0.017Mühlreiter used axial plane sectioning to initially describe the tooth morphology. Since then, investigative techniques have greatly advanced, yet interest in and significance of the root canal system morphology has not decreased.


Mühlreiter used axial plane sectioning to initially describe the tooth morphology. Since then investigative techniques have greatly advanced yet interest in and significance of the root canal system morphology has not decreased. To reduce endodontic treatment failure it is crucial for operators to understand the root canal system morphology and be able to quickly identify any potential variations of it. The specialist then at that point, gets a handle on the lashes of the upper top pulling them delicately out for the count away from the eye. A q-tip is put outwardly of the cover level with the top wrinkle. The lashes are then collapsed upwards over the swab to uncover within the eyelid and the unfamiliar body is washed away. The eyelid returns to its typical position when the competitor turns upward and squints. An unfamiliar body is quite possibly the most well-known eye problem on the games field.

Furthermore, knowing that the relatively straightforward and homogeneous radiographic architecture of the exterior root surface may significantly hide the complexity of the root canal system has clinical benefits. Numerous root canal system morphology study techniques have been used, including radiographic analysis tooth cleaning microscopy and macroscopic sectioning. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and micro-computed tomography are the two newest research techniques (micro-CT). Mandibular canines (MaCa) have root canal systems that have been studied in vivo using CBCT and various dental root canal systems and foramina shapes have been studied using micro-CT.


However, micro-CT has demonstrated that, when used in conjunction with 3D imaging rendering software it is a repeatable non-destructive and noninvasive research tool; as a result it has been described as the gold standard research method for this purpose. Additionally the use of a more thorough RCC description method10 than the ones usually employed reported by Vertucci19 and Weine et al. is possible thanks to micro-high CT's resolution, which increases a precise recognition of the root canal configuration (RCC). The purpose of this inquiry was to examine the RCC physiological foramen anatomy and accessory canals because as far as we are aware the root canal configuration of MaCas has not been explored using the four-digit categorization system and micro-CT. Among individuals, the hands play a critical limit in non-verbal correspondence and gesture based communication. In like manner the ten digits of two hands and the twelve phalanges of four fingers (accessible by the thumb) have led to number frameworks and computation strategies.In Germany and Switzerland, academic medical facilities and private dentistry offices collected 101 removed human permanent mandibular canines (MaCa). For reasons unconnected to this study, all teeth were removed. According to Contract General Terms [AVB], 14 Organ explanation/further use of body material, Status: 1 April 2017 all of the teeth examined in this study were deemed to be "excess material" and could therefore be used for scientific research without requiring further approval from the appropriate ethics committee. The teeth under investigation were chosen by two separate observers (According to their coronal morphological parameters, teeth that could be easily identified met the inclusion criterion. MaCa, age 20, had well grown roots, no coronal or radicular desorption, caries, fractured roots, or prior endodontic therapy [1-5].

Root canal

The classification of the root canal system configuration (RCC)10, which divides the roots into thirds is four digits. The coronal, middle, and apical thirds are indicated by the first second and third digits respectively. The root canal number at the corresponding third's coronal limit is represented by each digit. The fourth digit which is denoted by a slash (/) is the quantity of physiological foramina. According to earlier descriptions16, the apical region was explored. A physiological foramen is one that begins in the main root canal and has a diameter of less than 0.2 millimeters10. Accessories foramina were defined as all apical foramina with a diameter of less than 0.2 mm. The axial and sagittal planes were used to study the physiological and auxiliary foramina. The physiological foramen shape was defined as oval when the difference between narrow and wide diameters was ≥ 0.02 mm23. The number of connecting and accessory canals was determined and classified according to their location in either the coronal, middle or apical root thirds. A connecting canal was defined as the one that connects a root canal with the same or another root canal without emerging into the periapical tissue. The results of this study are descriptively expressed with absolute and relative values.


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