Analysis of Different Populations of Lutjanus Kasmira

Journal of Phylogenetics & Evolutionary Biology

ISSN: 2329-9002

Open Access

Mini Review - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 9

Analysis of Different Populations of Lutjanus Kasmira

Zhao Linlin*
*Correspondence: Zhao Linlin, Department of Phylogenetics, College of Agriculture and Forestry, Linyi University, Linyi, China, Email:
Department of Phylogenetics, College of Agriculture and Forestry, Linyi University, Linyi, China

Received: 04-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. jpgeb-22-77989; Editor assigned: 06-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. P-77989; Reviewed: 18-Sep-2022, QC No. Q-77989; Revised: 23-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. R-77989; Published: 30-Sep-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2329-9002.2022.10.240
Citation: Linlin, Zhao. “Analysis of Different Populations of Lutjanus Kasmira.”J Phylogenetics Evol Biol 10 (2022): 240.
Copyright: © 2022 Linlin Z. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Lutjanus kasmira has a place with the family Lutjanidae. Throughout the course of recent years, the L. kasmira populace in the South China Ocean has been contracting because of environmental change, tension from human exercises, and deficient food supplies. In this review, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) information acquired from limitation site-related DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) were utilized to evaluate the hereditary variety of L. kasmira in Zhubi Dao (ZB) and Meiji Dao (MJ). The noticed heterozygosity (Ho) of people from the ZB populace and MJ populace was 0.46834 and 0.23103, individually. Albeit the ZB and MJ populaces didn't have huge hereditary contrasts, the hereditary separation between them was affirmed utilizing populace structure, phylogenetic and head part investigations. These outcomes showed that the hereditary variety of the ZB and MJ populaces was generally low at the genome level, and that their hereditary contrasts were little.


Pollution • Ecology • Temperature


Lutjanus kasmira belongs to the family Lutjanidae. Over the past 20 years, the L. kasmira population in the South China Sea has been shrinking due to climate change, pressure from human activities, and inadequate food supplies. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are DNA sequence polymorphisms caused by the transformation or transposition of a single nucleotide at the genomic level. SNP markers are a tool for studying the genetic structure of species [1]. Since any base of genomic DNA can be mutated, SNP molecular markers are ubiquitous in animals and plants. SNPs have the advantages of a large number, a wide distribution, strong representativeness, good genetic stability, and convenience for high-throughput and highly automated detection and analysis. The distribution of SNPs in the genome can comprehensively reflect a population’s genetic variation [2].

L. kasmira is a typical reef-dwelling fish found throughout the Indo-Pacific region, from Australia in the east to Japan in the north. Individuals of this species are mainly distributed around the South China Sea islands, Taiwan waters, and in the southern portion of the East China Sea. L. kasmira has a bright yellow surface and a reddish underside; the side of the body bears four blue longitudinal bands, with an indistinct black spot between the third and fourth blue bands. In recent years, the habitat of this species, i.e., coral reefs and mangroves, has been reduced and degraded due to anthropogenic destruction and environmental pollution. Moreover, L. kasmira suffers from overfishing due to its delicious meat, high economic value, and spawning clusters [3]. At present, studies on L. kasmira mainly focus on its physiological ecology and molecular systematics; there are no reports on the development of SNP markers and the genetic diversity level of L. kasmira. In this study, the whole-genome SNPs of L. kasmira were first discovered by restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) technology and then used to analyze the genetic diversity and structure of this fish species, providing a theoretical basis for the rational development and conservation of its germplasm resources.

RAD-seq is an improved on genome sequencing innovation in light of entire genome limitation locales created based on secondage sequencing [4]. The quantity of RAD markers created by this strategy is multiple times higher than that of conventional subatomic marker improvement innovation, with high exactness and high information use. RAD-seq abbreviates the marker improvement cycle contrasted with that of conventional markers and decreases exploratory expenses. The innovation can likewise evaluate for SNPs for an enormous scope in animal groups without a reference genome. SNPs are another sort of DNA atomic marker with wide application possibilities. SNPs happen at a high recurrence and have a high marker thickness in many genomes. Contrasted and straightforward succession rehash (SSR) markers, SNPs have higher hereditary soundness and are simpler to robotize. RAD-seq innovation can likewise be utilized to develop linkage maps [5].

In past examinations, hereditary variety was concentrated mostly by SSR examination and D-circle arrangement examination; however these procedures have innate hardships in acquiring great DNA from out of control people. By alluding to the investigation of 29 Rhinopithecus roxellana, we involved RAD-seq to distinguish SNP markers in 30 L. kasmira people in this review and further broke down the hereditary variety levels of various populaces of this species. In view of an investigation of L. kasmira in the South China Ocean by microsatellite examination, further investigation was performed [6]. A correlation of the consequences of this review with those of different examinations shows that the level of variety of L. kasmira in the ZB and MJ regions is low. This mirrors its p capacity to adjust to ecological change and answer regular determination. Subsequently, it is important to research the wild populace straightaway and decide how to work on its hereditary variety. A bigger example size would create all the more measurably hearty outcomes. More examples ought to be gathered in various areas for more thorough hereditary variety examination later on.

These outcomes might be expected to overfishing and an Earthwide temperature boost, which have decreased the hereditary variety of wild populaces. In this manner, there is a pressing need to safeguard the populace hereditary assets of L. kasmira, and we can work on its hereditary variety through fishing limitation assurance measures and counterfeit reproducing of prevalent assortments [7]. It is proposed that viable populace size investigation and populace history following ought to be performed for L. kasmira.

In this review, SNP information acquired by RAD-seq innovation was utilized to examine the hereditary variety in two populaces of L. kasmira, giving another way to deal with hereditary variety assessment. The outcomes showed that the hereditary variety of the two populaces was generally low at the genome level. To guarantee sufficient endurance of the species, it is important to safeguard existing variety and go to lengths to work on hereditary variety [8]. To advance the solid and practical improvement of germplasm assets of L. kasmira, much consideration ought to be given to improving and keeping up with its populace hereditary variety, to executing strategies to increment quality stream, and to reproducing great assortments by applying sub-atomic rearing procedures [9,10].


At long last, our outcomes show that the RAD-seq strategy can distinguish SNP markers and apply them to the exploration of hereditary variety, with the advantages of an enormous number of markers, low expenses, and straightforward robotization. This study is helpful for the preservation of sea-going germplasm assets as well concerning the turn of events and use of top notch assets.


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