Open-Access-Artificial-Intelligence-Journals | Open Access Journals

Global Journal of Technology and Optimization

ISSN: 2229-8711

Open Access


The Open Access Artificial Intelligence Journal, a companion evaluated diary, is a significant and solid source. Artificial Intelligence (AI) alludes to the recreation of human knowledge in machines that are customized to think like people and copy their activities. The term may likewise be applied to any machine that displays characteristics related with a human psyche, for example, learning and critical thinking. Man-made reasoning depends on the rule that human knowledge can be characterized such that a machine can without much of a stretch copy it and execute undertakings, from the most easy to those that are considerably increasingly mind boggling. The objectives of computerized reasoning incorporate picking up, thinking, and discernment.

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Google Scholar citation report
Citations: 847

Global Journal of Technology and Optimization received 847 citations as per Google Scholar report

Global Journal of Technology and Optimization peer review process verified at publons

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