Connectome Atlas Approach to Understanding Structural Connections in Coma Recovery

International Journal of Neurorehabilitation

ISSN: 2376-0281

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 11, Issue 1

Connectome Atlas Approach to Understanding Structural Connections in Coma Recovery

Zeya Yan*
*Correspondence: Zeya Yan, Department of Neurosurgery, Brain and Nerve Research Laboratory, University of Soochow, Suzhou, China, Email:
Department of Neurosurgery, Brain and Nerve Research Laboratory, University of Soochow, Suzhou, China

Received: 01-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. ijn-23-96337; Editor assigned: 03-Apr-2023, Pre QC No. P-96337; Reviewed: 15-Apr-2023, QC No. Q-96337; Revised: 21-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. R-96337; Published: 28-Apr-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2376-0281.2023.10.520
Citation: Yan, Zeya. "Connectome Atlas Approach to Understanding Structural Connections in Coma Recovery." Int J Neurorehabilitation Eng 10 (2023): 520.
Copyright: © 2023 Yan Z. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Introduction: Obsessive conditions of recuperation after unconsciousness because of a serious cerebrum injury are set apart with changes in primary network of the mind. The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a topological correlation between the degree of functional and cognitive impairment and white matter integrity in coma patients.

Methods: A probabilistic human connectome atlas was used to calculate structural connectomes from fractional anisotropy maps of 40 patients. We utilized an organization based insights way to deal with distinguish potential cerebrum networks related with a better result, evaluated with clinical neurobehavioral scores at the patient's release from the intense neurorehabilitation unit.

Results: We distinguished a subnetwork whose strength of availability corresponded with a better result as estimated with the Handicap Rating Scale (network based measurements: t >3.5, P =.010). The thalamic nuclei, putamen, precentral and postcentral gyri, and medial parietal regions were all part of the subnetwork, which predominated in the left hemisphere. The score and the subnetwork's mean fractional anisotropy value had a Spearman correlation of=0.60 (P.0001). The Coma Recovery Scale Revised score was correlated with a smaller overlapping subnetwork that mostly consisted of left hemisphere connectivity between the thalamic nuclei and the pre- and post-central gyri (network-based statistics: t >3.5, P =.033; P.0001, Spearman's=0.58).

Conclusion: The current discoveries propose a significant job of primary network between the thalamus, putamen and somatomotor cortex in the recuperation from trance like state as assessed with neurobehavioral scores. These structures are a part of the motor circuit, which is responsible for creating and modifying voluntary movement, as well as the forebrain circuit, which is thought to be responsible for maintaining consciousness. As social evaluation of cognizance relies intensely upon the indications of intentional engine conduct, further work will explain whether the distinguished subnetwork mirrors the primary design fundamental the recuperation of awareness or rather the capacity to convey its substance.


Structural connectivity • Fractional anisotropy • Disorders of consciousness • Connectome • Coma • Diffusion • weighted imaging


A coma is frequently the outcome of severe brain injury, a state in which there is no wakefulness, no awareness of oneself or the environment, and no voluntary motor activity. According to Posner et al., a patient may gradually regain wakefulness and awareness, the two main components of consciousness, during recovery from coma through progressive transitions through pathological. First, patients may awaken from a coma into the vegetative state (VS) or unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS), in which they are unable to recognize themselves or their surroundings. Monti and co., Second, patients are instead diagnosed with minimally conscious state (MCS) when inconsistent but apparent signs of conscious behavior are observed, such as visual fixation or object pursuit, localization of noxious stimulus, or simple command following. Lastly, patients emerge from the MCS when they are able to use objects or communicate effectively. Although bedside clinical diagnostic is the current standard for assessing a patient's level of recovery from a coma, it is frequently hampered by the patient's fluctuating arousal, associated lesions in the sensory or motor pathways, or other confounding clinical deficits that prevent the patient from interacting [1].

Despite the fact that they may be able to modulate brain activity during an active fMRI or EEG paradigm, a significant proportion of patients continue to be misdiagnosed based on their behavior as coma or VS/UWS. These patients are regarded as having cognitive motor dissociation (CMD) rather than disorders of consciousness because, despite the absence of any voluntary motor behavior, they exhibit the capacity for command-and-control behavior. As a result, quantitative measures like neuroimaging and neurophysiology, in addition to traditional neurobehavioral assessment, ought to be utilized in order to enhance diagnosis, forecast recovery from coma, and, consequently, enhance patient care and treatment management. This is still hampered by our inadequate comprehension of the neural substrates and recovery mechanisms from coma [2].

Literature Review

According to Laureys and Schiff, it is now widely accepted that disorders of consciousness are caused by problems with brain connectivity, particularly the thalamo-cortical and fronto-parietal connections. A growing number of studies on functional connectivity have reported decreased thalamo-cortical connectivity as evidence of this, as well as decreased connectivity both within the brain's intrinsic networks and between them in patients in neurotic recuperation after unconsciousness. While there is a significant body of research on functional connectivity, very little is known about structural connectivity changes and their connection to recovery from a coma. Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) can measure differences in the local movement of water molecules throughout the brain tissue to determine structural connectivity, which is defined as the presence of white matter tracts physically connecting brain regions. The DWI can evaluate white matter architecture impairments under various pathological conditions by taking advantage of the diffusion properties of various tissues. According to DWI-derived fractional anisotropy (FA) studies from 2013, global white matter integrity decreases with increasing consciousness impairment. The subcortical regions and thalamic nuclei of VS/UWS and MCS patients showed tissue structural differences and the cingulate cortex [3].

It is now possible to build connectomes, which are quantitative representations of the connectivity of brain networks, and model brain nerve fibers using tractography thanks to advancements in neuroimaging and computational methods, these connectomes enable quantitative evaluations of the degree to which brain regions are connected to one another and to clinical variables. Cerebrum tractography concentrates on in patients with issues of awareness showed remarkably decreased availability between the thalamus, basal ganglia, front facing and parietal cortex. The non-invasive visualization of brain tracts is made possible by the aforementioned advances in neuroimaging, but the accuracy of brain tractography may be limited by severe and widespread brain injuries and deformations and influence picture spatial standardization and division required for resulting bunch examinations. Since fiber tracking is dependent on the parameters of the acquisition, it makes it difficult to apply findings to a wide range of subjects and scanning protocols. We used continuous clinical variables rather than outcome group classifications to identify a subnetwork of structural connectivity associated with functional and cognitive recovery from coma [4].

To this reason, we assessed the topological relationship between's clinical scores and white matter honesty utilizing a human white matter connectome chart book based way to deal with avoid the limits of tractography when utilized on seriously harmed mind pictures and consequently decrease the related between subject and between scanner changeability. Network Based Statistics, also known as NBS, 2010 was used to evaluate the strength of the correlation between the clinical scores at discharge and the strength of structural connectivity. To deal with the multiple comparisons issue and evaluate group differences or relationships between variables in large networks, NBS is a validated nonparametric statistical method. Every connection in the matrix is subjected to a univariate test before any connected structures (components) that are above the specified test-statistic threshold are found. After adjusting for the family-wise error rate, the p-values are assigned to suprathreshold components by comparing their size to the null distribution of maximal component size in permutation testing. Utilizing the NBS tool stash, (NITRC: We controlled for the patient's age, sex, and scanning acquisition parameters (the number of diffusion gradient directions, echo time, repetition time, and interslice gap) by running a linear regression between the structural connectivity shown as mean FA values in the connectomes and the two clinical scores at discharge (DRS and CRS-R) [5].

By combining the acquisition parameters into a single variable using principal component analysis, we reduced the multicollinearity due to their high interdependence. The scores got from the loadings of the main part were then utilized as a solitary disturbance covariate in the NBS examination. The additional materials provide a comprehensive explanation of this step. An atlas-based method was used in this retrospective study to investigate the connection between the clinical outcome of pathological recovery from a coma and the structural connectivity of the brain. To this objective, we applied the NBS technique to survey the relationship between white matter honesty estimated by FA scalar guides and the degree of inability, assessed with the DSR and CRS-R scales at the patient's release from the intense neurorehabilitation unit. A brain subnetwork that primarily consisted of connectivity in the left hemisphere between the thalamic nuclei, putamen, precentral and postcentral gyrus, superior frontal, superior parietal, and brainstem was found to have a significant correlation with the DRS score. The thalamic radiations to the left hemisphere's precentral and postcentral gyrus were found to be correlated with the total CRS-R score in a subnetwork that overlapped but was less extensive [6].

The integrity between the somatomotor cortex, putamen, and thalamic nuclei is elucidated in particular by the present findings, which ascribe and confirm an important role for subcortico-cortical structural connectivity in the recovery from coma. The motor circuit of the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo thalamocortical loop, which is involved in the generation and modulation of voluntary movement, is thought to rely heavily on these structures. The identified subnetwork is also a component of the negative feedback loop, which, in accordance with the meso-circuit hypothesis, is essential for sustaining excitatory outflow to the cortex and, consequently, consciousness. The mesocircuit hypothesis states that disruption of the circuit between the frontal lobe, striatum, pallidum, and central thalamus results in disinhibition of the globus pallidus, which in turn causes excessive inhibition of the thalamus and, as a result, suppression of cortical activity. Recovery of consciousness following deep brain stimulation of the thalamus provides support for the meso-circuit hypothesis prefrontal cortex transcranial direct stimulation or after organization of zolpidem, an entrancing, diminishing the globus pallidus restraint of the thalamus [7].

Closely resembling our review, and reliable with the meso-circuit speculation, were discoveries on primary network announced by Weng et al., who demonstrated decreased connectivity between the frontal cortex and the basal ganglia and thalamus in patients with consciousness disorders compared to healthy controls showed the way that white matter respectability among thalamus and sensorimotor cortex could recognize patients with different levels of impedance of cognizance. Laureys et al. found a correlation between the recovery of consciousness and complex cognitive behavior and the restoration of functional MRI and metabolic thalamo-cortical connectivity, which is consistent with our findings or demonstrated that lesions of the mesencephalon, thalamus, and basal ganglia are associated with adverse outcomes in consciousness disorders. However, the meso-circuit's structural integrity must be maintained for awareness to exist, but it is not sufficient. Awareness is critically dependent on adequate cortico-cortical communication, primarily driven by long-range connections between the frontal and parietal regions, despite the central roles that the thalamus and striatum play in regulating arousal and modulating the excitatory input to the cortex [8].

Numerous studies have demonstrated that MCS patients have better preserved cortical connectivity than VS/UWS patients and that preserved connectivity within and between cortical networks can predict successful coma recovery. In addition, after a coma, more adverse outcomes were associated with widespread brain injury affecting larger cortical areas; our analyses showed that the structural subnetwork included connections between the thalamocortex and the superior frontal and parietal regions. However, we did not find a lot of correlations between the clinical scores and direct corticocortical connections. This could be credited to the heterogeneity of our example with regards to injury area and dispersion, etiology, and clinical seriousness. The current findings may reflect the thalamo-cortical connectivity as a common denominator of the white matter integrity necessary (but not sufficient) for the successful recovery from coma in our sample in the presence of such heterogeneity [9].


Generally, this study exhibits that the map book based approach presents a doable and even minded strategy to concentrate on primary network in a populace with extreme cerebrum wounds. Contrary to tractography, which is sensitive to diffusion MRI acquisition parameters its main advantage is the ability to create structural connectomes without fiber tracking and if applied to a brain with larger anomalies, its validity is in doubt. Second, a map book based way to deal with survey underlying availability is simpler to utilize likewise for non-master clinical specialists and it is less requesting concerning the product gear and PC handling intricacy. However, there are significant limitations to this study that must be addressed. To start with, the exactness of cerebrum standardization to a layout may be compromised within the sight of the serious pathology. Utilizing sore concealing during standardization step might actually diminish such predisposition, but its standardization improvement is restricted within the sight of bigger and reciprocal injuries. Second, we used FA scalar maps to measure the structural integrity of the white matter [9].

The subnetwork recognized in our examination is primarily lateralized to the left half of the globe. Because the lesions in our sample were equally distributed across both hemispheres, this lateralized finding is not due to possibly more severe and frequent right hemispheric lesions. The left somatomotor cortex, on the other hand, is specialized in movement planning and execution thanks to its connections to the ventrolateral thalamus including the production of speeches. Behroozmand and others, a significant correlation between the clinical scores and the white matter integrity of this network may in fact reflect the neural structure that underpins verbal or functional communication and environment interaction. Indeed, the detection of signs of voluntary motor behavior is a crucial component in the clinical neurobehavioral assessment of consciousness. As a result, it's possible that a lack of connectivity within this network is not a sign of consciousness but rather a lack of ability to communicate the content [10].

Expanded water content because of edema lessens the FA esteems despite the fact that the axonal strands may be unblemished. Since this scalar has been shown to have the strongest correlation with the levels of consciousness in traumatic brain injury, we have chosen to conduct the current analysis using the FA values. Similar network analyses on various DWI scalars, such as mean, axial, and radial diffusivity, could potentially yield additional information regarding the nature of the structural changes in the brain. At last, because of the review idea of the review, our outcomes are potentially frustrated with the heterogeneity of our example as far as age, etiology, sore sort and areas as well as by the inconstancy of X-ray securing boundaries. As a result, a prospective study using cutting-edge diffusion imaging techniques should be used to replicate the current findings [10].


In conclusion, this study demonstrates a significant correlation between the clinical outcome of patients who recover pathologically from a coma and the level of white matter integrity. Using a connectome atlas-based strategy, we discovered a structural connectivity subnetwork that was primarily located in the left hemisphere and included connections between the thalamus, putamen, and precentral and postcentral gyrus. This subnetwork was correlated with improved recovery from coma. The current findings may contribute to the application of neuroimaging in the assessment and planning of rehabilitation for patients with severe brain injuries and advance our current understanding of neural biomarkers for predicting recovery from coma.



Conflict of Interest



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