lecturer of biotechnology in university
He is a researcher. His area of expertise is Metabolic Syndrome, heart disease and diabetes. He has served as an peer-reviewed editor for several reputed journals and also published several research papers in the international journals.
vitamin D; Endocrinology; Bone health; Cancer; Calcium-sensing receptor.
Currently, she leads three broad arms of research: (a) the study of vitamin D compounds, including the byproducts of overexposure to the sun and their role in reducing UV-induced DNA damage in skin; (b) Studies determining how vitamin D status is maintained in winter, including the potential role of skeletal muscle as a storage repository during times of reduced vitamin D synthesis; (c) The calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of osteoporosis, based on the ligand-dependent signalling bias noted for the CaSR
Journal of Metabolic Syndrome received 48 citations as per Google Scholar report