
Journal of Diabetic Complications & Medicine

ISSN: 2475-3211

Open Access

Ioannis Nezis

Department of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Campus, UK

  • Mini Review   
    Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy as Determined by the Sural Nerve Conduction Study
    Author(s): Ioannis Nezis*

    The morphology of fungi in the Zoopagaceae and Cochlonemataceae (Zoopagales, Zoopagomycotina,Zygomycota) is reviewed, and some new ultrastructural information on conidia and zygospores, as well as haustoria and vegetative thalli in the former, is added. In ultrathin sections, the cell wall of Acaulopage dichotoma, Ac. tetraceros, Stylopage cephalote, Zoophagus insidians, and Zph. tentaclum (Zoopagaceae), as well as Cochlonema odontosperma and Endocochlus gigas, is known to be composed of outer electron-dense and inner less dense layers, and no additional cell walls were found Although two nuclei were discovered in the zygosporangium before maturation to the zygospore in Acaulopage rhaphidospora, more than one nucleus had never been observed in an ultrathin section of a zygospore in either of these families... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2157-2475-3211.7.185

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