Ospan A Mynbaev
Institute of Physics and Technology ,State University
Prof.Dr. Ospan A Mynbaev has received his PhD in 1992 confirmed by Higher Attestation Commission of USSR followed by the period of his postgraduate studies in Academic VI Kulakov Research Center Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology and Russian Scientific Center of Surgery BV Petrovsky 1988-1992; ScD in 1997 conferment by Higher Attestation Commission of Russia followed by the period of his postdoctoral research in Academic VI Kulakov Research Center Obstetrics, Gynecology and MV Lomonosov Moscow State University 1993-1997; MSc MedPharm in 2006 followed by the period of his research in Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University 2004-2006. Currently, he is working as invited adjunct professor and leading researcher in the International Translational Medicine & Biomodeling research team, MIPT center for human physiology studies of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia; Professor of Department Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia; The Principal Researcher, Laboratory of Pilot Projects, Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as the Representative of New European Surgical Academy in Russia. His multidisciplinary research has included translational medicine topics, including postsurgical adhesion formation (ScD), pathophysiology of CO2-pneumoperitoneum (KULeuven-PostDoc), tubal microsurgery (PhD), postsurgical tumor metastasis (MSc), Cervical pathology and HPV, and many other issues. Based on these research and fellowship training he has received several awards and honors, such as: The Honarable mention prize-diploma for multidisciplinary paper for abstract presented at the SLS congress, ENDO-EXPO, (Boston, 2006);The award (1st prize) for scientific presentation at the All-Russian ObGyn Forum, Moscow (2010); Raul Palmer prize, ESGE congress, Lisboa, Portugal (2001); Jerome J. Hoffmann prize, AAGL annual meeting California, USA (2001); The American Society for Reproductive Medicine for paper review prize(2006); An individual grant from the owner and vice-president of Karl Storz, Mrs Sybil Storz, (Germany, 2007); Gratitude letters signed by: Paul Alan Wetter, MD, Professor Emeritus, University of Miami School of Medicine, Chairman, Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (Washington DC, 2013); the NESA president (Berlin, 2012); the president of international forum on cervical pathology Moscow (2012); the Rector of Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry, (2012); the ESG president, (Paris, 2011); the IXth ESG congress president Copenhagen, Denmark(2011); Fertil & Steril ad hoc review gratitude letters (2007-2011); the Healthcare Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, (Astana, 2007). Soros foundation prize, (Moscow, 1994), The NewYork Academy of Sciences membership invitation, (NewYourk, 1994); The Honorable Mention diploma, signed by the vice-chairman of the Scientific ObGyn Society of USSR, Prof. E.M.Vikhlyaeva, (Moscow, 1990); Honorable mention diploma for research presentation at the All-USSR conference of young researchers and physicians, (Alma-Ata, 1985). He is serving as a co-editor of the OMICS publishing group/clinical series, an Editorial Board Member of ‘IRED Conferences & Journals’, ‘American Journal of Experimental and Clinical Resaerch’, ‘the Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology’, ‘Int J of Medicine’, ‘Open Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology’, ‘Preventive Medicine and Population Health Frontiers’, ‘Advances in sexual medicine’, ‘Journal, Chronicles of Surgery’. He is serving as ad hoc reviewer of ‘Fertility & Sterility’, ‘Am.J of Pathology’, ‘BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology’, ‘International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics’, ‘Arch of Virology’, ‘Reproductive sciences’, ‘Human Reproduction’; ‘Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine’, ‘Advances in Medical Sciences’, ‘OJOG’, ‘International Journal of Nanomedicine’, ‘International Journal of Women's Health’. ‘International Medical Case Reports’, ‘Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine’. He has honoured as an invited professor of Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology (State University), as Doctor in de Medische Wetenschappen by the Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Brussles, Belgium by assessment of experts from Katolieke Universiteit Leuven and Ghent University, a corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History. He is a member of NESA, ESG, ESC, IPVSOC, ISFP, (PAX, 2004-2008), Member of New York Academy of Sciences (1994) and other professional scientific societies. He has authored more than 100 research articles; 5 books. An Invited Speaker of the SLS congress (Washington DC), Reston, 2013; NESA days, Spain, Majorca, 2013, The VIIth PAX meeting, Belgium, Leuven, 2006 and other international meetings since 2000.
Experimental and Clinical Resaerch, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Preventive Medicine and Population Health Frontiers, Advances in sexual medicine, Surgery
Journal of Clinical Case Reports received 1345 citations as per Google Scholar report