Civil Military Operations Open Access Articles | Open Access Journals

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Civil Military Operations Open Access Articles

CMO is conducted in conjunctionv with combat operations during wartime and becomes a central part of a military campaign in counter-insurgencies. CMO is often called civil-military co-operation or CIMIC in NATO operations and civil-military co-ordination in UN operations. Civil-military operations are activities of a military force to minimize civil interference on and maximize civil support for militaryv operations to facilitate accomplishing the mission. Open access to the scientific literature means the removal of barriers (including price barriers) from accessing scholarly work. There are two parallel “roads” towards open access: Open Access articles and self-archiving. Open Access articles are immediately, freely available on their Web site, a model mostly funded by charges paid by the author (usually through a research grant). The alternative for a researcher is “self-archiving” (i.e., to publish in a traditional journal, where only subscribers have immediate access, but to make the article available on their personal and/or institutional Web sites (including so-called repositories or archives)), which is a practice allowed by many scholarly journals.

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