Geographic-information-system-high-impact-factor-journals | Open Access Journals

Journal of Environmental Hazards

ISSN: 2684-4923

Open Access


Geographical information system refers to the natural distribution of varied sorts of flora and fauna on the world . The geographical distribution analysis helps within the estimation of climate changes and its impacts and their inter-relation to different parts of the world . The proportional arrangement of those flora and fauna, also help in analysis the character and causes of ecosystem balance and  unbalance within the vicinity of their area. Geographic-information-system-high-impact-factor-journals may be a periodical publication intended to further progress of science, usually by reporting novel research. There are thousands of scientific journals in publication, and lots of more are published at various points within the past. Most journals are highly specialized, although a number of the oldest journals publish articles and scientific papers across a good range of scientific fields

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